Author Journey (December 2, 2024)

Author Journey 2024 12 02 The Otaku Author

Hold up! How is it December already? I’m sure there was a lot more I was planning to do this year… Oh well, I guess I had better start planning for the New Year because that’ll be here before we know it!

Author Journey (December 2, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

Last week, I was off work for my first week as a houseMANager… it’s like a housewife but more manly! Of course, I jest because this was clearly more work than I do in my day job in any given week and anyone who does this full-time has my utmost respect. That said, I knew things were going to be tough. I was finally getting some time to catch up on all those chores and odd jobs that had fallen to the wayside as we continued to push on with our busy lives. I did a lot of work outside to prepare the garden for the winter, I hung a door which involved cutting one centimetre off the bottom, and I reorganised several closets to improve efficiencies (if I’m doing this long term, it’s going to be the most efficient process the world has ever seen). On top of that, I continued to tackle all of the regular stuff like laundry, cleaning, shopping, cooking, preparing meals, taking the kids to school, and walking Gus (my dog). I’m sure there’s stuff I haven’t mentioned, but I think you get the idea.

Surprisingly, I came away from each job feeling a little bit better about things. My day job, if I really boiled it down, is about moving a bunch of numbers from several databases and putting them into a bunch of other databases and reports. Now, if I didn’t move those numbers the world would surely come crumbling down. Of course, that’s not the case and it’s left me feeling pretty uninspired. Looking after the family and the house has already proven to be more fulfilling. Sadly, I will be returning to the day job this week to take care of the month-end reporting before going off for the rest of December. I’ve known that I wasn’t happy with my day job for quite some time now, but last week really put it into perspective.

Please Put Them On, Takamine san Volume 1 Koushi Shirota asks Takane Takamine about her test score
Please Put Them On, Takamine-san (Volume 1) – Another Perfect Score!

The Week That Was…

As a result of the sudden increase in actual work which doesn’t involve sitting on my ass all day, I had little time and energy to do much else. I only managed to watch three episodes of anime – all from my rewatch of Why the hell are you here, Teacher!? which are only twelve minutes long each. On top of the change to my routine, I had three real-life family events that severely reduced the amount of time I had to do everything I needed to. As a result, I had to cut back on a couple of things.

Sadly, that also included reading. I only read two volumes of manga. Sad times, indeed! The biggest issue that I’m facing now is that I’ve been eating into my scheduled posts, which were already fewer than I would like. Now, I’m looking at this coming week with only one post prepared. I’m in for an intense ride!

I haven’t even had time to think about writing and drawing other than to think that I would like to do some. I’m sure that I’ll be back to normal once I’ve caught up on the backlog of house jobs and settled into this new routine.


Anime Watched3 Episodes3 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books2 Book
Posts Scheduled7 Posts5 Posts
Chapters Written2Nothing
Chapters Edited2N/A
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 23 Ren Yamai with Shouko Komi's tights over her head
Komi Can’t Communicate (Season Two) – Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.

Aspirations for the week!

This week is going to be intense. I’m already facing the fact that I have month-end reporting for the day job to take care of. I know that I will have my youngest home from school all week and that we’ll be doing a lot together. On top of that, I have eight posts to put together. Plus, I’ll still have to keep up with the regular jobs around the house. The thing is, I could just take a break and let what happens happen, but I find that I’m even more determined than ever to overcome each of these challenges. I didn’t keep this site going all the way through the pandemic just to be taken down by a busy schedule.

I’m powering up as the year-end boss fight appears to have come early. This time next week, I’ll be looking forward to reporting on my victory. Anyhow, I’ve got stuff to take care of! Thanks for reading!

Last week’s posts!

Author Journey!



Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


    • I guess it’s all relative to the percentage of total time in your life, which isn’t much consolation as it’s all down hill. I’d love for things to slow down a little.

  1. Not saying anything you don’t already know, but transitions are tough! Sounds like you’re on the right track, though!

    There’s an awful lot to be said for job satisfaction. After working 11 years in the for-profit sector, I’ve spent the last 25 or 30 working for non-profits. I needed to know I was contributing to the world, even if it was in a small way. Not just to an executive’s bank account. I think you’ll find more energy in the long-run from the approach you’ve taken.

    • Thanks. Even knowing these things doesn’t seem to make them any easier. I hope this track will level out soon, it’s bit intense at the moment and has probably been building to this for some time now.

      I’ve worked in the everything from private sector to government controlled organizations and it’s still just moving numbers. The only difference seemed to be with how quickly I should move those numbers. I think I’m just over moving numbers around, especially when I don’t care about those numbers. I want to do something that will make a difference which is why I think I’m drawn to storytelling. Hopefully, these changes will help me get there.

What did you think?