Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story (Episode 10) – Evangeline is Frightfully Upset

Eve struggles to get used to attending school when all she wants to do is play golf against Aoi. If she wants that, she’ll need to join the golf club, but will she pass the coach’s entrance test?
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story (Episode 10) – Evangeline is Frightfully Upset
What happened?
Eve has no memory of ever attending school and it’s turning out to be quite the shock for her. She had to attend lessons and wear the uniform all day and when she finally finds Aoi, she has no time to play golf. Aoi recommends that Eve join the golf club and then she’ll be able to play her as much as she likes. Amane is confused as to why Aoi wants Eve to join the club, but then Aoi confirms that she needs Eve for her golf. Eve is the rival she’s been searching for.
Eve barges into the coach’s office and asks to join the club. He tells her she will need to take a test which she assumed would be to play against him at golf. He tells her she couldn’t beat him, but that just fires her up even more. She storms out followed by Ichina. Then, she latches onto two girls and convinces them to take her somewhere fun. They go to the mall, play games, eat ice cream, and try on clothes. Then, they need to go home as they have a curfew with their parents.
Ichina reveals that they too had a curfew and have well passed it. Then a girl from a rival school approaches them and challenges Eve to a game of crazy golf. Eve’s still fired up and itching for a release. Kuyo is known for her ability to putt and shows why. Eve plays her own way which flusters both Kuyo and Ichina but still gets a hole-in-one on every hole. It gets to Kuyo so much that she almost breaks. Luckily for her, her partner, Kaoruko shows up and takes the shot with a pitching wedge!

What did you think?
This was a wild episode. It showed us just how crazy the world of high school girls’ golf is. Of course, the coach was testing Eve and doing his best to give her some motivation. It’s funny that no one can just want to be the best, they have to have someone they need to beat. I understand it from playing sports, but they really are driving the idea home. I guess the biggest surprise for me is how the coaches are using that deliberately.
Anyhow, we got to see Eve when she’s angry and when she’s charming. The mad dog lady killer as Ichina noted. Seeing Eve having fun was nice, but it’s no substitute for golf. Even seeing her play crazy golf is an absolute joy to watch. Even Kuyo noticed how it was impossible to look away, which is perfect for Eve as her game is designed to break her opponent. We’ve seen it before where she forces them to make errors trying to keep up.
I’m guessing we’re going to work our way up to the doubles tournament although there are only three episodes left and the next one looks like it’ll be focused on training. Does that leave enough time for the tournament or will that have to wait for season two? I hope not, but the fact that season two has already been announced, I don’t have that much to worry about. Either way, this has been a captivating series and I can’t wait for more.

Episode Highlights

Other reviews in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – Rainbow Bullet
- Episode 2 – Innocent Tyrant
- Episode 3 – A Match Between Just the Two of Us
- Episode 4 – Vipère
- Episode 5 – VR
- Episode 6 – Rebellion’s Cry
- Episode 7 – Purple Bullet
- Episode 8 – Final Bullet
- Episode 9 – Ichina Saotome Wants to Be a Pro Caddy!
- Episode 10 – Evangeline is Frightfully Upset
- Episode 11 – No Matter How Tall a Weed Grows, It Will Never Reach the Sun
- Episode 12 – Are Aoi and Eve okay together? The Doubles Championship Begins
- Episode 13 – I Think Who Gets What Room Is Very Important For Girls
- Season Two
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