Author Journey (April 12, 2021)

With a reduced blogging schedule, this week should have seen an increase in my writing time. Well, did it? Did. It? Of course not. Life really has developed a knack for getting in the way, despite my best intentions!
April 12, 2021
As far as workload went, this week was much easier than prior weeks. Thanks to the season reviews of the three shows that I covered in Winter 2021, I only had one review to write up, and that was for Fruits Basket. I finished my posts for Record of Grancrest War a while back now and recently completed KonoSuba too.
So, what happened? Well, my son’s class was excused from school as a high contact group for someone that tested positive for COVID-19. This meant that he had to go get tested, which is no fun, and then do school virtually for the rest of the week. Also, no fun! That ends up eating into my time available for the day job, which in turn eats into my writing time in the evening.
Next week is the delayed Spring Break so it’ll be interesting to see what I can get done. The school boards here have also begun preparing us for the likelihood of schools remaining closed after the break, so it’s going to be a very interesting time. Hopefully, we’ll settle into a routine and my reduced blogging schedule will help.
I’m just going to have to try to squeeze the editing of the Black Death trilogy into whatever blocks of time I find. Admittedly, most of it is done, it’s just the shuffling and extra scenes for the third storyline that needs attention.

This week, I published my review of the first episode of the final season of Fruits Basket. This show is just incredible and never fails to hit its mark. There is so much to learn from this show that I had to continue reviewing it in the hopes that I will absorb as much as possible.
One thing, that I had planned on doing now that I wasn’t tied to weekly reviews was to go back and catch up on a number of shows that I’d been planning to get to. The first one I watched was Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation and I blew through the series in no time whatsoever. I’ll get a season one review out in the near future, so I’ll try not to say anything more.
I have a lot of titles on my to-watch list and it seems to grow at a faster rate than I can get through it, but that’s not going to stop me from trying. Of course, I should point out that I’m watching these shows in blocks of time that would not work with my writing schedule, especially as I don’t like too many interruptions while I’m writing, which is almost impossible at the moment.

Another thing that I’ve been squeezing in wherever and whenever is reading. I tend to read almost exclusively on my phone and usually in bed when everyone else is asleep. As I tend to work into the graveyard shift, I’m up later than everyone already, but it helps me to switch off, so I’d rather do that than stare into the darkness for thirty minutes as I try to fall asleep. Basically, my days are full of little moments where I’m always trying to make the most of my time.
So, as you can imagine, I’m still waiting for someone to develop a full-dive virtual world where time runs at a different rate to the real world. Much like how time in dreams is different. Think of everything else I could get done with more time. Just thinking of this makes me want to rewatch BOFURI, but I don’t have time to rewatch shows, not with all the new shows I want to watch… if only there was a full-dive virtual world where time runs at a different rate to the real world…
Anyhow, things are about to get a little more complicated. I can’t see any way that the schools will continue to operate, not with the failed leadership from our politicians and the attitude that patches of the population seem to have. Seriously, the virus isn’t mobile. It isn’t running around infecting people. It needs people to do that for it.
Well, I better get back to work and see if I can make this week a super productive one. Thanks for reading.

Sounds like a busy household. Hope you get some writing time.
Yeah, it’s pretty hectic. Thanks
May your webnovel series get the finishing touches of your editing in these bustling, chaotic times.
I’m glad Jobless Reincarnation (though I still didn’t like how exposition dump is still being used a lot in later half when flashbacks are better option for lasting emotional impact) has satisfied you that you didn’t feel like you’ve wasted time if the series ever turned out to have questionable storytelling.
I don’t know if this actually helps you, but check out my MAL watchlist to see which series I’ve rated low for badly-written or unexciting storytelling. Another 1-star series has entered my list: Standing on a Million Lives so avoid it at all costs. Review may be up soon, but there’s a good reason why I didn’t finish binge-watching it in a few days.
I’m still shocked this series got renewed instead of By The Grace of Gods, which I definitely enjoyed it despite me always liking of storytelling is always dark route stuff.
I speculate Million Lives is either suffering as a very bad anime adaptation or the manga author has lost their momentum in later arcs.
I’ve been thinking about Jobless Reincarnation for a little while and have quite a bit to say about it, so looking forward to putting a full review together.
I got so caught up in writing episode reviews that it’s been forever since I watched something just to enjoy it. I like that feeling and will definitely do more like this.
I have so many shows to get through, even just from the last two seasons so I’m just hoping things calm down so I can be more proactive and do less firefighting so to speak.
When’s the next chapter of your web-novel coming out?
I assume you’ve read the latest chapter which I often doubt my capabilities of tonal balance shift. Hopefully it’s the right sarcastic humor for your taste because I’m sure you didn’t expect me to write “tinted glasses” like that. 😅
This weekend I should’ve my next chapter out though I admit most of the free time I’ve is planning out my future chapters, especially the controversial “Innocent civilians/victims, when blinded by hatred, can become guilty condemners.” themed chapter. A very dark chapter and yet, it’s my most favourite to write it out due to how Plank will react when he’ll find out who’s the hidden antagonist along with Demon Princess revealing her true form.
May I keep my word for this weekend.
It would appear that I am two chapters behind. I must have missed the notification, so I’ll have to correct that and go read them shortly.
Good luck with your target.