Highschool of the Dead (Episode 3) – Democracy Under the Dead

Highschool of the Dead Title

After witnessing the impact of the outbreak across the world, they decide to leave the school and search for their family and survivors. As they escape, a group comes running after them and there’s a teacher with them!

Highschool of the Dead (Episode 3) – Democracy Under the Dead

What did you watch?

I’m not sure what it says about me, but there is something so completely thrilling about watching a group of ordinary people thrust into a situation where the world has turned itself upside down. All of the rules that governed their lives until a moment ago have crumbled. How will they react to this new status quo? Will they maintain their humanity or become nothing more than the monsters they are trying to evade? Anyhow, I’m back with episode three of Highschool of the Dead and things are about to get interesting!

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Moving Out

What happened?

After witnessing the news of the outbreak spreading across the globe, they discuss the implications. Rei is hopeful that they’ll be able to restore order, however, Saya has already given up on that idea. She’s probably right and Takashi knows it, but he has more tact than Saya and attempts to soften the blow. Saya compares it to Spanish Flu whereas Shizuka thinks it’s more like the Black Death. Either way, it’s not a pretty picture. Those viruses died off when there were no longer enough people to effectively transmit the diseases. That doesn’t seem to be a problem for this outbreak, especially as the dead get up and attempt to pass it on.

Regardless of the bleak outlook, they decided to leave the school and search for their family. They’ll stick together and maybe pick up survivors as they go, however, first they need to get out of the school and onto the bus, and there’s a horde of zombies standing in their way. After rescuing another group of survivors, Saya revealed her belief that the zombies are effectively blind, responding only to sound. It’s a nice theory but who’s going to test it? Takashi let out a long sigh and then decided that he would do it. Rei tried to stop him, but Saeko held her back. They needed to let him do it. Takashi carefully climbed down the stairs and walked into the locker area. The zombies didn’t seem to notice him so he picked up a shoe and tossed it into a locker. The zombies followed, giving them their chance to escape.

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Saeko and Takashi Attacking

However, as they slipped out of the building one of the other survivors banged his weapon against a railing, sending a shilling sound echoing around the school. Every zombie took notice and staggered towards them. Takashi yelled for everyone to run and charged ahead with Saeko, smashing zombies aside. Rei and Kouta followed close behind, clearing the others out of the way. One of the survivors got caught in a huddle of zombies and screamed for help. His girlfriend ran back to get him despite Saya’s warnings that he had already gone. Shizuka commented that maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing, dying with the one you loved in a world like this.

Of course, there was no time to reflect on anything as they hurried to the bus. Shizuka jumped into the driver’s seat and tried to familiarise herself with the controls. Takashi and Saeko cleared the zombies from around the bus and then climbed on board with everyone else. They were just about to leave when another group emerged from the school. They had a Mr Shidou with them. Rei told them to go and leave them to die. Takashi couldn’t do that. She turned to him and told him that he would regret saving Shidou. As soon as the other survivors were on the bus, Shizuka pulled away, crashing through zombies and then the gates. It wasn’t long before Takashi found out what Rei was talking about.

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Shido Taking over the Bus

Shidou decided that he should be the leader of the group and with the backing of the students that survived in his group, he took it. That was the final straw for Rei. She threw open the doors and jumped off the bus. Takashi called for her to come back, but she wouldn’t listen. Then, as Shidou considered it a win, Takashi jumped off too and ran after Rei. She turned as he grabbed her arm and told him that she had warned him he’d regret it. Takashi tried to reason with her. If they got back on the bus, they could leave as soon as they got to the city. However, Rei wasn’t prepared to spend another moment with Shidou.

Just then, another bus full of zombies and terrified people came hurtling down the street. It hit a car and flipped, forcing Takashi and Rei into a tunnel. The bus caught fire as blazing zombies staggered out of the windows. Takashi yelled to Saeko, telling them to meet up at the police station at seven. If not today, then the next day. Saeko jumped back on the school bus as Takashi and Rei ran from the burning bus. Once out the other side of the tunnel, they stopped to take a breather. However, another zombie jumped on Takashi and tried to bite him. The zombie’s motorcycle helmet was the only thing that stopped it. As Takashi struggled with the zombie, Rei hit it with a paving slab. They climbed to their feet and staggered on. If they had to, they would walk to the city. Luckily, they found the zombie’s motorcycle nearby and jumped on it.

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Takashi and Rei Walking towards the City

What did you think?

I love how this group has come together so quickly. They perfectly complement one another with their ideas and their actions. There’s a good mix of personalities too with Saya being the blunt and straightforward character while Rei is much more emotional. She’s probably the most normal member of the group, showing us how the average person might act in this situation. Getting off the bus in the middle of nowhere was definitely an emotional response to Shidou. That just shows exactly what she thinks of him, especially as she already told Takashi to leave him to die at the school. Of course, it will all become clear as to why she feels that way soon enough. Also, I love the Shaun of the Dead reference in this episode. Zombie fans will see that a mile off!

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Sean of the Dead

What was your favourite moment?

My favourite moment was when Takashi volunteered to test Saya’s theory about the zombies. When Rei tried to stop him, she asked why it had to be him. He turned back to her and said he didn’t know, he just had to do it. There was a lot of subtext packed into that brief exchange. Takashi is obviously not over killing his best friend who turned into a zombie. His best friend who was dating the love of his life, who blamed him for what happened to Hisashi. He’s dealing with a lot at the moment so the prospect of walking into a room full of zombies must seem far simpler by comparison. When he said he didn’t know why he had to do it, I believed him. Their relationship is fascinating.

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Takashi goes down the Stair

Who was the most impactful character?

It’s impossible to deny the fact that Shidou made the biggest impression in this episode. The way he sacrificed a student with a sprained ankle so that he could make it to the bus, showed us exactly who he is in an instant. He’s the sort of person who would sacrifice anyone and anything if it bettered his situation. He’s also manipulative and devious. The way he took over the group was a slick move by him because he knew his group was larger and since he just saved them, they would all vote for him, especially after one of them made it quite clear he hated Takashi. I’m a little uncertain as to why he hates Takashi, but Shidou used all of this to his advantage. He’s also responsible for the original group splitting up as he forced Rei off the bus. I hate this guy, but he made an impact from the get-go!

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Shido Arrives

What have you learned?

I’ve always been a little concerned about how some characters act in these sorts of situations and seeing that girl run after her boyfriend who was already dead was a great example of that. Why are these people so stupid? Well, I have to give credit to the series for trying to explain that with Shizuka’s thoughts on dying with a loved one instead of living in this horrid world. Of course, having lived through an actual global pandemic, that isn’t needed any more. I will never question the stupidity or naivety of characters in horror movies ever again. People really can be incredibly selfish and mind-boggling daft. In fact, if everyone was as calm and considered as Saya, Saeko, and Takashi then it would become incredibly unbelievable.

Highschool of the Dead Episode 3 Bus Flipping towards Takashi and Rei

Series Information

English TitleHighschool of the Dead
Japanese TitleGakuen Mokushiroku: Haisukūru obu za Deddo
GenresActionApocalyptic, Ecchi, Harem, Horror, Supernatural, Zombies


SeasonSeason One
ReleasedSummer 2010
Animation StudiosMadhouse
1Spring of the Dead
2Escape from the Dead
3Democracy Under the Dead
4Running in the Dead
5Streets of the Dead
6In the Dead of the Night
7Dead Night and the Dead Ruck
8The Dead Way Home
9The Sword and the Dead
10The Dead’s House Rules
11Dead Storm Rising
12All Dead’s Attack
TitleDrifters of the Dead
ReleasedSpring 2011
Animation StudiosMadhouse
Bonus Posts
AnalysisIntroduction – A Killer Opening!
Saturday SpinoffSniper of the Dead
Saturday SpinoffMeet the Takagis
Fan FictionIsekai of the Dead

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    • It’s my favourite so I’d been putting it off until I was ready to really go for it although I have reviewed it on my previous sites too…

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