Parallel Paradise (Volume 17) – Monstrous Appetites!

After a standard leaving party, Yota, Rumi, and Nishina set off for Kalnaha in search of the god-killing sword. However, their journey took them past a succubus house and it had been three thousand years since they had seen a man!
Parallel Paradise (Volume 17) – Monstrous Appetites!
What happened?
The farewell party had gone off without any sort of frivolities but there was a distinct absence of mead which was always the catalyst. Well, worry not. In Arlslayer, they make mead that is used in desserts and dessert was about to be served. Things progressed quickly once the desserts were passed around. Even the two girls responsible for preparing the meals got to sample the dessert mead since it was such a rare occasion that they ever got to try some. Well, Yota made sure to take care of them first before turning his attention to the guardians who were all itching for some fun. Yota was prepared to mate with Yuma first since she was the most senior of the guardians, but she had to wait as Piano dived in before her. Then, Rumi jumped the line, unable to wait. Yota woke the next morning in a familiar position – naked, sticky, and surrounded by sleeping guardians. He also had no memory of what happened thanks to the mead!
They set off soon after cleaning up with Lumi getting the most worked up of the guardians when Yota, Rumi, and Nishina left the city. It wasn’t a long trip to Kalnaha, but the terrain was harsh which meant they had to travel by foot. To make things harder, their path took them past a succubus house. They tried to sneak past, but the succubi smelt Yota and quickly captured him. After a couple of days of constant mating, Yota was almost at the point of dying when he was saved by a guardian from Kalnaha who had come to see what was taking so long. She flew back to Kalnaha on a dragon, leaving them to continue on foot. Eventually, they arrived there, but not before helping a girl find a rare insect that could bring someone back to life for twenty-four hours. In Kalnaha, they explained the situation about why they needed the god-killing sword, but Leigh-Mary refused. She did, however, let them see the sword and it was not what Yota was expecting…

What did you think?
So, this volume started with the farewell orgy which has become a staple of the series. I was almost disappointed, thinking that they would leave without anything happening when there was no mead, but we were spared that troublesome idea. Anyhow, there was a lot of development in this volume and I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had anything as concrete to learn about. Nishina was obviously up to something and while it wasn’t possible to say exactly what, I think it’s pretty clear that Nishina was the one who visited Sandra, the witch in Arlslayer and surprised her. She definitely had her memories from the beginning and has been playing along all this time.
As soon as the high elf, Highlander started talking about a witch called Nina who couldn’t be killed, I knew she was talking about Nishina, especially as she had just excused herself from the room and then wandered off. The revelation that she isn’t the Jealous God was a good one as we saw the God-Killing sword driven through an anvil and into a man who was burning continuously. The best thing about this was that Yota recognised him, although we never got to find out who he was since Nishina came in and scared the crap out of Highlander who lost a leg to her thousands of years ago. The story is really coming together now. I think the next couple of volumes are going to be massive!

What was your highlight?
On their trip to Kalnaha, Yota and the others met Mari who was being attacked by Karu. Yota scared them off and then asked Mari to explain what she was doing. She revealed that there was a rare bug that could bring back someone who died unnaturally for twenty-four hours if they ate it within a day of dying. Yota offered to help since Mari was trying to bring back a friend to thank her for saving her. However, they couldn’t find one and then Mari collapsed. Before dying, she revealed that she had already died once that day – killed by the Karu. Her friend must have found a scarlet bug and brought her back. The Karu then killed her, too.
It was a strange side quest to throw in the middle of the trip to Kalnaha and while it was almost forgettable, I get the feeling that this will be a far more important part of the book than the succubus house. The scarlet bug will become an important part of the story at some point in the future. I’m not sure exactly how, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has something to do with Lilia travelling back into the past to send Yota into the future. I’m not sure how, but that’s the gut feeling I’m getting from this. Anyhow, the most pressing thing is who is the Jealous God and is the witch Nina, Nishina or just someone who looks like her? I can’t wait for the next volume.

Series Information
English Title | Parallel Paradise |
Japanese Title | Parallel Paradise |
Genres | Erotica, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai |
Demographic | Seinen |
Author | Lynn Okamoto | |
Artist | Lynn Okamoto | |
Volumes | Ongoing | Chapters |
1 | It’s a Curse! | 1-9 |
2 | My Body Won’t Stop! | 10-19 |
3 | My Last Moon… | 20-29 |
4 | For the Darkest Dawn! | 30-39 |
5 | I Was… Dreaming! | 40-50 |
6 | This is Your Reality Now! | 51-60 |
7 | He Has Two Options: Mate or Die! | 61-70 |
8 | The Witch is Back! | 71-80 |
9 | Unstoppable, Unearthly Appetites! | 81-90 |
10 | The Witches Must Feast! | 91-100 |
11 | A Duel to the Death! | 101-110 |
12 | Love or the World, Which Will He Choose? | 111-120 |
13 | Beautiful Elves in One Life, Death in the Other! | 121-130 |
14 | Making the Ultimate Choice! | 131-140 |
15 | The Robot Girl Unleashed! | 141-150 |
16 | Prisoner of Love and War! | 151-160 |
17 | Monstrous Appetites! | 161-170 |
18 | A Looming Confrontation! | 171-180 |
19 | Love is a Battlefield! | 181-190 |