Dandadan (Volume 7) – Pardon the Intrusion!

Dandadan Volume 7 Cover

The Evil Eye has been contained, however, exorcising it from Jiji’s body is going to be tough so they’re going to need to be ready at all times to splash him with hot water… If it works, it works!

Dandadan (Volume 7) – Pardon the Intrusion!

What happened?

Contained within Taro’s body, Jiji returned to himself when he was splashed with hot water. However, cold water would make him revert to the Evil Eye. Since this was no common spirit, it was going to be tough to exorcise it from Jiji’s body. To do that they needed some Hayashi Performers to distract the spirit, but they were incredibly hard to come by. So, until they were in a position to perform the exorcism, everyone would need to carry a thermos of hot water at all times. If the Evil Eye returned, they just needed to splash him with hot water. Sounds too easy!

Jiji also worked with Seiko in an attempt to control his chi. Since he was basically a prodigy when it came to his spirit powers, he might have the power to contain the Evil Eye on his own. Until that moment came, however, the second the Evil Eye woke, it went nuts. Okarun seemed to bear the brunt of its frustrations along with Momo’s house. Each time it happened, the destruction was greater and its tactics evolved. In the most recent attack, it managed to put up a barrier trapping Momo inside with it and her hands and the thermos outside. Luckily, Momo had taken a mouthful of tea moments before that and was able to spit it at the Evil Eye otherwise, she would have been a goner.

After that incident, Okarun wanted to get stronger. He visited with the Shrimp Alien who was now working at a dairy farm and asked him to teach him to punch. Peeny Weeny refused, saying that violence was not the answer. Okarun only had Turbo Granny to turn to and she offered to help, but he would have to sneak out with her late at night. Aira saw them leave and followed. They went to the school where Turbo Granny took them to the music room. She summoned a number of spirits who attacked with music in an attempt to teach Okarun about rhythm and how that was best suited to her powers. If only Okarun had the slightest interest in music…

What did you think?

There were lots of great moments in this volume. I had to laugh at the revelation that the Shrimp Alien was actually called Peeny Weeny and as soon as he told them, they all acted as if they never heard him and continued to call him Shrimp Alien. I loved the Hayashi performers who were obviously also a heavy metal band. That was a fun touch. I feel like there was more to Seiko calling off the exorcism than Jiji telling her about the Evil Eye’s desire to play with someone which was why it had been so frustrated with the way it was treated. It seems far too dangerous to leave that to Jiji’s potential.

I loved the revelation that Old Lady Kito was actually a Subterranean who had lived for hundreds of years. Does that make her an alien or are they more of an urban legend? I don’t know, but that was a cool moment, especially as that means there is yet another group after Okarun and Momo. I was glad that Aira was back with the group as I love seeing her in the Acrobatic Silky form as she becomes a complete badass with her dancer-like attacks. I’m looking forward to seeing how Okarun ups his game using heavy metal Hiyashi music as his battle tempo. I feel like there could end up being a sacrifice as Jiji realises that there’s no way he can contain the Evil Eye indefinitely and that he’s putting everyone in danger. Things could get very real!

What was your highlight?

Seiko Ayase must be the most fun character to write about. She has some of the best lines which all come from her unflappable attitude. I loved it when the band arrived at their house and said ‘Pardon the Intrusion’. Without a moment’s hesitation, Seiko said if they were intruding then they should just leave. They instantly turned around and walked off before coming back to confirm the location and that they were the Hayashi performers. She’s just brilliant cold and direct. There’s a great contrast between her character and the teenagers who are constantly mincing their words and not saying what they mean. It’s so nice having an older character, even if she looks like she’s barely over thirty. She looked amazing with her hair down too… what is this series doing to me?

Of course, it’s not just Seiko. Turbo Granny can dish out some harsh lines too and I love it when Okarun and Aira assume their spirit forms and their speech and mannerisms change too. Basically, the way these characters speak reminds me of the shows that made me fall in love with anime and manga back in the nineties. I don’t swear a lot in real life, but when I need to, I will and I think it always feels weird when fiction has been sanitised to the point that reactions seem unnaturally clean. When we can relate to the little things, it makes the most impossible events more believable.

Series Information

English TitleDandadan
Japanese TitleDandadan
GenresAction, Comedy, Supernatural


AuthorYukinobu Tatsu
ArtistYukinobu Tatsu
1I am an Awkward Fellow After All!1-5
2Now My Balls Are Gone!6-14
3I’m Supposed to Protect Her…15-23
4First Love!24-32
5You’ve Been Protecting Me?33-40
6This Damn House!41-49
7Pardon the Intrusion!50-58
8You’re Weak!59-67
9It’s About the Powerbomb!68-76
10This is the Power of Words!77-85

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