Author Journey (January 8, 2024)

2024 01 08 The Otaku Author Journey

The first week of 2024 has come and gone, although with the kids home still, I’ve been much more focused on family stuff. This week should give me a better indication of how productive this year will be. I’m thinking big!

Author Journey (January 8, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

Amazingly, I have two favourite moments from last week that I’d like to talk about. The first was that Indigo (a Canadian bookstore) finally had a sale that included manga. A couple of years back, I was able to preorder all the books from the series I’m collecting on Cyber Monday in a buy 2 get 1 free offer. That meant that I would get the new releases on the day they were published for two-thirds of the regular price. Well, last Cyber Monday – nothing. There wasn’t even a good sale on Black Friday or Boxing Day. Then, it finally happened again. So, I’ve ordered all my preorder books for 2024. Happy days indeed.

As if that wasn’t enough to get excited about the Otaku Author hit an impressive milestone. Yesterday, it received its one-millionth view! Admittedly, just over half of those views came in 2023, but that’s still a moment worth celebrating. And to do so, I’m going to buy some more manga before the sale is over! Woohoo!

Otaku Author All Time Stats 20240107


Last week was most definitely still a part of the holiday period and all of my spare time was used up entertaining the kids. However, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m going to write this week so that should put me in a good place to get going. I also discovered that my antagonist in the first book had a pretty poor reason for doing what he did. In fact, I would have called it a huge ass pull if I was reviewing my earlier books… At least, I can fix that now and move on.


I watched six episodes, which if you look at my weekly goals below is exactly the amount I need. I hadn’t expected to get there, but I watched episode ten of Zom 100, then episode 11, and finally episode 12, back to back to back. I also watched all three of the seasonal shows. I think I’m going to have a lot of fun with this new schedule.

Catching up on my To-Watch List

Winter 2024


Despite spending far too much money on books this week, I actually haven’t read any. That means I’ve got to pick up my game as I have two manga reviews to write up for this week. It shouldn’t be a problem provided the kids actually go to school…

Anime Watched6 Episodes6 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books0 Books
Posts Scheduled10 Posts6 Posts
Words Written5,0000
Artwork Completed1 Piece0 Pieces
Chained Soldier Episode 1 Shushu Kyouka Himari and Nei
Chained Soldier (Episode 1) – Birth, Yuuki, Awakening

Aspirations for the week!

It’s the first week after the Christmas break and I’m looking forward to building up a routine with my writing. I’m also planning on working on increasing my scheduled posts buffer. At one point, I think I had seventy-plus posts scheduled for the future, but now I’m down to ten. That’s what I get for experimenting with my routine… oh, and the various injuries that took up a lot of my time last year. It’s also going to be the first week back at the day job and I’ll be dropping straight into year-end reporting (groan!). At least I won’t be bored! I have lots to do and I’m excited to get on with it. I’m pretty sure that I say this every year, but this one will be the one where I make the breakthrough.

So, we’re one week down in 2024 already. That means there are only fifty-one weeks to go… Sorry! I couldn’t help myself. Panic not. There is plenty of time left. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m expecting a box of books to appear on my doorstep so I need to keep an eye out. Thanks for reading.

Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


    • Thanks. It’s a crazy number. I think we may agree on Solo Leveling, which appears to make us the odd ones out based on what I’ve read so far.

What did you think?