Author Journey (November 4, 2024)

Author Journey 2024 11 04 The Otaku Author

I’d like to report that I had a nice calm and relaxed week where I was able to catch up on so many different projects. I’d like to… but I can’t! There really is no end to the onslaught of real-life family events.

Author Journey (November 4, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

I’m originally from England and even though I’ve lived in two other countries for the last twelve years, I still find the idea of trick-or-treating to be odd. I think it might be picking up back home, but I still think there will be many who find the concept weird. We tell our kids not to take candies from strangers, but for one night a year, it’s fine to bang on as many strangers’ doors as you can and demand they give you candy… Anyhow, my kids grew up in Canada so they don’t have the same unease that I do. They love it! So, this Halloween, we were all forced to dress up and a theme was decided by my youngest who is massively into Star Wars.

He was Darth Vader, although gave up on his mask almost the second we stepped outside our home. However, that just seemed to make his costume look even better. He would run up to people’s doors, get his candy, and then turn, swishing his cape as he stormed off to the next house. He had the act down perfectly. The eldest son dressed as Squirtle because he doesn’t care about themes and loves the Pokemon, which is fine. Anyhow, as much as I spent most of my time telling them not to run across people’s lawns and to say thank you, we had a lot of fun and collected way too much candy. I’d imagine there will still be some left by next year!

Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Episode 2 Kana Kojima tries to life Ichiro Sato
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 2) – Second Period

The Week That Was…

It’s been three weeks since the dreaded return to the office began and so far, I’ve almost managed one day. Last week, I managed to add another day but then left early because I had to get the kids from school. It’s almost like the entire thing was a terrible idea. So, anyhow, Wednesday delivered the first Real-Life Family Event which carried into Thursday. Then, I had a morning to try to catch up before Friday afternoon delivered another. Maybe this week will be kinder…

It was another week where I only watched anime while on the treadmill. I’m not finding any time in the evenings, other than when I’m trying to squeeze in a run before bed. I finished watching the first season of Komi Can’t Communicate and then dived straight into the second season. I’d previously read the first volume of the manga, so I knew what to expect, but I am enjoying it far more than I would have hoped. The only exception to watching anime on the treadmill was the next episode of Why the hell are you here, Teacher!? So, far the reposting experiment is going well. Next, I will test it with a series that wasn’t already getting a lot of views.

Somehow, I managed to squeeze five volumes of manga into my week, which is a nice boost, especially as I’m releasing five manga posts a week at the moment. I followed on from the previous week by continuing to read Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Then, I received the latest volume of Booty Royale: Never Go Down Without a Fight! so I dropped everything to read both parts (it’s a double-volume book). Then, I dived back into Parallel Paradise before rounding out the week with another volume of Solo Leveling. I have one more volume of Solo Leveling to read and then I can return them to the library and pick up the first five volumes of Delicious in Dungeon. I can’t wait to get started on that series.

Sadly, I’ve still not been able to get my writing going. I had no intentions of doing NaNoWriMo this year, but I did want to attempt to keep up with the word count. Maybe, I’ll try to start this week and just do my own thing. I definitely need to start a streak of writing again.




Anime Watched3 Episodes14 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books5 Books
Posts Scheduled7 Posts7 Posts
Chapters Written2Nothing
Chapters Edited2N/A
One Punch Man Episode 12 Saitama lands on the moon
One-Punch Man (Season One)

Aspirations for the week!

Will I finally get my first Real-Life Family Event free week in ages? It’s quite unlikely, especially as we’re now approaching Christmas… I know, I said it, but everything is going to start ramping up and that goes double for the Mrs who will have a lot of work events and deadlines because everyone suddenly decides that it would be nice to get things finished before Christmas. That’s going to mean I’m going to be working like a single parent for a lot of the next couple of weeks. Maybe, it’ll be easier if I’m expecting it!

So, I’ve been going over a scene in my head for a couple of weeks now and never found the time to start writing. This week, I will, if nothing else, get this scene down. If that kickstarts my writing streak then great. If it doesn’t then, at least, I’ve got something started. I had hoped to have at least finished a book by the end of the year, but that’s looking incredibly unlikely. Again with the imaginary deadlines. I just need to get started and finish it when I finish it. Anyway, I’m going to be working with one eye open, waiting for the next Real-Life Family Event to ambush me! Thanks for reading!

Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


    • Thanks, we seem to go through spells where they just keep coming and coming and coming! Hopefully, things will calm down soon. And yeah, I need to get this out of my head and see what happens.

    • Thanks. They’ve been pretty relentless of late and I’m sure that’ll continue through the holidays. I need to work out some time that won’t be as impacted, but finding it is tricky.

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