Author Journey (February 2020)

And that’s it for February 2020! Can you believe we’re already two months into the year? It feels like only yesterday that I made my twenty goals for 2020… I should probably check in on those…
Got any big announcements?
Talking about my goals for 2020, one of them was to publish at least one post a day. Well, this is day sixty and so far I’ve published three posts a day… every day… Not to mention the final fourteen days of December where I also published three posts a day. Some of this has been republishing my older posts that disappeared in the relaunch, but that doesn’t mean I’m just changing the dates. No, I’ve been editing them and updating the format and even the text. I’ve added new images and tags, too. It was also a part of my plan to get my SEO ranking back to where it was before I threw it all away.
Basically, I’ve been working none stop to get things back to normal. Finally, I feel like things are starting to settle and I shall be slowing down the number of posts. I’ve been neglecting the fiction writing for a little too long and really want to get back into publishing books.

How’s the writing going?
Amazing. I don’t even try to make these links and they just happen. Well, after saying all that, I have been editing book one of the Black Death trilogy. Last month, I mentioned that I was reordering the chapters so that it made sense with the times of day. I think that went pretty well and I even added a couple more chapters to fill in certain spots. The last thing that remains is to do a complete read through, or rather a listen. It’s a method that I find to be really useful in the editing process. You can use whatever text to speech software you want, but I have my computer read the document to me. I can read through with it and make notes on missing words, repeated words, and stuff that just doesn’t make any sense.
Following that, I’ll hand it over to my co-author who will probably do the same. Then, it’s on to books two and three. I will say this, editing is a very different skill to writing and it takes just as much practice. It also means that I’ve not been flexing my creativity enough lately as editing is more analytical. So, to get things moving again before I start work on my main fantasy series, I’m going to write a science fiction, time-travel, murder mystery trilogy. It’s going to be a dark comedy full of absurd situations and bizarre characters. I’m looking forward to having the time to work on projects like that again.
Have you done anything interesting?
Amazingly, this is my one-hundred and eightieth post of 2020 so, as you might imagine, there’s not been much time for anything else. As I continue to work towards my twenty goals for 2020, I feel like I’m making good progress on some and very little on others. That said, I’m confident that I’m moving in the right direction. Last week, I started on the goal to climb one-hundred flights of stairs in a day. I have my daily average up to twenty flights right now. If I wanted to, I’m pretty sure I could just go and do it, but my goal is to make it more sustainable. I want to be able to do it everyday, which will hopefully, help with my other goal of shedding some of my excess weight.
What have you been watching?
I haven’t dropped anything since last month and for the most part, I’m really enjoying it. There is one notable exception and it even prompted me to make it the focus of a Sunday Sevens where I discuss the issues that I’m having with it. I am, of course, talking about Plunderer. There was another series that got the spotlight, but for very different reasons. BOFURI is my favourite series from this season, but it also has some very cool technology that got me thinking about its potential applications. The only other talking point at this stage has been how my enjoyment of My Hero Academia has waned of late, which is really disappointing considering how much I loved the earlier seasons.
- Somali and the Forest Spirit
- Infinite Dendrogram
- Darwin’s Game
- My Hero Academia (continuing)
- In/Spectre
- ID: Invaded
- BOFURI: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense

Do you have any plans for next month?
Basically, it’s going to be more of the same, but slightly less. I would love to get the second book of Black Death to the same level as book one and also map out the plot for my science fiction trilogy. I have a good idea for the first part, but I need to make it work all the way through. That’s fine, I love the plotting stage. One time, I plotted the first book in a harem comedy series using my phone on a three hour flight. There’s nothing quite as exciting as seeing a bunch of ideas come together.

[…] Lynn […]