Parallel Paradise (Volume 8) – The Witch is Back!

Parallel Paradise Volume 8 Cover

Yota attempts to escape out his window but is saved by one of the Guardians when he slips. There’s no time to rest though as Rumi has made contact and she is accompanied by a girl with silver hair! This is what they’ve been waiting for!

Parallel Paradise (Volume 8) – The Witch is Back!

What happened?

Upon seeing the ruined cityscape out of the window, Yota decides that he must be in hell. It all makes sense to him at at least. Rather than stay as their sex slave, he climbs out the window and attempts to climb down. However, he slips and begins to fall. One of the Guardians jumps out the window and catches him, then uses her sword to slow their descent. They make it to the bottom in one piece, but it has confirmed one thing. They don’t know enough about human males to rely on their current plan. It’s time to switch.

Another girl runs into the room and tells them that Rumi has approached the barrier. Even more interesting is the fact that she is accompanied by a girl with silver hair. It has to be Galia, the silver-haired witch. It’s time to put their plan into motion. They deactivate the barrier and head out to meet them, however, only Maya is allowed to enter. Vanille attempts to stop Rumi from following, but she’s no match for Rumi’s speed or determination. They decide to let Rumi follow along with Arles. Maya plays along with the idea that she is Galia as it’s their only chance to enter.

Parallel Paradise Volume 8 Kazuchi believes Maya is Galia

Once inside, they activate a barrier of light, trapping Maya inside. They believe they have captured the witch, but then, Maya’s head is sliced clean off inside the barrier. Everyone is stunned. Who could have done that? Rumi draws her sword, ready to attack the Guardians, however, they claim that they just wanted to catch the witch. Then, Yota appears and attacks Arles, but his blade cannot reach her. Arles laughs in their faces. She is Galia and she’s been waiting for her chance to wake the Jealous God.

She kills two more Guardians before pointing out that it’s pointless to attack her. Yota calms the room. He can tell that she’s right. Then, Galia asks Kazuchi to give her the code because she knows they have deciphered the ancient text. Kazuchi refuses so Galia reveals that she doesn’t want to kill any more of them just yet, but she’ll settle for destroying Kazuchi’s pride. If she submits to her, she’ll let everyone else live. Kazuchi agrees and is told to strip. Then, Galia uses some sort of magic to retrain Kazuchi in an incredibly compromising position. Then, she tells Yota to mate with her in front of everyone.

Parallel Paradise Volume 8 Kazuchi offers her pride to Galia

Of course, after what Yota has been through, mating in front of people is nothing by comparison. Galia realises that the mood has gone so she ups the stakes, producing a small glowing ball. She tells Kazuchi that it will ruin her stomach, forcing her bowels to release everything. Then, she tells Yota that he must mate with her before that happens. If he can do that, she will leave without hurting anyone else. Kazuchi is mortified. She’s struggling to hold it together, but at the same time, her fountain of desire has started to flow.

Yota begins to mate with her, reassuring her and encouraging her to hold it in for as long as possible. However, she’s starting to lose it. Yota has only one choice, he pulls out. Then, he uses his cock to plug her asshole. Galia was shocked and disappointed all at the same time. He managed to finish which meant she left without hurting anyone else. However, Kazuchi was scarred from the incident and not least because as soon as Yota was done, she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Galia returned to the base of the resistance and ate all of the girls there. Still hungry, she went to a portal that linked the towns and teleported to Meese Town, Rumi’s home. Meanwhile, Yota went to see Kazuchi after cleaning up in the hopes that he could help her regain some composure. He told her that he wanted to mate with her and that what happened before was not her fault and if he was honest, he was turned on by her determination and also her embarrassment. They mated and that seemed to do the trick, and not least because Kazuchi is quite the masochist. Afterwards, Yota demanded that they tell them everything. If they had the Jealous God sealed below, why hadn’t they killed them? They decided to show Youta.

They climbed down a long set of stairs and into a futuristic-looking space. An energy barrier stopped them from advancing until a secret code was entered, translated from ancient texts. Yota could tell that it was more advanced than his time, but the use of a code and not facial recognition or fingerprints meant that they were too easily copied. Inside was a large device with what appeared to be a sleeping chamber. Yota couldn’t believe his eyes. It was Nishina, his childhood friend!

Parallel Paradise Volume 8 Galia goes to Meese Town

What did you think?

Well, I called it in the last volume. Arles was Galia, however, I really wasn’t expecting Maya to die so suddenly, especially as it had used her as a bit of a red herring, but then Galia had used her too so I suppose she served her purpose. We also got to see that the Guardians of Sandrio weren’t hoping to revive the Jealous God, but were faking so that they could lure Galia into a trap. Not only that, but it appears that this has been a multi-generational scheme, but that’s nothing compared to the level of scheming Galia could achieve having lived for three thousand years.

This volume was also incredibly messed up for the way it treated Kazuchi. Well, the way Galia treated her. I understand that she had no need to kill her then and that she still wanted the code from her, but that was a particularly savage way to break her. I laughed when Vanille commented on the cruel situation and how their survival was to be determined by the strength of Kazuchi’s sphincter! Yota managed to save the day with some quick thinking, but it was all a bit intense, to say the least. And then, revealing that Kazuchi was a full-on masochist seemed to play into Yota’s standard playbook, however, it felt like he didn’t want to treat her that way. I think he’s growing!

Then, the volume ended with Galia going to Meese Town to satisfy her hunger which wasn’t sated even after eating all of the resistance girls. I wonder how this will play into the whole Lilia thing, because if the Lilia that sent Yota to this place is actually from the future then she has to survive. However, none of that is as shocking as the revelation that Yota’s childhood friend, Nishina is encased in the strange medical device beneath Sandrio and that they believe she is the Jealous God. I’m not buying that. We’ve been given too many misdirections for me to automatically believe something as obvious as that. Thankfully, I’ve got plenty more books to read to find out more. This series is crazy!

Parallel Paradise Volume 8 Yota tries to help Kazuchi and thwart Galia

Volume highlights

Series Information

English TitleParallel Paradise
Japanese TitleParallel Paradise
GenresErotica, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai


AuthorLynn Okamoto
ArtistLynn Okamoto
1It’s a Curse!1-9
2My Body Won’t Stop!10-19
3My Last Moon…20-29
4For the Darkest Dawn!30-39
5I Was… Dreaming!40-50
6This is Your Reality Now!51-60
7He Has Two Options: Mate or Die!61-70
8The Witch is Back!71-80
9Unstoppable, Unearthly Appetites!81-90
10The Witches Must Feast!91-100
11A Duel to the Death!101-110
12Love or the World, Which Will He Choose?111-120
13Beautiful Elves in One Life, Death in the Other!121-130
14Making the Ultimate Choice!131-140
15The Robot Girl Unleashed!141-150
16Prisoner of Love and War!151-160

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