Tsugu Tsugumomo (Episode 16) – Swapped!

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Tsugu Tsugumomo Title

Kazuya is back to looking for amasogi, but there doesn’t appear to be anything promising in the suggestion box. Shirou has to leave as he has a girl to ask out… yeah, another one! Will he ever get lucky?

Tsugu Tsugumomo (Episode 16) – Swapped!

What happened?

After a couple of false leads, they track down the person responsible and surprisingly it’s their sensei. When confronted, she falls asleep and retreats to the dream. Kukuri brings in a specialist that can send them all to the dream so that they can destroy the amasogi and bring all the students back because if they destroy the amasogi in the real world, everyone will be trapped there.

In order to protect themselves, Kazuya, Kiriha, Chisato, Osamu, and Shirou all enter the dream in a gender-flipped form. Unfortunately, sensei is waiting for them, although she is actually the shadow form of sensei and plans on subjugating them too. Kazuya and Kiriha are forced to fight the shadow forms of themselves, while the others escape and find the real sensei.

They fight back against shadow sensei and eventually win, destroying the amasogi with a little help from their own amasogi experiences. With that done, all they need to do is go to sleep in the dream and wake in the real world. Kiriha sees this as the perfect chance to get to grips with Kazuya’s feminine body. Shirou is having trouble getting to sleep and enlists Osamu to help him out… things might be a little out of hand!

Tsugu Tsugumomo Episode 4 Sensei

What did you think?

It was another fun and entertaining episode and once more a complete shift in tone from the previous episode. I will be honest and say that I was expecting a lot more once I realised this was a gender-flipping episode, especially from Shirou. He did deliver after the end credits, but I felt like they could have gone further with things.

I thought it was a nice touch bringing their old amasogi experiences back for this one and seeing Kiriha as a guy, shows just how it’s not really all right to have either gender being a bit forceful, sexually. It was funny, but again, that’s just because this is fiction and we can separate the real world from anime.

Episode highlights

Entering the Dream!

The Shadows!

Taking on the Amasogi!

Kazuya to the Rescue!

Trying to sleep!

Mid-Episode Transitions!

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What did you think?