Author Journey (August 8, 2022)

Last week was full of interruptions, which made it hard to get anything going. This week, I won’t have that excuse. That’s right, I’m home alone and I’m feeling super productive.
August 8, 2022
Hot Topic
So, yeah, last week was hard. My days were constantly disrupted to the point that by the time I got to sit down to write, it was already midnight and it’s hard to get into that mindset from zero when you’re tired. This week, I’m anticipating almost zero interruptions. I say almost zero because there’s always something. I am staying home with Gus while the family takes Grandma home.
Needless to say, I have a lot planned. One thing I’m determined to focus on is developing some habits. I know a week isn’t long enough to embed them, but it’s going to be a great time to get them started. Plus, I’m going to have extended periods of time where no one is going to barge into my office or demand something. I’m excited to get started.
What have I been watching/reading?
Being too tired to write is a thing, but being too tired to watch anime has never been an issue for me. Admittedly, they are very different tasks. Starting so late every night, I ended up watching more anime than usual. I finished off three different series that I had in my currently-watching bucket. There’s now just one left which is quite the odd feeling. Of course, there are loads in my to-watch bucket…
All of these are now future posts waiting for their moment to shine. One of my goals for this week is to read the rest of the Sankarea: Undying Love manga. If I can finish those off then I’ll have almost completed the 2022 posts. I’m already working on the 2023 schedule so it would be nice to move on fully.
Anyhow, here’s a quick look at what I posted last week.
The first of my new shows that I’ll be diving into is Record of Ragnarok. I had just come back from the family vacation to Walt Disney World and needed something fun to bring my mind back and this is what I chose, almost entirely at random.
The stakes are going up in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I was worried that it revealed too much too soon, but that seems unfounded. There’s more than enough to keep this interesting.
It was a bit of a break episode in Fire Force season two which was fun. It didn’t do anything to answer some of our longstanding questions, but that’s all right. As I said, it was fun!
So, here’s the second of the new shows that I decided to cover. This one was a tougher decision as it’s not anime… I know, right? However, it is animated and I grew up watching the original, so I had to do this. I’m talking about Masters of the Universe: Revelation.
There’s no change in the ecchi line, just more episodes! Check them out.

Work in Progress
So, last week was a complete bust in the writing world and I’ve gone over what roughly happened. Sadly, it’s not any more exciting than a lack of time, sleep, and energy. One thing I want to try to do is to shift my habits a little so that I’m not working late at night. It won’t be long before September rolls along and the kids will be back to school. That’ll mean earlier mornings, so I need to be prepared.
This week is my busiest week at the day job for the period so that’s going to be something I have to contend with, although the lack of interruptions should allow for a more streamlined process. By the time you’re reading this, I should have been up for a while, walked Gus, and had a hearty breakfast. I’m determined to put in the foundations to succeed in everything I’m planning. Being energised is a big part of that.

The Plan
I got through quite a bit of work for the blog this last week, but it’s easier to dip in for shorter periods of time. It’s a blessing and a curse, because, I’m sure it’s cannibalised some of the time that I would have dedicated to writing previously. Anyhow, I’m working away and making some good progress. If I can just get the writing to the same level, then I will be very happy. That’s the goal for this week.
- 2022
- Quarter One
- Author Journey – 13/13
- Historic Anime – 39/39
- Seasonal Anime – 36/36
- Ecchi Anime – 14/14
- Bonus Posts – 18/18
- Quarter Two
- Author Journey – 13/13
- Historic Anime – 39/39
- Ecchi Anime – 39/39
- Seasonal Anime – 3/3
- Bonus Posts – 1/1
- Quarter Three
- Author Journey – 6/13 (+1)
- Historic Anime – 39/39
- Fire Force S2 – 9/12
- Ecchi Anime – 39/39
- Bonus Posts – 4/4
- Quarter Four
- Author Journey – 0/13
- Historic Anime – 30/39 (+1)
- Ecchi Anime – 39/39 (+1)
- Bonus Posts – 5/6
- Quarter One
- 2023
- Quarter One
- Author Journey – 0/13
- Review Posts – 44/78 (+12)
- Review Pages – 12/39 (+5)
- Quarter Two
- Author Journey – 0/13
- Review Posts – 2/78
- Review Pages – 0/39
- Quarter One
I’ve almost done half of my posts for quarter one of 2023 already. This is the sort of productivity I want to see from my writing too.
- MSR (Paranormal Harem Rom-com)
- Chapters – 0
- Words – 0
- Valiant Lineage (Epic Dark Fantasy)
- Chapters – 0
- Words – 0
- Black Death (Post Apocalyptic Shoujo AI)
- Chapters – 0
- Words – 0
- Asteroidea (Horror Science-fiction)
- Chapters – 0
- Words – 0
- Out of Time (Time-travel Murder Mystery)
- Chapters – 7
- Words – 7,423
I made no progress here and plan on changing that this week.
Final Thoughts
Just to be clear, I love my family and love having them around. As an introvert, the pandemic has been hard. Sure, there are things that I don’t need to do anymore which is great, however, I rarely get any time to myself which is draining. I absolutely need to be able to be on my own for uninterrupted periods of time. This week is a gift and I’m going to make the most of it.
Anyhow, thanks for reading.