The Promised Neverland (Episode 1) – 121045
A group of children play and learn at an orphanage on an idyllic plot of land. The staff are loving and caring, and the children are like a family, but something is not quite as it seems!
The Promised Neverland (Episode 1) – 121045
What did you watch?
This was my first series of the Winter 2019 schedule and it was also the first series I covered live as it aired. My original goal was to wait for four episodes to air and then watch them, but it appeared that everyone and their dog was doing a review for this series, so I’m jumped in too. There were a lot of spoilers flying around and I hate spoilers, so if you haven’t seen The Promised Neverland, you really should go and do that now. You can thank me later.
What happened?
Emma, Ray, and Norman are three eleven-year-old children living in an orphanage. It’s set on a beautiful estate with rolling green fields, trees, and a large home. They have room to run and play. Everything seems wonderful.
During a game of tag, the children venture too close to a fence that they have been forbidden from crossing. They wonder what is beyond, which leads them to consider the others that have left the orphanage and why none have written them letters. Red flag!
The children attend classes and are tested regularly to see how they are performing. Emma, Ray, and Norman are at the top of the class. The other children all look up to them. Today, however, is a sad day at the orphanage as Conny, a six-year-old girl has been adopted. Mom, the head of the orphanage collects Conny and walks her to the front gates.
Whilst completing their chores Emma discovers Conny’s stuffed rabbit. Accompanied by Norman, she decides to try to catch up with Mom and Conny, but when they arrive at the gatehouse all is quiet. They decide to leave the rabbit in the back of a truck, hoping Conny will find it…
What did you think?
Hold on, I’m still recovering from that sucker-punch! Even with my best efforts to avoid the spoilers, I had a sense of what was about to happen, so I thought I was prepared for it. I was not nearly prepared enough. The following review will contain spoilers, stop now if you don’t want to see them. That’s your final warning!
Given the hype that this series has got, I knew I had to watch it. When you first see the children, you quickly notice the numbers branded on their necks. That’s your first clue. I’ll admit I am a
What was your favourite moment?
The twist. I love a good twist. Honestly, I really don’t want to reveal the big twist, so I’m going to skirt around it for a moment. All the best twists leave you breathless. You just sit there and stare at the screen soaking it all in. It’s even better when you think back to all the clues that you noticed, but didn’t quite put it all together until it’s too late. That was my favourite thing about this episode.
What was your least favourite moment?
Knowing that there was going to be a big twist. It left me holding my breath, waiting for it. Was it going to be a subtle reveal where it’s been going on all along, but you just didn’t notice because of all the joy and happiness? Maybe, it’s going to be a big, over the top explosion of a twist and completely floor you when you least expect it. That’s also one of my favourite things.
Who was your favourite character?
At this early stage, I think Emma is my favourite character with Norman a close second. It’s going to be intense watching because thanks to this episode it’s probably not advisable to connect with anyone, but that’s not how it works. They’re going to do everything in their power to make us love these characters and then…
Who was your least favourite character?
Damn you, Mom. Damn you! I knew I didn’t like her from the start. If there’s weird stuff going on at an orphanage, the staff are always in on it, but then she was this smiling, loving, caring person. That’s pure evil right there!
Would you like some more?
Oh, yes! And this time, I’m not going to wait until three days after it airs. I have the date and time recorded on my phone and I’m going to be on this at the earliest opportunity. This is going to be so deliciously dark I can’t wait.
Other posts in the series
- Season One
- Season Two
- Bonus Posts
- Series Review
So, I’ve got some trusted folks trying to convince me that this is suspense (which I like) rather than horror (which I abhor). What’s your take?
From the first episode I’d say more suspense than horror. Can’t comment further though. I’ve reserved the first three manga from my library so may know more soon.
It definitely does a great job of making you feel uncomfortable despite the apparently tranquil setting. I think it’s worth a go.
hmm, so its got itself an anime adaptation already?
I’ve read the manga, and yes, it is REALLY dark.
haha, it reminds me that I have to catch up on a bunch of anime. :'(
I actually kinda forgot about this series (im very forgetful, NOTHINGwrong with this series) and now im gonna recommend this to my friend and get her sucked into the charm (or maybe curse) of watching seasonal anime. Muhahahahaha
Ok, I kinda emphasized dark a little too much.
It’s still dark though.
Even after one episode I’m inclined to agree.
No, I think you nailed it. I’ve reserved the first three manga, but there is a wait. Hopefully, they’ll come in before the series finishes. Loved that first episode.
Oh, you can go to the official VIZ website and make a free account and read more than what you can in the published volumes for free! And it isn’t pirated! They are official translated chapters!
That’s how I actually knew about the series before the anime came out, actually.
Thanks, I will have to check that out.
Yo! Didn’t know you hadn’t watched Promised Neverland before. I personally adore the series, so I am excited to hear more of your thoughts!
In truth, I have seen it and these were my thoughts at that time. I completely rebuilt my site at the end of 2019 and unpublished all my posts.
With season two approaching, I thought it would be good to get these out again. All I’ve done is add some more images and updated the format. It’s been interesting seeing what I noticed as I was watching it knowing what I now know. Hopefully, it’ll still be interesting.
Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, I’m really excited about season 2
Yeah, I can’t wait to see where the story goes. I started the manga and then after one book decided I’d rather wait for the anime.
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I’ve finally seen this now, keen for season two!
Did you also have a full ‘summary’ style review of this, from last year?
Yes, I’ve got the episode reviews going out twice a week and a post about Isabella that I wrote after watching episode ten which was fun to write. After all that is over, the season review will be out at the beginning of November.
These are all pretty much as I wrote them when I first watched the series and it’s been fun rereading them and seeing what I spotted. I think I did pretty well, especially with my Ray prediction.