Author Journey (June 10, 2024)

2024 06 10 The Otaku Author Journey

The day job went nuts this week and wiped out two of my evenings. However, even with that setback, I kept my head down and pushed on. So, did I keep up with my goals and what delightful thing have I got to talk about this week?

Author Journey (June 10, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

After discovering Highschool of the Dead back in 2013, I naturally jumped into Triage X, the creation of the artist of Highschool of the Dead, Shouji Sato. I bought the first three volumes and then sat around waiting for volume four to drop. Something happened… I mean I was living in New Zealand and having a lot of fun, so it wasn’t just something, but I stopped buying more books. I think my focus had switched to Attack on Titan around that time too, and I had a lot of books to catch up on. Anyhow, fast-forward to 2022 when I decided to pick up where I left off. Again, just like Highschool of the Dead, I came across a problem. While most of the volumes were readily available and a couple required some overseas purchases, there were three volumes that were impossible to find – volumes four, five, and seven.

Had I continued to buy them as they released, I wouldn’t have had a problem collecting the series. Now, it was virtually impossible unless I was prepared to pay several hundreds of dollars per book. The Yorkshire blood in me was never going to let that happen. So, for almost two years, I’ve been staring at the incomplete set, sitting on my bookshelf. Not any more! I managed to find a seller in the UK who was selling books one to seven as a set. The price wasn’t too bad. I mean it was over the odds, but not hundreds of times over, so I ordered them. They arrived last week and are now happily slotted in with the others. Needless to say, I’m delighted and even though I have no plans on ever selling my collection, the overall value just went up by a good chunk. So, if you find a series you like and want to own them, buy them as they release. There are so many series with random volumes that are now out of print and incredibly hard to find. The system is messed up, for sure!

That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Episode 57 Diablo is getting worked up
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Episode 57) – The Scheming of the Seven Days


Writing is definitely not my priority at the moment. The last couple of weeks, I’ve mentioned that I’ll be unable to do much in July so getting everything ready for then is my top priority. My books are constantly playing in my head as I refine the scenes and separate the characters’ voices so it’s not like I’m just not doing anything. One thing, I will be able to do in July is draw and plot, so I plan on making the most of that then, which lessens the guilt of not doing anything in June.


Last week, I finished watching Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I’m Not the Demon Lord which is my penultimate show from the Winter 2024 lineup. I kept up with my seasonal shows and started on my last series – Metallic Rouge. I’m only three episodes in so I’ll refrain from commenting, but I’ve enjoyed every show that I’ve watched so far. Hopefully, number fifteen will keep that trend alive!

Catching up on my To-Watch List

Winter 2024

Spring 2024


I managed to finish another series last week. So, that’s Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs, Gigant, and now Gleipnir in the space of two weeks. That’s a lot of emotional turmoil to put up with. It also means that I get to pick the next couple of series to move on to. It’s going to be hard to follow those three, but I’m fairly confident that I don’t have anything on my bookshelf that’s going to frustrate me.

Anime Watched6 Episodes13 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books4 Books
Posts Scheduled10 Posts10 Posts
Words Written5,0000 words
Artwork Completed1 Piece0 Sketches
Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 20 Elinalise reassured Rudeus
Mushoku Tensei II: Jobless Reincarnation (Episode 20) – Into the Labyrinth

Aspirations for the week!

There are twenty-six days until my break and as such, I’m hyper-focused on what I need to do so that I have nothing to worry about during July. Obviously, I’ll still keep up with my Author Journey posts through July although they may be slightly shorter than normal and I will get things like header images sorted ahead of time. That leaves anime and manga posts. My initial goal is to have everything scheduled for the time that I’ll be away. If I achieve that, I’d love to have the first week that I’m back sorted too so that it’s not a mass panic!

My workload currently looks like this. I have thirteen manga posts to schedule with fifteen as my stretch goal. Then, I have twenty-seven anime posts to schedule, plus another three for the following week if I have time. To get everything done and go away relaxed, I have to write one anime review per day (with one extra squeezed in somewhere) and half a manga post a day. It doesn’t sound that crazy! I might actually do it!

Of course, that’s before the day job or whatever real-life events the universe throws at me happen. So, yeah. I have lots to do. Guess I had better get on with it! Thanks for reading.

Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


  1. Understandable if this segment of yours is turned from a weekly into a monthly post. Meanwhile I’ve in recovery stage from the flu so it’s been one whole week that I was unable to think and write down my latest chapter properly. But silver lining was that I’ve got some newly-made proper directions for future chapters though it’s not in a clear form in my head yet. May you are able to write down whatever important scenes before your busy month, Lynn.

    • You’re right, I could switch to monthly for a short while, but I also like the idea of checking in every week. I’m sure I’ll find something to talk about. That sucks that you had the flu. Stuff like that makes it hard to focus on anything. Good work getting those chapters moving in the right direction though.

    • Thanks. I’ve been on the lookout for a while now and was ready to start hitting yard sales and second hand markets in the off chance that they might show up. Glad I don’t have to do that now, but I do keep checking the online stuff for other rare and out of print books. I can’t help myself…

  2. Your tenacity is admirable! I’ve mentioned to you before. I’m lucky if I have one scheduled post at all times LOL. Anyhow, I hope you have a terrific July doing whatever it is that you’re doing!

    • Thanks. If I could just find a way to make money doing this… Ha! One day maybe. And thanks again. I’ll be sure to reveal more as July unfolds.

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