Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Volume 5) – Hometown of the Dead

Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead Volume 5 Cover

Akira and the others have settled into his old hometown and things are looking pretty good. It’s hard work, but they’re embracing it. However, an old acquaintance of Akira and Kencho has plans to undo everything.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Volume 5) – Hometown of the Dead

What happened?

Akira is doing everything he can to thank his parents for the time they took to raise him. On top of that, he found some other survivors from the city who are able to give him dreadlocks… Well, at least he can cross it off the bucket list. Kencho was busy chopping wood when he saw a young girl sitting with a dog. Another of the locals explained that she lost her parents in the outbreak and hasn’t smiled since she arrived. That’s a mission Kencho can gladly take on. He decides he will cheer her up and somehow manages while appearing creepy.

After another hard day’s work, Akira gets to have a drink with his dad and finds out what his dream was. His dad wanted to be an astronaut but he wasn’t clever enough. Either way, he tells Akira to dream big and always go after it. The next day while working on the fields, they see some zombies staggering towards them. Akira finds Kencho, Shizuka, and Beatrix but someone has tampered with the electric fence so rather than keeping zombies out, it is now trapping them inside.

It turns out some more of the survivors have set things up to destroy the village and everyone inside. They are led by Higurashi. He was at university with them until he dropped out and became a NEET. Well, he has a massive chip on his shoulder and with his three equally disgruntled friends, they are ready to destroy society. One of his main goals is to see Akira become a zombie and he’s captured his father to make sure it happens…

Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead Volume 5 Zombies swarm the village

What did you think?

This is getting more and more like High School of the Dead by the volume and that can only be a good thing. Now we have added a young girl and a dog to the core group. All they need now is a busty nurse and it’s almost the same thing. I was not expecting this episode to go quite so hard, but it was a welcome change. Seeing how those four people had given up on society so hard that they were prepared to destroy anything that survived the outbreak isn’t that hard to believe. We see people like this and we don’t have a zombie apocalypse. Saying that Higurashi clearly has a screw loose.

There’s a note at the end of the volume from Haro Aso about how he hopes we can all take a bit of Akira’s positivity as the world really needs it and he’s right. And with that, I’m going to remain positive that Akira can sort out this situation. My only worry is that his dad is clearly ill and close to dying anyhow so I can see him sacrificing himself to save Akira. I hope I’m wrong because that would really impact Akira, especially after going to all the effort to make things right between them. The next volume should be intense.

Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead Volume 5 Akira tells Higurashi off

Volume highlights

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