Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II (Episode 6) – Ishtar Familia | City of Lust

Mikoto has been acting a little weird of late, so when she says she’s going to bed early and then sneaks out, Bell, Welf, and Liliruca decide to follow and see what’s been troubling her.
What did you watch?
It’s time for episode 6 of Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? II and the beginning of a new arc. We’re going to meet new gods and new characters, Bell is going to get into all sorts of trouble, and it’s going to be great. If the last episode was a relaxed and funny episode, then this one was hilarious. The spoilers will follow Ishtar’s declaration that night has begun!

What happened?
Bell, Welf, and Liliruca followed Mikoto to the Pleasure District, home of Ishtar Familia. Mikoto was with a friend and seemed flustered and out of sorts. Welf and Liliruca managed to save them from an incident with some men looking for a good time. Once the dust had settled and Mikoto revealed that an old friend may have started working here and they were looking to save her, they realised that Bell was missing. Poor naive Bell was a little out of his comfort zone.
Luckily for Bell, he bumped into a familiar face. Unluckily, it was Hermes who told Bell not to tell anyone that he’d seen him and gave him a present, a powerful and incredibly expensive aphrodisiac! Once Hermes had gone on his merry way, Bell bumped into an Amazon who took a liking to him, along with her companions. They abducted him and went back to the Ishtar Familia home. Once there, a squabble broke out about who would get to play with the Little Rookie first. Bell took the chance to run. Now, he’s got to try to get out of the Pleasure District without being caught or who knows what will happen to him…

What did you think?
So, this is the third episode in a row that I have absolutely loved. I’ve enjoyed them all, but these three have been a lot of fun and this one was just hilarious. You can always count on Hermes to make the worst of a bad situation and Bell to be flustered and incredibly innocent. Rather than fighting and evading monsters in the dungeon, Bell was running through the Pleasure District escaping scantily clad Amazons. I don’t think I stopped laughing and then the part with Haruhime was excellent. I can’t wait to see where her story takes us.

What was your favourite moment?
So, of course, Bell would bump into Hermes in the Pleasure District. For me, that was the moment I fully laughed out loud. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, but it was and a welcome one at that. Hermes is just such a great character. He’s always up to something and he’s a bit of a rogue. I’m so glad that he’s going to be in it from the start of this season, unlike the first where he rolled in at the end and stole the show along with Ryu Lion.

What was your least favourite moment?
I loved the interaction between Bell and Haruhime once she’d realised he wasn’t a customer. She offered to help him escape once the sun came up and all she wanted was him to stay and talk. They discussed their favourite stories about heroes and adventures, but then Haruhime explained how she came to be where she was. The worst part is she seemed to accept that she had done something wrong and deserved everything she got. You could see how conflicted Bell was with her statements as he obviously just wanted to save her there and then.

Who was your favourite character?
She wasn’t in it that much, but when she was she certainly held your attention. The main reason I liked Ishtar so much is that she knows how to get what she wants and even other gods like Hermes are powerless to resist her. Seeing Hermes curled up in the bed crying was hilarious, although I’m not sure if he’s crying because of what he revealed or that it was over. Either way, Ishtar is going to make things very interesting.

Who was your least favourite character?
I’m going to have nightmare’s about the large Amazon with the huge head. She’s probably really nice… who am I kidding? She was terrifying.

Would you like some more?
I love this series and will most likely continue to watch them until they stop making them. It’s hard to quantify exactly why, but everything seems to click together nicely for me and it’s my genre in fantasy and with gamer and harem subgenres, it couldn’t be more perfectly suited to me if it tried. If only there was a strong girl with a sword in it…

Other reviews in the series
- Season One
- OVA One
- Season Two
- Episode 0 – Past & Future
- Episode 1 – Party | Banquet of the Gods
- Episode 2 – Apollo | Sun God
- Episode 3 – Conversion | Gathering
- Episode 4 – War Game | War Game
- Episode 5 – Home | The Hearthfire Mansion
- Episode 6 – Ishtar Familia | City of Lust
- Episode 7 – Renard | Fox Person
- Episode 8 – Ephemeral Dreams | Killing Stone
- Episode 9 – Berbera | War Prostitutes
- Episode 10 – Argonaut | Longing to Be a Hero
- Episode 11 – Rakia | Army’s Advance
- Episode 12 – Song of Love | Goddess and Child
- OVA Two
- Season Three
- Episode 1 – Wiene Dragon’s Daughter
- Episode 2 – Monster | One Wing
- Episode 3 – Xenos | Outliers
- Episode 4 – Aspiration | Distant Dream
- Episode 5 – Ikelos Familia | King of Atrocity
- Episode 6 – Knossos | Man-Made Labyrinth
- Episode 7 – Dix Perdix | The Dreams of Beasts
- Episode 8 – Bell Cranel | The Fool
- Episode 9 – Stigma | Downfall
- Episode 10 – Invisible | Forced Breakthrough
- Episode 11 – Ultra Soul | Decisive Battle
- Episode 12 – Argonaut | Hero’s Return
- OVA Three
- Bonus Posts
- Series Review
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