Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 12) – Twelfth Period

Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Season 1 Title

Valentine’s Day has finished and Koh still didn’t get any chocolates. He even stayed late, hoping that Tachibana would give him some after school. When he decided to call it a day, he discovered that there was a snowstorm, trapping him at the school… and he wasn’t alone!

Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 12) – Twelfth Period

What happened?

After their trip to the island, Koh was certain that Tachibana would give him some chocolates on Valentine’s Day. However, she didn’t. He even waited until after all the other students had gone home so it wouldn’t be awkward for her, but he got nothing. Finally, he decided to head home and discovered a terrible snowstorm stood in his way. He tried to walk through the blizzard but found Tachibana lying in the snow outside the school. They went back into the school and huddled around a floor heater since the power had gone out. However, Tachibana’s clothes were wet from the snow, so she needed to get out of them. Strangely, she asked Koh to look away while she undressed.

Since there weren’t any blankets and his clothes were damp too, he suggested that she eat the chocolates she got for Valentine’s Day. At first, she was reluctant but agreed only if he would share them with her. However, the floor heater had melted the chocolate so when she picked it up, it slipped through her fingers and fell onto her nipple. Koh went to find something else to eat, but he slipped on her wet clothes and landed on her chocolate-covered nipple with his mouth open! He apologised for eating all the chocolate, but Tachibana was fine with that since she had meant to give it to him anyway. Koh couldn’t believe it. Maybe she did like him after all. He decided that he would officially ask her out. Relieved to finally have it officially out in the open, he was stunned when she said no.

After graduation, Tachibana returned to his house with Sato, Suzuki, and Taka. They wanted to talk to him about a plan to go on a vacation together. That sounded fine, but why were all the teachers in his house too? Apparently, they were coming with them, Tachibana included! As they began to discuss their plans, Tachibana spilt cake mix on her top and needed a change of clothes. Koh took her to his room and found a tracksuit for her. He had struggled to look her in the face since she rejected him and then when she reminded him that they were no longer teacher and student, he felt like she hated him and left the room.

Tachibana realised that she probably hadn’t been clear about what she meant. Anyhow, while she was changing, she found a picture of her and Koh on his chest of drawers. It slipped from her fingers, but she managed to dive to catch it, knocking over some other boxes and a fishing rod. The line tangled around her body, tying her up in a very revealing position. Koh heard the noise and came running, however, when he opened the door, it pulled on the line, tightening its grip on her. He ran to get scissors and made it back just before Hazakura was able to peep. Once free, she told him that she was no longer his teacher and since he was no longer her student she wanted to date him too. She just couldn’t do it until he graduated. With that sorted, they went out to see the others and plan that group vacation.

What did you think?

So, Tachibana was the only one with any self-control. That’s amazing considering she put herself in a number of fairly awkward positions with Koh, but I appreciate her resolve anyway. I think that probably factored into my thinking when I decided that these two were my favourite couple. It wasn’t a major factor, but it was there. If only she had been able to tell him to wait for her instead of just rejecting him. But then, maybe he shouldn’t have eaten all the chocolate too! These two are in for an eventful relationship with the way he is constantly slipping on things and landing on her boobs!

This was the last episode of the season, and this is my third or fourth rewatch, so it’s fairly clear that I enjoy the series. It’s definitely one of those easy shows that I can throw on and know that it’ll put me in a good mood. It’s just a really fun series with some crazy scenarios and likeable characters… It helps when you accept that these are just anime characters and not real people because that would be way creepier. Anyhow, I’m sure that this isn’t going to be the last time I watch this show. Probably the last time I review it though…

Episode highlights

Valentine’s Day!

Graduation Day!

Series Information

English TitleWhy the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?
Japanese TitleNande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
GenresComedy, Ecchi, School


SeasonSeason One
ReleasedSpring 2019
Animation StudiosTear Studio
1First Period
2Second Period
3Third Period
4Fourth Period
5Fifth Period
6Sixth Period
7Seventh Period
8Eighth Period
9Ninth Period
10Tenth Period
11Eleventh Period
12Twelfth Period
13Thirteenth Period

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