Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 6) – Sixth Period

Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Season 1 Title

Suzuki was picking up Lucky Meals for his younger brother and sister when he was surprised to find Miss Matsukaze doing the same. Later at the bar, Matsukaze watches Sato carry Kojima home after she drank too much and wishes she had someone like that!

Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 6) – Sixth Period

What happened?

The fast-food worker almost jumped out of her skin when Suzuki stepped forward to claim two Lucky Meals. His menacing appearance made almost every situation more than a little daunting. Of course, the reality was from his gruff exterior. These were for his younger brother and sister. Then, as he tried to hurry away, he bumped into Miss Matsukaze, buying one for herself. They left the restaurant and planned to walk home together, however, it had started to rain and neither had an umbrella. Luckily, Suzuki’s little brother and sister showed up with their rainjackets and boots with an umbrella.

Miss Matsukaze couldn’t help but get a little flustered as they walked along like a happy family. Suzuki walked alongside her holding the umbrella as the kids splashed in the puddles. Then, the kids became impatient and wanted to see what toys they had in their Lucky Meals. Unfortunately, Suzuki’s little sister was not too happy with the fish toy she got. Luckily, Matsukaze was more than happy to swap it for her panda, which seemed to make everyone happy. As Suzuki’s little sister celebrated her new panda, she threw the fish into the air. Amazingly, it landed in Matsukaze’s bra, tail flapping against her nipple. Matsukaze tried to hold it together, but then a big truck came down the road. They huddled together and ducked to one side to let it pass, however, the handle of Suzuki’s umbrella pressed between Matsukaze’s legs… As soon as the truck had gone, she hurried home more than a little flustered.

After a night of drinking with Kojima, Matsukaze had to watch as Sato dutifully arrived to carry her home. She watched with a hint of jealousy, wishing that she could call Suzuki to come and get her. However, she didn’t have his number and had no idea how that would happen since they weren’t that close. As she dozed, she found herself remembering the first time she met Suzuki. Matsukaze had been on her way to take her teaching exam and was already running late when she tripped and broke her shoe. Then, a towering monster of a man appeared and scared her half to death. However, he crouched down and helped her up, asking if there was anything else he could do.

After explaining her situation, Suzuki knew exactly what to do. He lifted Matsukaze onto his back and ran! Unfortunately, when she fell over her bra must have come loose too as her boobs bounced around freely. She pulled herself against his body, hiding her nipples from wandering eyes. Then, as Suzuki carried her up a flight of stairs, She felt something on Suzuki’s belt pressing between her legs, rubbing her the right way. Thanks to Suzuki’s determination, they made it with time to spare. In fact, there was even enough time for Suzuki to fix her shoe. He wished her good luck with her exam and ran back to the building site he was working on. That was the moment she fell in love with him. It had been three years since then and she’d failed to make any progress. However, she suddenly woke from her memories to find herself on Suzuki’s back once more. This time, he was carrying her home from the bar, just as she had hoped. Sato had phoned him after leaving with Kojima, sending him to help Matsukaze.

What did you think?

This episode was a lot tamer than the last one but did a pretty good job of developing the relationship between Suzuki and Matsukaze. I loved the way her first memory of him merged into a new memory of him coming to save her once more. I wonder if Sato knew that she liked Suzuki, although it does seem like the sort of thing Sato would do regardless. Of course, Kojima knows all about Matsukaze’s feelings and I doubt she’d be too good at keeping secrets, especially when she’s drunk. Anyhow, he got there and saved the day so I don’t think it matters how or why.

The first part with the mechanical toy fish was hilarious, especially how it flew up into the air and landed in her bra. Now, before you say that’s ridiculous (which it is), just wait a couple of episodes to see what an object falling through the air can do. If anything, I love just how absurd some of the comedy is with this series. I’m sure it’s not to everyone’s tastes but I get a good laugh out of it every time I watch this series and it’s been a few times now. I mean, she ran home after the umbrella got caught between her legs and instantly jumped into the bathtub with her new fish toy. Miss Matsukaze clearly had some tension to take care of.

Episode highlights

Lucky Meals!


Series Information

English TitleWhy the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?
Japanese TitleNande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
GenresComedy, Ecchi, School


SeasonSeason One
ReleasedSpring 2019
Animation StudiosTear Studio
1First Period
2Second Period
3Third Period
4Fourth Period
5Fifth Period
6Sixth Period
7Seventh Period
8Eighth Period
9Ninth Period
10Tenth Period
11Eleventh Period
12Twelfth Period
13Thirteenth Period

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