Author Journey (December 16, 2024)

Author Journey 2024 12 16 The Otaku Author

Last week was a far more productive week than either of the weeks before it, but it was still a constant battle to get anywhere. That said, reaching this point without missing a post was the short-term goal. Now for something different!

Author Journey (December 16, 2024)

Favourite Moment!

Several weeks ago, I started planning what I was going to do to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Otaku Author. I came up with a plan and rearranged my schedule accordingly. Since the anniversary is tomorrow, everything was organised to get me to this point. I worked out a way to finish the updated posts for Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?, I put several manga series on hold while I focused on just keeping up with the ones I was already doing, and basically planned everything around getting to this point. So, just to get to this point in time with everything as I had hoped has been miraculous. The real-life events haven’t made it easy, but I pushed on and am relieved that I’m finally here – my first annual holiday break! I’ll get into that in a moment…

Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Episode 10 Chizuru Tachibana getting advice from Hakari Hazakura
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 10) – Tenth Period

The Week That Was…

Since I had planned on finishing some things before this date, the pressure was on me to squeeze in what I needed to. I say pressure, of course, it’s all self-inflicted, but that is the schedule I had chosen and I’ll be damned if I’m just going to give up. Anyhow, I watched four episodes of anime, finishing my rewatch of Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? and I’m very happy with how that went. I’ve republished some season reviews before, but only when I was doing a series of episode reviews too. This was the first time that I reposted an entire series. Ultimately, I think it was worth it and it’s something I’ll consider for the future schedule. I have a lot of posts and many of them could use a bit of work to clean them up. Plus, why wouldn’t I want to rewatch some shows that know I love?

I also managed to read three volumes of manga which was nice. Sadly, I ended up returning several volumes of Delicious in Dungeon to my library as I didn’t have the time to read them before they all needed to be returned. I can’t remember the time I returned books unread…

I didn’t do anything else, but that’s fine. I have a feeling things are going to change pretty soon.


Anime Watched3 Episodes4 Episodes
Manga Read3 Books3 Books
Posts Scheduled7 Posts10 Posts
Chapters Written2N/A
Chapters Edited2N/A
Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Episode 11 Koh Tanaka and Chizuru Tachibana having ice cream
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 11) – Eleventh Period

Aspirations for the week!

As I said earlier, tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of the Otaku Author so I have the latest iteration of my annual “Has it Been That Long” posts where I have a look at the past twelve months. Since five years seems like a fairly impressive milestone, I decided to do something special to celebrate. So, over the next thirty days, I’ll be looking back at my favourite shows in a variety of topics, including genre, characters, story, etc. It’s going to be similar to a thirty-day challenge but I’ll be only talking about shows that I’ve reviewed here. I’ll also be providing answers for each year. My hope is that I will make this an annual thing as I quite like the idea of having a month off each year to get my things together before the beginning of the New Year.

Since this will be my focus until January 16, 2025, I also won’t be doing these weekly updates during that time. The next Author Journey post will be on January 20, 2025. I think this will give me a chance to hit the ground running in the New Year. Don’t worry, I’ll still be posting daily as I spend some time reflecting on the past five years and preparing myself for the next five. Anyhow, I’m taking a much-needed break so, as always thanks for reading!

Last week’s posts!

Author Journey!



Lynn Sheridan The Otaku Author Header


    • Thanks. There have been a few close calls lately, but I’ve just managed to keep it up.

    • Thanks. Me too! (Obviously, I’m still going to be working away in the background…)

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