Parallel Paradise (Volume 10) – The Witches Must Feast!

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Cover

Galia told Yota if he mated with Kia, she would leave without eating anyone. However, Kia is not on board with that plan. However, after Yota touches her face, she loses control. Now, Galia plans on eating Kia if Yota mates with her…

Parallel Paradise (Volume 10) – The Witches Must Feast!

What happened?

Kia was determined not to give in to her base urges even as she walked to her doom before Galia. However, her body was not about to give in without a fight. With her Fountain of Desire going into overdrive, Kia dropped to the ground and began to masturbate furiously. It turned out that her sex drive was higher than normal and since she had been resisting so hard, there was no way to stop it now. Galia saw her chance to twist the knife. She revealed that she was going to leave for the day without eating anyone, however, if Yota mated with Kia, she would kill her tomorrow. Then, Galia left.

Kia begged Yota to mate with her, even if it cost her life. Misaki told him that he had better do it since Kia was just like her. She wouldn’t be able to function now until she had mated. So, with no choice, Yota mated with Kia… in the middle of the square with the other Guardians watching, which left them all breathless. Well, they had one day to try to uncover the secret to Galia’s weakness so they headed to the library once everyone had regained their senses. Even Kia was there to help, although, like the other girls, she couldn’t read either.

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Galia will kill Kia if she mates with Yota

Despite going through every book in the library, they couldn’t find anything about a sandworm. They found details on lots of monsters, some long since extinct, but nothing that could help them. It was starting to look bleak. Then, Misaki suggested that they used the information that Nagomi had given them with her life. If they strike Galia just as she goes to attack, they can get past her shields. Then, once she was in the sandworm form, they would all attack, hoping to find her weakness. And, if that failed, Kia was prepared to die to give them another day.

Yota was troubled by the way the Guardians were so determined to give up their lives to save the town, especially given how short their lives are. He visited Misaki to talk about the situation and found out that Meese Town is where all the Guardians are trained and they are taught to sacrifice themselves to save the town. The talk was grim and they knew that they could well lose their lives the next day, but being in close proximity to Yota made Misaki aroused. She was worried that he would hate her for it, but the truth was he was aroused too. Well, if it’s going to be their last night, they might as well mate one last time!

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Misaki aroused

The next morning, Misaki was the one to meet with Galia, offering herself as the sacrifice. Galia was disappointed as she had hoped to save Misaki for last. She was even more annoyed when Misaki revealed that she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Misaki attacked, landing her first hit on Galia’s shield. Then, when Galia tried to retaliate, she dodged and stuck again. However, it wasn’t enough. And then, Galia used her strings to tie up Misaki, stretching her limbs in all directions. Much longer and she would be torn to pieces.

Yota used that moment to attack, slicing off Galia’s arm. She tried to attack him with her magic, but he hit her again, having worked out the pattern. That was when Galia began the Sandworm. Everyone joined in desperately attacking her from all directions, however, it wasn’t enough. Then, Yota got an idea. He asked Misaki to keep Galia busy for a minute while he ran off to get something. While he was gone, they learned that Galia could use her magic in the Sandworm form and she was getting desperate too. The attacks were getting bigger and bigger. Soon the entire town would be destroyed.

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Galia transforms into the sandworm

Yota came back with a bucket of water and was surprised to see everyone on the ground. He tossed the water at Galia, but nothing happened. What had he missed? Amane took off her eye patch and prepared to use her silver eye at the cost of her own life. That’s when Yota realised what he was really dealing with. Galia wasn’t a Sandworm at all. She was a dragon and dragons have one weakness. He grabbed Amane’s sword and charged, leaping into the air and then driving the blade into the Dargon’s Wraith, a single scale under its chin.

Galia’s magic disappeared and then her body began to break down. She appeared in her human form, aged and broken. In a way, she seemed somewhat relieved that her long life had finally come to an end, however, she did have one regret. She would have liked to have mated one last time. Yota refused! She laughed and then gave him the talisman, however, she warned him that if he awakens Nishina, she will definitely kill him first. Regardless, he had to do it, so he began to plan a trip back to Sandrio with Rumi and Amane. Misaki managed to find them a bicorn to make the journey faster and told Peko, another girl to go with them.

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Galia gives Yota the talisman before she dies

What did you think?

I think they nailed the look of the dragon to make it look like a giant sandworm because now that I look at the images from the review of the last book, I can see the arms and horns that I didn’t notice before. And, having recently watched Delicious in Dungeon, I’m well aware of the Dragon’s Wraith. It all came together really nicely. It did have me worried that Misaki was going to be torn to pieces at one point, especially when we saw that arm fly up in the air. Thankfully, it was Galia’s arm, but that was a tense page turn, let me tell you.

It was also good that Yota didn’t instantly solve the problem, and while none of the girls died because of it, they didn’t come away unscathed so it didn’t feel like they were dragging out the fight. And, as far as fights go, this was another great one. The action was intense and it dragged you through the pages at an unnatural pace. Thank goodness, you can just flick back a couple of pages and do it again otherwise, I always feel like I’m doing the artist a disservice by barely looking at a page for more than a couple of seconds.

Misaki has really grown on me in this arc and I love her relationship with Yota as they seem to be a little more grown-up about things. Sure, she struggles to contain herself, but it’s not like Kia losing control in the town square. Talking of, once Galia had gone, I don’t see why Yota didn’t move Kia to a bedroom or something since they didn’t need to do it there anymore. Not to mention, the fact that the Guardians just stood around watching. Anyhow, this is a thoroughly enjoyable series and with this volume, I’m past the halfway point of the books currently available. I have volume twenty on pre-order while volume twenty-one has been scheduled with a release date of March 2025, however, I’ve no idea how long this series is going to go on. I honestly never expected it to go past twenty, but I’m delighted it has.

Parallel Paradise Volume 10 Galia restrains Misaki

Volume highlights

Series Information

English TitleParallel Paradise
Japanese TitleParallel Paradise
GenresErotica, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai


AuthorLynn Okamoto
ArtistLynn Okamoto
1It’s a Curse!1-9
2My Body Won’t Stop!10-19
3My Last Moon…20-29
4For the Darkest Dawn!30-39
5I Was… Dreaming!40-50
6This is Your Reality Now!51-60
7He Has Two Options: Mate or Die!61-70
8The Witch is Back!71-80
9Unstoppable, Unearthly Appetites!81-90
10The Witches Must Feast!91-100
11A Duel to the Death!101-110
12Love or the World, Which Will He Choose?111-120
13Beautiful Elves in One Life, Death in the Other!121-130
14Making the Ultimate Choice!131-140
15The Robot Girl Unleashed!141-150
16Prisoner of Love and War!151-160

Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header

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