Author Journey (February 19, 2024)

2024 02 19 The Otaku Author Journey

If the week before was a challenge, last week was on another level altogether. And, when you factor in the pressure from consecutive crazy weeks, it would be amazing if I managed to keep up with anything. Yet, here we are!

Author Journey (February 19, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

There was less pressure from the day job last week, however, after losing four days to real-life events the week before, I ended up losing every day last week to the same event. Now, even though it was a long slog, it wasn’t anything ultimately serious, although my mental health probably took a battering. Anyhow, despite all of that, I hit my goals and even managed a couple of sketches. So, yeah, my favourite moment is coming out the other end with everything still ticking over. After years of refining my blogging routine, I appear to have found the balance. Now, the writing can slip in there.


This might sound crazy given that I write tens of thousands of words every week for this site, but I have always found that I need to have that first line of a story in my head before I can start writing. I know all the advice. Just write and come back to the first line later. But, for whatever reason, it’s always been a stumbling block for me. Well, after a week of getting closer and closer, I finally have it. The opening image has fully formed in my head and is ready to make the transition to the manuscript. It’s go-time!


After destroying my goal in the week before, this was a much tougher goal to make last week, but somehow I managed to fit six episodes in. I’ve not been able to get on the treadmill as much this week which is why I think this is down. Either way, it’s all good.

Catching up on my To-Watch List

Valentine’s Special (NSFW)

Winter 2024


Things were flipped this week as my manga reading got a little more attention. I’ve discovered that I can read while watching the kids, even if it is only a couple of pages at a time. Anyhow, I managed to read five books which helped with my scheduled posts buffer.

Anime Watched6 Episodes6 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books5 Books
Posts Scheduled10 Posts12 Posts
Words Written5,000Opening scene visualised
Artwork Completed1 Piece2 Sketches
Solo Leveling Episode 6 Jinwoo Sung determination
Solo Leveling (Episode 6) – The Real Hunt Begins

Aspirations for the week!

So, today is Family Day in Ontario, however, the company I work for doesn’t stop for that public holiday. It means the kids are home, but I have to work, so that’s one day gone already. Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as that, but it makes sense to prepare myself. After that, I’m hoping for smooth sailing for the rest of the week, especially now that I have the opening scene for my story in my head. I want to get it down and push on. Who knows how many words I’ll get through? Place your bets now!

Last week was pretty exhausting, and following on from the week before didn’t make it any easier to handle. I want to get back to normal and find some more time for the treadmill. It helps with so many things. Anyhow, thanks for reading.

Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


    • Thanks. I’m trying out a bunch of different styles at the moment before I zero in on what I want my style to be.

  1. ” I know all the advice. Just write and come back to the first line later. ”

    In case it helps, I’m the same way. It’s like that opening is the foundation. If I’m not happy with it, I get less and less confident as the chapter/arc goes on.

    “Place your bets now!”

    I’ll bet 5,250 words.

    Fingers crossed things calm down for you this week!

    • Yeah. I’ve been noticing more and more that the conventional advice might be good advice most of the time, but it can also be massive stumbling blocks if you’re not careful. As always, you need to work out what works for you.

      And now you’ve set the goal for the week! No turning back now. Thanks

  2. Those sketches are so good! I wish I had enough talent to actually do something original. I typically take a picture and try to emulate it. Maybe I should actually try to draw something original.

    • Thanks. Give it a whirl. The more you practice the better it’ll get. The second image is an original based on Takahiro of Akame ga Kill fame’s work. I want to find a style that is serious but still anime since the story I’m working on is dark fantasy.

What did you think?