Parallel Paradise (Volume 3) – My Last Moon…

Parallel Paradise Volume 3 Cover

Haru was the only member of the Quintets who hadn’t slept with Youta, however, since she had six months before her last moon, she decided to abstain. Youta promised her that he would defeat the Jealous God and break the curse.

Parallel Paradise (Volume 3) – My Last Moon…

What happened?

When they returned from their quest to collect Fire Phosphorite, Lilia noticed that Misaki and Momo now had marks on their necks indicating that they had both mated with Youta. She was devastated and ran off, cursing Youta for refusing to sleep with her. He caught up with her and told her that he had always planned to mate with her and since they were together then, they might as well get it done. Lilia was relieved, then aroused, and then ecstatic. She didn’t want it to end and pushed Youta’s body to its limits. Meanwhile, the other girls were stood outside the door listening, their fountains of desire overflowing…

That night, Youta went to see Haru who was keeping watch over the city as it slept. He offered to mate with her, but she refused. She wished to maintain her dignity and composure. Youta could respect that and swore to kill the Jealous God within the six months she had left to live. However, soon after he walked away, she felt the orb in her hair crack and then shatter. She called after Youta who came running to see what had happened. Haru’s body had already begun to break down. He offered to save her but it was too late.

The next day Youta planned on leaving for Reel Town where there was supposedly a shrine to the Jealous God. Hopefully, he would find out something there. The girls threw him a leaving party and once the mead got flowing, one thing led to another and well… let’s just say Youta had some things to take care of before he could leave. The next morning, Youta finally set off. As the girls saw him off, Rumi broke down crying. Misaki told her to go with him. It was fine as she had already requested two more guardians… One to replace Haru and another that would have replaced her, had she not decided to let Rumi go instead. It was a three-day walk if they had just kept walking. Unfortunately, it took a little longer for… well… reasons…

What did you think?

So Haru dying was quite traumatic with her flesh literally crumbling away to reveal her bones before they went the same way. I can’t say I’m a fan of stoic deaths like that when the solution to living longer would have been very simple. Not to mention, the fact that they need all the experienced people they can get to face off against the Jealous God. I think we needed to see what happens when they die and Youta needed to see it, but the way it went down annoyed me. I had to laugh at the farewell party and how it descended into an orgy as they got drunk and lost control. Even funnier that Youta passed out and then woke up with them all on top of him.

So, I have a couple of thoughts about the things that have happened so far and the observations that Youta has made. He’s noticed that the girls seem to have evolved to be completely receptive to men. His assumption is that it’s to make mating easier when a man does show up. However, I think it’s all part of the trap to keep men from going after the Jealous God. We saw it with the farewell party and how that almost derailed his plans. Then, as he travelled with Rumi, they ended up having sex constantly which greatly slowed down their progress. We’ve seen the Karu run from Youta, but now that he is travelling across the world, things are attacking him. It’s like it wanted him to stay where he was and get lost in the euphoria of being the only male.

We also met the Trident which is the guardian group for Reel Town and one of them seemed to be prepared for a male. She knew that Rumi riding a bicorn meant that a male was there and that she needed to report it to the Jealous God. We also discovered that the shrine to the Jealous God was underwater and the local god was a dolphin-like being who could fly. The other big thing of note was that Lilia didn’t develop the mark when she had sex with Youta. Either this means that the mark signifies something else or that maybe Lilia wasn’t cursed to begin with. There has to be a reason, so I’ll be keeping an eye out for more clues. This series continues to be intriguing. It’s definitely not what it seems!

Parallel Paradise Volume 3 Youta actually leaving

Volume highlights

Series Information

English TitleParallel Paradise
Japanese TitleParallel Paradise
GenresErotica, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai


AuthorLynn Okamoto
ArtistLynn Okamoto
1It’s a Curse!1-9
2My Body Won’t Stop!10-19
3My Last Moon…20-29
4For the Darkest Dawn!30-39
5I Was… Dreaming!40-50
6This is Your Reality Now!51-60
7He Has Two Options: Mate or Die!61-70
8The Witch is Back!71-80
9Unstoppable, Unearthly Appetites!81-90
10The Witches Must Feast!91-100
11A Duel to the Death!101-110
12Love or the World, Which Will He Choose?111-120
13Beautiful Elves in One Life, Death in the Other!121-130
14Making the Ultimate Choice!131-140
15The Robot Girl Unleashed!141-150
16Prisoner of Love and War!151-160

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