Gleipnir (Episode 10) – Beautiful Flower

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Gleipnir Title

Overpowered and outnumbered, Clair and Shuuichi find themselves in a bit of a pickle. After capturing them, Madoka gives them a decision. Sacrifice one of their team and join him or they all die!

Gleipnir (Episode 10) – Beautiful Flower

What happened?

Clair points out that Madoka already punched two of the group and if one of them die, do they still need to pick another. Madoka was impressed with her question but insists that they still need to pick someone, although she is free from being selected. He will give them some time to think, but he reminds them that there is no escaping.

The group retreat to work out their strategy and wait to see if Isao and Yota recover. Luckily, they do, but they still have the question of what to do. Clair says that they have to sacrifice someone. Everyone else looks at the floor, but then Ikeuchi agrees with her. However, as the only one, he appears to have volunteered himself… Isao walks away to get some fresh air, but Clair follows him and gives him a chance to show her how strong and valuable he is.

Isao seeds the forest with oleander from a cutting Clair had on her. Exactly where the ziplock bag was hidden is a mystery, but she has it and it’s a fairly common flower, but it’s poisonous and fire doesn’t break it down. She plans on setting fire to the woods, giving them a chance to escape and killing Madoka and his team. Shuuichi says that he will help her as he doesn’t want her to carry the burden alone.

Ikeuchi rushes to Madoka and attempts to betray the group, but Sayaka’s hair activates and beheads him. It’s too late for Madoka who hurries into the fire to rescue his friends that have suffered from the poison. Meanwhile, Elena meets with the Alien and she doesn’t look very happy.

Gleipnir Episode 10 Clair and Shuuichi trapped

What did you think?

This series is incredible. Clair is incredible! Once again Clair has shown us what a capable female lead can do. She is brilliant and utterly ruthless. I do still want to know exactly where she had that bag with oleander, but that’s not overly important. It was cool to see how the others in the group reacted when they realised just how much of a threat Clair is. Her notion is that the monsters themselves aren’t scary, it’s the person that makes them scary. If that’s so, just imagine how scary Clair would be with a power!

I have a couple of observations from this episode. I think Madoka’s right-hand guy who had the scarf around his face is actually Shuuichi’s friend that he saw a couple of episodes ago burying the dog. I also think that the alien may not be exactly what we think. Could he be the first person to collect one hundred coins and is just using everyone else to get him more coins? It looks like that might be what Elena is thinking… I’m loving this series and can’t wait to see the rest of it.

Episode highlights


What’s the Plan?





English TitleGleipnir
Japanese TitleGleipnir
ReleasedSpring 2020
Animation StudiosPine Jam
GenresActionEcchi, Monsters, Mystery, Supernatural


English TitleGleipnir
Japanese TitleGleipnir
AuthorSun Takeda
ArtistSun Takeda
GenresActionEcchi, Monsters, Mystery, Supernatural

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