Mushoku Tensei II: Jobless Reincarnation (Episode 10) – These Feelings

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Title

Rudeus has a chance to meet up with Soldat and takes Elinalise and Cliff with him. When they decide to go on an adventure, he heads home, however, he’s been having some strange feelings about Fitz and they won’t go away!

Mushoku Tensei II: Jobless Reincarnation (Episode 10) – These Feelings

What did you watch?

So far, the last episode may be one of my favourites of the season. While it didn’t have much in the way of action or adventuring, it introduced us officially to Silent Sevenstars or Shizuka Nanahoshi and it was very enlightening. It also raised a load more questions and I’m particularly excited about getting to the bottom of those. The big question now is how will this episode build on this new information as we prepare for the end of the season, well, the end of part one. It looks like this season will be split into two parts like the first one.

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Fitz stroking her ear

What happened?

Rudeus was continuing his daily grind which now included entertaining Badigadi who seemed to have become quite fond of Rudeus since their brief battle. The most notable change was that since he was working with Nanahoshi on her summoning experiments, he had stopped going to the library which meant he saw a lot less of Fitz. That upset him and he couldn’t quite put his finger on why that was. Then, he received a letter from Soldat inviting him to have lunch as he was visiting nearby.

Rudeus loved catching up with Soldat, although Soldat also had business to take care of so once lunch was over, he had to head into some clan meetings. That left Rudeus sitting with Elinalise and Cliff, and he didn’t want to be the third wheel on that cart. On his way back to school, he saw Luke and Fitz in the market. He went to greet them but was given the silent treatment by Fitz. He thought it odd but could tell that his presence wasn’t wanted. When he got back to school, he searched for someone to talk to, but couldn’t find anyone so he headed to the library to read.

In the library, he saw Fitz and was relieved to see that he wasn’t ignoring him anymore. He quickly realised that the Princess must disguise herself as Fitz to go out in public and that it was her he saw and not Fitz. However, he still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. This time he was the one who felt off. Was this love? Did he love Fitz? Rudeus went to the vice principal to ask about Fitz but got no closer to the answer. Then, a chance encounter in the library ended up with Fitz landing on top of Rudeus. He could tell that Fitz was a girl even though she denied it. The best part of it was a brief standing ovation from little Rudeus! There is hope!

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Rudeus and Fitz

What did you think?

How do write that sound you make when you exhale when something frustrating happens? Either way, that’s what I want to say right now. How did we follow up the introduction of Nanahoshi and the information about her summoning and how it created the teleportation event and her wanting to go home and Rudeus wanting to stay with an entire episode about little Rudeus? I love this series, but it’s made some very odd decisions this season. There’s such rich world-building and storytelling, but it’s interspersed by slave trading, kidnapping, sexual harassment, and erectile dysfunction, and all of this in a school arc in a fantasy world!

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Rudeus bored by Nanahoshi

What was your favourite moment?

I feel like they brought Soldat back and his reunion be remarkably uneventful just so we wouldn’t think we were missing anything by being in the school arc. Just heading in for another meeting! Soldat living the less exciting side of adventuring. Oh, but Elinalise and Cliff are going on an adventure, but Rudeus can’t come because he would cramp Cliff’s style. Actually, the best part was when Rudeus told Cliff about Laplace and how he moved a curse to the weapons he gave the Superd, although that just reminded me of the good old days. I hope the school arc ends soon.

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Soldat and Rudeus bored

Who was the most impactful character?

Well, that would be Fitz getting a rise out of little Rudeus. However, I am a little disappointed that he’s worked it out so soon. It would have been more interesting to see him muddle his way forward still thinking Fitz was a guy and then discovering that she’s actually a girl after confessing his feelings. I’m not sure whether that would have made Sylphiette’s predicament more precarious or not. Hang on, does Rudeus like men or me? She definitely needs her confidence back. Does anyone know who took it?

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Fitz getting frustrated

Was there any conflict?

It was interesting that Rudeus decided that Fitz had to be a girl rather than falling for a guy, although it killed that source of conflict which would have been entirely internal and something for Rudeus to work out on his own. Other than that, the best part was when he went to see the vice-principal who must have had a blast responding to Rudeus’ questions about Fitz’s sex, especially when Rudeus asked in such a way that he didn’t need to try to lie about it, even if he knows differently.

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Rudeus flustered

What have you learnt?

All I know right now with one hundred percent certainty is that I am over the school arc. To be honest, I was over it as soon as it started. Yes, it’s a chance to see Rudeus in a different scenario and meet some new people. We may get to learn some things too, but it’s not the exciting way to do those things. All of those could be achieved in a dungeon or a battlefield. After the first season which gave us the adventure through the Demon Continent and all the wonders between, this has been pale by comparison. I just hope this part of the season ends with a bang. I’ll be back for the second part regardless, but I would like something to keep me excited.

Mushoku Tensei II Jobless Reincarnation Episode 10 Cliff asking Rudeus about curses

Other posts in the series

Series Information

English TitleMushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Japanese TitleMushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
GenresActionComedyEcchi, FantasyIsekaiMagic


Season One – Part One
SeasonSeason One – Part One
ReleasedWinter 2021
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
1Jobless Reincarnation
3A Friend
4Emergency Family Meeting
5A Young Lady and Violence
6A Day Off in Roa
7What Lies Beyond Effort
8Turning Point 1
9A Chance Encounter
10The Value of a Life and the First Job
11Children and Warriors
Season One – Part Two
SeasonSeason One – Part Two
ReleasedFall 2021
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
12The Woman with the Demon Eyes
13Missed Connections
14No Such Thing As a Free Lunch
15Slow Life in the Doldia Village
16Family Squabble
18Separate Journeys
19Route Selection
20The Birth of My Little Sister, the Maid
21Turning Point 2
22Dreams and Reality
23Wake Up and Take a Step
Season One – Side Story
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Japanese TitleEris no Goblin Toubatsu
ReleasedWinter 2022
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
Season Two – Prequel
English TitleGuardian Fitz
Japanese TitleShugo Jutsushi Fitz
ReleasedSummer 2023
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
Season Two – Part One
SeasonSeason Two – Part One
ReleasedSummer 2023
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
1The Brokenhearted Mage
2The Forest in the Dead of Night
3Abrupt Approach
4Letter of Invitation
5Ranoa University of Magic
6I Don’t Want to Die
7The Kidnapping and Confinement of Beast Girls
8The Fiancé of Despair
9The White Mask
10These Feelings
11To You
12I Want to Tell You
Season Two – Part Two
SeasonSeason Two – Part Two
ReleasedSpring 2024
Animation StudiosStudio Bind
13My Dream Home
14Wedding Reception
16Norn and Aisha
17My Older Brother’s Feelings
18Turning Point 3
19Desert Journey
20Into the Labyrinth
21Magic Circle to the Sixth Stratum
23Let’s Go Home

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