Parallel Paradise (Volume 18) – A Looming Confrontation!

Parallel Paradise Volume 18 Cover

Nishina has finally revealed herself, however, it’s not quite as Yota had believed. The truth is far more terrifying than he had ever imagined and that might change how he sees his role in this world!

Parallel Paradise (Volume 18) – A Looming Confrontation!

What happened?

So, Nishina is not the Jealous God. However, she is a witch and has been playing Yota for quite some time. She visited with Sandra and told her to lie to Yota. Nishina needed Yota to come to Kalnaha to see for himself what he was up against. If she had simply told him, he would never have come because the Jealous God is someone else he knows, someone he can’t bring himself to fight. He steps outside to get some air and soon finds himself being attacked by another guardian, Maron. However, instead of trying to kill Yota, she was testing him to see if males were everything she had convinced herself that they were. She was a little disappointed, but once they were back in Yota’s room, she gave him a chance to redeem himself – a fight to the death. That was just a pretence as she secretly wanted to mate with him, but he knew that and rather than clash blades with her, he touched her cheek and waited for things to get started.

However, it would appear that Maron was as sexually active as Lilia was. She revealed that she would masturbate a lot and would even sneak around at night naked to make it more exciting. Yota wasn’t sure what to do with this information, but now that things had started, there was no turning back. Since Maron had more of a tolerance, she didn’t pass out after the first time. Not the second, the third, or whatever number they got up to. She was like a succubus and only stopped because Leigh-Mary came into the room. She told Maron that she would have to leave the city immediately and that she would be considered a criminal going forward. Maron knew this and was ready for it. She left, telling Yota that they would mate again the next time they met. Leigh-Mary had another reason for coming into the room. Yota was going to be placed under house arrest now that she knew that in order to kill the Jealous God, they would need to kill the Emperess first and she couldn’t let that happen. Regardless, Yota wasn’t sure he could kill the Jealous God anyhow.

What did you think?

This series has had a lot of dark moments, however, Yota’s story of Kanejo, the Jealous God took things to another level. It was actually quite horrific. I’m surprised that Yota doesn’t want to fight Kanejo. I’d want to rip him to pieces, so I think there must be more to the story. Hopefully, that will continue in the next volume. I actually liked that Nishina was not the Jealous God and had predicted that she was the one to visit Sandra. However, I also feel like the Kanejo revelation has come completely out of left field. There have been no hints of anything like this. We’ve never even heard his name before now. The closest we’ve come has been the stories of the last male to visit this world three thousand years ago, but that could have been anyone.

Obviously, I’m going to keep reading as I’m completely invested in this story, but I don’t see my opinion on this twist changing. If there’s going to be a big revelation then there needs to be the chance for the audience to have guessed it. At the very least, we should be able to look back and realise that it was obvious after the fact. There was simply no way to have guessed this and that takes a bit of the sheen off the storytelling which has been very good up to now. The other curious thing is the fact that they need to kill the Empress to revive the Jealous God so that they can then kill him. The Empress was the Jealous God’s lover and was simply following his orders. So, who did this to the Jealous God? Did she do it? There are a lot of questions that need answering and hopefully, we’ll find out more soon. This series always keeps you coming back for more.

What was your highlight?

There was one very small scene that caught my attention and that showed Nakta being brought before the Empress after she mated with Yota. The Empress was furious that Nishina had been revived and wanted Yota to kill her. The Empress in this scene looked very different to the one in Leigh-Mary’s flashback, which is obviously because she is also a witch. The fact that we’ve been shown lots of little things that imply that there is a massive storyline that took place three thousand years ago makes me think that we will get that story soon. It wouldn’t surprise me if this series gave us a flashback that lasted several volumes and I’d actually be fine with that. There are so many questions that need answering that I think it would be the best way to show us. I’d hate for it all to be dropped on us in the form of exposition or dialogue.

I think we’ll learn a lot of crazy things with a massive flashback and wouldn’t be surprised if we see Lilia there. Maybe, that’s why she didn’t develop the Ring of Knowledge. Could Lilia be a witch? That would give her the ability to travel through time. The fact that the Jealous God is his rival could have something to do with why Lilia chose him. I’m eighteen volumes into this series and every volume seems to add more and more questions to the list. Some have been answered, but most are still teasing us. It’s going to be amazing to look back at this series once I’ve got to the end and work out where all the clues were. Hopefully, there will be clues and it’s not all going to be like the Kanejo revelation.

Series Information

English TitleParallel Paradise
Japanese TitleParallel Paradise
GenresErotica, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai


AuthorLynn Okamoto
ArtistLynn Okamoto
1It’s a Curse!1-9
2My Body Won’t Stop!10-19
3My Last Moon…20-29
4For the Darkest Dawn!30-39
5I Was… Dreaming!40-50
6This is Your Reality Now!51-60
7He Has Two Options: Mate or Die!61-70
8The Witch is Back!71-80
9Unstoppable, Unearthly Appetites!81-90
10The Witches Must Feast!91-100
11A Duel to the Death!101-110
12Love or the World, Which Will He Choose?111-120
13Beautiful Elves in One Life, Death in the Other!121-130
14Making the Ultimate Choice!131-140
15The Robot Girl Unleashed!141-150
16Prisoner of Love and War!151-160
17Monstrous Appetites!161-170
18A Looming Confrontation!171-180
19Love is a Battlefield!181-190

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