Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Season One) – Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?

This is a review of Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? It is undoubtedly a review of Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?… so, why the hell are you here?
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Season One) – Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
What did you watch?
I first watched this series as it aired back in the Spring 2019 anime season and quickly fell in love with it. It was one of the first shows that I covered on EcchiHunter.com (which sadly was corrupted beyond repair when the host server was damaged) and it became one of our most popular series of posts. So, when Ecchi Hunter died, I decided that I would relocate the series here and see if it was still popular. If you’ve seen any of my anniversary posts you’ll know that it has become the most popular series here too. It probably helped that I rewatched it in 2022 and posted my thoughts on the uncensored version. Then for some unknown reason, I decided to watch it again and update all of my posts with new thoughts and images (the images are incredibly popular…)! Anyhow, let’s see how if any of my opinions have changed.

What happened?
When Sato found himself trapped in a bathroom stall with the teacher known as Kojima the Demon the last thing he could have expected was to end up dating her in the near future. In fact, they had several more awkward meetings before anything started to happen. There was the time in the nurse’s office and the laundrette. He even found her babysitting his little sister and then she was invited on a family trip. Well, it turned out that Sato’s mother knew Kojima from when she was still a student and had hopes of making her a part of the family. She just needed her idiot son to make the connection. Luckily, she wasn’t going to sit back and wait.
After Sato and Kojima began dating, Suzuki found himself eating alone. Sato had been his only friend and given his size and scary demeanour, everyone gave him a wide berth. Luckily, there was Miss Matsukaze who hoped to ease his suffering. She had an ulterior motive, however, as Suzuki had helped her when she was taking her teacher exams. He probably didn’t remember, but she fell for him there and then. Now, she’s determined to make her move.
Meanwhile, Miss Hazakura was starting to notice that her childhood friend, Taka was growing up. A number of awkward situations that were only exacerbated by her attempts to get one over on him pushed them closer and closer together until she couldn’t bear the idea of anyone else taking him away from her.
Then, there was the school nurse, Miss Tachibana who came across as cold and emotionless. She seemed to be completely unflappable and it showed when she ran into Koh at his part-time job. He spilled oil on her. There was a lot of slipping and sliding, but it was the opening she needed to force her way into his life and prove that she was warm and caring. It was going to take some work, mind you!

What did you think?
This series is such an easy watch for me. It helps that the episodes are only twelve minutes long, but I think I would be just as happy if they were longer. Obviously, this series has some issues. The most notable is that it romanticises relationships between teachers and students. To that, I would remind you that this is fiction and as a result, we can leave real-world things where they belong, in the real world. There’s more than enough erotica out there in the world that has questionable topics and situations that it would be odd to pick on one and ignore all the others.
Anyhow, I loved this show when I first watched it (which was heavily censored), I loved it again three years later (that time uncensored), and I still love it now. It’s hilarious. There’s something oddly entertaining about seeing these characters get into the most ridiculous situations over and over again. It definitely resonates with the raunchy comedies that I grew up watching in England such as the Carry On movies or the Benny Hill TV show. I’m quite certain that those sorts of shows set me up to fall in love with the ecchi genre and I have absolutely no regrets. Bring me more!

What was your favourite moment?
Each episode was only twelve minutes long and most of them were split into two parts so there were only really about twenty-four actual moments in the series so you would think this would be easy. However, as few as there were, they were all pretty enjoyable and many of them were up for consideration as I tried to pick just one. After some deliberation, I settled on the fourth episode. This episode featured just one moment and it was hilarious. Kojima had been invited on a family trip to an island for a wedding since Sato’s father couldn’t come and they’d already paid for a ticket. Seems harmless enough.
However, this was all part of Sato’s mother’s scheme to make Kojima a member of the family. She even ran off shopping with Sato’s little sister, forcing them to spend time together. She even told Sato that she was sure Kojima liked him so it should be easy to seal the deal, so to speak. Well, there were some interesting moments where they both accidentally said what they were thinking out loud. Then, Kojima got bitten by a sea snake in a very compromising position, leaving Sato with no choice but to spread her legs and suck out the venom! It was amazing how everything escalated throughout the episode. Amazingly, this series of events actually cemented their position as a couple.

What was your least favourite moment?
I couldn’t really get into the relationship between Hazakura and Taka and it was probably because of their first scene together. Taka came home from school to find Hazakura lying in his bed. They are neighbours and have been since they were both children. Her heaters weren’t working so she came over to use his bed to get warm. Of course, she made things more awkward by grabbing Taka and pulling him into the bed to use as a body pillow. She fell asleep pretty quickly, giving Taka a chance to slip free. However, her clothes rode up and then her bra popped open.
Taka tried to fix it, but that made it worse. Then, Hazakura pulled him closer to her effectively shoving her nipple into his mouth. She woke up seconds later to find what appeared to be him suckling on her nipple like a giant baby. Hazakura tried to play it off as being completely normal but she left the room and then freaked out as she realised that he might be developing feelings for her. After that, things got better as Hazakura went out of her way to get her revenge on him, however, each time she tried, it ended up backfiring. I really enjoyed that part of their relationship, but the babying didn’t really do anything for me.

Who was your favourite character?
Ironically, given the last section, Hazakura was my favourite character and it had nothing to do with her sporty physique and tan lines. Absolutely nothing! I loved how wild she was. As the physical education teacher, she obviously has lots of energy and loves playing games. That backfired on her several times but in fairly spectacular ways. She made things happen and was probably a big part of Matsukaze getting together with Suzuki and Tachibana pursuing things with Koh. Other than Kojima, Hazakura seems to be the epicentre of this teacher-student relationship outbreak!
However, as I said in the episode reviews, Hazakura might have been my favourite character, I loved the relationship between Tachibana and Koh the most. I felt like it developed in a more natural way and she even put the brakes on things until he had graduated when he tried to ask her out. I also loved seeing Sato and Kojima come together after their incredibly rocky start. I remember thinking that I would have been happy if it only focused on them after the first four episodes, although in hindsight, I’m glad it didn’t.

Who was your least favourite character?
Unfortunately, there was only one character that I didn’t mention in the last section and that was Taka. He was the youngest of the students. In fact, Sato, Suzuki, and Koh could have all passed as adults with their character designs. Taka, however, was much of the Shouta style of character designs which made things between him and Hazakura that much more awkward. It probably annoyed me more as she was my favourite character and it felt like they were wasting her on him.

Would you like some more?
So, this is my third time watching the series and also the third time that I’ve reviewed it. I don’t think I’ll review it again, but I will definitely watch it again. That said, I would love more. I still have the thirteenth episode to watch which was released with the Blu-Ray. The review for that will be along later today. On top of that, I actually bought the manga from Japan. There hasn’t been an official translation of the series so I’m going to try to muddle through with a translation app and my knowledge of the series so far. I think the anime covered the first four volumes and there are eleven in total. At some point in the future, I’ll be sure to write about them.

What have you learned?
This series is incredibly formulaic. Even when you ignore the fact that it’s about the same sort of relationship each time, there are also a number of tropes that are repeated over and over again. Some might argue that using a formula is a bad thing. Surely, that’s the opposite of being creative. Well, what if I told you that almost all fiction is formulaic? There are obviously some that break the mould, however, it’s only the best that survive. Many are ignored because readers are expecting certain things to happen. All genres have a number of set expectations and if they aren’t there it can leave the audience confused and disappointed. Oftentimes, it’s better to give them what they want and focus on doing that well rather than trying to be experimental. Experimenting can work, but those that do are the exceptions.

Series Information
English Title | Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? |
Japanese Title | Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? |
Genres | Comedy, Ecchi, School |
Demographic | Seinen |
Season | Season One |
Released | Spring 2019 |
Animation Studios | Tear Studio |
Episodes | 13 |
1 | First Period |
2 | Second Period |
3 | Third Period |
4 | Fourth Period |
5 | Fifth Period |
6 | Sixth Period |
7 | Seventh Period |
8 | Eighth Period |
9 | Ninth Period |
10 | Tenth Period |
11 | Eleventh Period |
12 | Twelfth Period |
13 | Thirteenth Period |

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