Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 64) – Journey’s End

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Title

Edward and Alphonse return home and catch up with Winry, however, they decide that there is more for them to do in the world and head off on separate adventures. In time, they hope to unlock the full potential of alchemy.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Episode 64) – Journey’s End

What happened?

Mustang has decided to make amends for his role in the Ishvalan War by returning the land to the people and making a push for peace. His team are busy preparing him for this task when Doctor Knox comes in and asks how Mustang is doing with his sight. He accepts it but is not entirely all right about it. That’s when Doctor Marcoh enters and reveals that he has a philosopher’s stone and that with it, he may be able to restore his sight. He accepts, but first Marcoh will need to heal someone else.

Ling will return to Xing with a philosopher’s stone and become the Emperor, however, he promises to look after Mei Chang’s clan and all the clans for that matter. He intends to unit the county under him, which is a little greedy…

Olivier Armstrong and Miles visit Scar who is recovering at the Armstrong estate. She reveals what Mustang is planning and how that Miles will lead the restoration processes. Of course, the reason they saved Scar is so that he could assist Miles. Scar agrees to follow Miles everywhere.

Edward and Alphonse returned home and were met by an emotional Winry, delighted to see Alphonse back in his body, and also Edward. They stayed for a while but then realised there was more for them to do. Alphonse returned to Central where he picked up Zampano and Jerso. They are planning on travelling East to Xing where Alphonse will learn about Alkehestry.

Meanwhile, Edward is planning on going West to learn all he can from that area. Together they hope to see the world and uncover the truths of alchemy. Before getting on his train, Edwards mumbles something about equivalent exchange and tries to make it romantic. Winry shoots him down and tells her that half is not enough. She makes him promise to return soon.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 64 Alphonse and Edward

What did you think?

I said in my review of episode sixty-three that this would just be a wrap-up episode and it was. It was nice and answered some questions while leaving some things for the future. Was this episode necessary? I’m inclined to say no, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be enjoyed and it was a nice way to end things. It lacked the emotional punch of the previous episode though, which is probably where I would have ended things.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 64 Winry

What have you learnt?

I don’t really have much to say about this episode as it was just a bunch of threads being wrapped up in a calm and neat manner. The moment between Edward and Winry at the end was nice, but it didn’t really add much to their existing relationship, other than maybe they both said it out loud.

In story structure, this episode would be classified as the denouement where all the loose threads are tied up. The main conflict should have been resolved by this point and it was. I think this is why this section is sometimes overlooked. Often it will appear as a short scene at the end of a movie or in a book, but anime likes to give it an episode all of its own. I don’t hate the idea exactly, but I do like a strong ending that leaves you breathless. That’s not what the denouement is meant to do, however.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 64 Edward and Winry

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