Princess Connect! Re: Dive (Episode 8) – A Little, Lyrical Kids’ Meal ~Country-Style Fried Eggs~

After numerous food-based quests with food-based rewards, Yuuki spots a quest that speaks to him, but it’s not an official quest. After leaving the Guild Hall, they meet the owners of the quest and agree to help them.
Princess Connect! Re: Dive (Episode 8) – A Little, Lyrical Kids’ Meal ~Country-Style Fried Eggs~
What happened?
The quest was to help the three girls that were too young to form an official guild to learn about what a guild does and prepare them for once they’re older. Yuuki is happy to help and agrees to be their master. Pecorine, Kayrl, and Kokkoro put together a quest for the girls to do that will give them a taste of life as adventurers. With a map set out and some treasure at the end, the girls set off with Yuuki to watch over them. Of course, that’s a terrible idea and they soon wander off the route and into dangerous territory. Pecorine tried to steer them back with a monster costume she made, but they attack and continue on their way. Karyl and Kokkoro continue to follow them, taking out monsters in the background.
It was all going well until Yuuki was carried off by a monster bird. The girls tried to rescue him but were defeated too. Finally, Karyl and Kokkoro arrived and tried to help, but they were tired from all the helping they’d already done. Pecorine can’t fight back either because she can’t get out of her suit to eat. The monster bird breaks Pecorine out and she finds the girls’ lunch and powers up.

What did you think?
I am loving this series. We’ve had a few darker episodes which were nice, but this was all about the comedy. Not only did Yuuki almost get eaten by another werewolf, but a monster bird tried to eat him too. What is it about Yuuki that makes everything try to eat him? A toad even tried to in the paddy fields. I loved the way it followed through on a relatively obvious joke and managed to make it enjoyable all the way to the end. Of course, Yuuki was going to get it wrong and take them off the route and of course, Pecorine, Karyl, and Kokkoro were going to use all their magic and strength before the big fight. It was all completely obvious, but it worked.

What have you learnt?
It just goes to show that you can take a really simple idea and give it life with a little comedy and some interesting characters. I think the group dynamic works really well and having Yuuki as the protagonist is great because it gives the other characters the chance to continuously steal the show. He’s working almost like the average joe harem protagonist in that, he’s not that important but he allows others to shine. I still think he has an interesting back story and there will be some big revelations by the end of the season, so I’m looking forward to that. More, please!

Other reviews in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – The Adventure Begins ~Sautéed Mushrooms at Sunset~
- Episode 2 – A Moody Cat’s Mischief ~Warm, Golden Rice Balls~
- Episode 3 – The Epicurean Frontier ~Heavenly Fruit Is the Secret Ingredient~
- Episode 4 – Welcome to the Gourmet Guild ~Beef Stew at Nightfall~
- Episode 5 – Porridge Made With Love ~Topped with a Twilight Fate~
- Episode 6 – Melody of Departure ~Aromatic Spices under the Starry Sky~
- Episode 7 – A Light to Pierce the Darkness ~Like Two Sisters in a Pod~
- Episode 8 – A Little, Lyrical Kids’ Meal ~Country-Style Fried Eggs~
- Episode 9 – A Gourmet Getaway ~Fragrant Tentacles on the Beach~
- Episode 10 – Flowers in Eternal Darkness ~Cursed Pudding~
- Episode 11 – Evening Home ~A Crispy Quest Hot Dog~
- Episode 12 – The Whimsical Patissier’s Specialty ~A Memory of Labyrinths and Crepes~
- Episode 13 – Lost Princess ~Garnished with Smiles~
- Season Two
- Episode 14 – A Walk on the Gourmet Side ~Curiosity Is the Best Bouquet Garni~
- Episode 15 – A Moody Cat’s Hesitation ~Antipasto in the Moonlight~
- Episode 16 – Tea Party in the Mysterious Forest ~Afternoon Carries the Scent of Danger~
- Episode 17 – The Budding Detective ~Mirror Glaze on the Mind~
- Episode 18 – Light and Darkness as One ~Churrasco of Indecision and Resolve~
- Episode 19 – Code Name: Monika ~Bouillabaisse Is Best Enjoyed Hot~
- Episode 20 – The Prankster Pixie ~Cuore in the Mist~
- Episode 21 – A Letter to Join Feelings ~Arancini on the Green Hill~
- Episode 22 – Converging Hearts, Passing Souls ~Crepes the Flavor of a Promise~
- Episode 23 – Landosol at Sundown
- Episode 24 – Those Who Fight Back
- Episode 25 – Connecting the Pieces with You Once More
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I’m finding Princess Connect’s comedy to be nothing ground-breaking, however, for some peculiar reason, watching this has just been so, so ridiculously fun. Perhaps this show has just been catching me in the right mood lately? Iunno. Even when Princess Connect is just casually being itself, I find myself cracking up over it. Although it’s entirely reasonable to place the blame on my poor sense of humour, let’s just say it’s a part of its alluring aura. R-Right?
It’s not just you. For whatever reason this show just puts me in a good mood and then the jokes just resonate with me. For example, Yuuki is sleeping in the open and I’m just waiting for something to try to eat him. Particularly loved all the bloody hand prints on the walls at the hospital.