Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 8) – Eighth Period

Taka and Hazakura fell into a river on a school trip and had to survive in the cold with just each other’s bodies for warmth. Then, Matsukaze went to the festival dressed as a student so she could be with Suzuki. What could go wrong?
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 8) – Eighth Period
What happened?
Taka was struggling to understand his feelings for Hazakura. Was this something new or had he always felt that way? Regardless, he was trying to put some space between them ever since the incident in the lingerie store. So, when she jumped out from behind a tree while they were on a school walk, he fell backwards. Hazakura caught him before he could fall into the river, but they both ended up falling in anyhow. They ended up being separated from the others and forced to take shelter in a cave. Unfortunately, Taka soon became feverish which forced Hazakura to act quickly.
With no other options, Hazakura stripped herself and then Taka so that they could share body heat. It wasn’t enough and Taka soon became delirious. He asked for a drink and as Hazakura reached for the barley tea, he saw some sweat on her boob and went for it. The surprise made Hazakura spill the tea over her body, which Taka then eagerly licked up in his delirium. That would have been fine had there not been a pool of barley tea gathering between her thighs. Amazingly, it seemed to be enough to settle his fever enough that she could relax, even if that was hard after what had just happened, and when Taka told Hazakura that he loved her.

At the joint school festival, Matsukaze decided to wear her sister’s uniform so that she could accompany Suzuki without standing out. Everything was going well, until Hazakura who was dressed as a cop, saw her and put a pair of handcuffs on her. She whispered loudly into Matsukaze’s ear about her liking Suzuki. Then, she dragged them both off to a store room where she said the keys to the handcuffs could be found. That way they could have some “private” time together. Of course, Suzuki heard everything Hazakura and Matsukaze said…
He was still processing the information when he found the key and turned to unlock Matzukaze. However, she stood incredibly close to him, startling him. The key flew into the air and then fell down Matsukaze’s back, unlocking her bra. Her boobs burst free as she tried to catch the key which had now settled in her panties. With her hands still cuffed, she needed Suzuki to pull down her panties to get the key out. He promised to close his eyes, but that didn’t help. Matsukaze was shorter than Suzuki even on his knees. Eventually, he pulled down her panties, freeing the key. Embarrassed by what happened, Matsukaze inadvertently pulled Suzuki’s face beneath her skirt! Once the cuffs were off, Suzuki apologised profusely. However, Matsukaze told him that it wasn’t a problem since she loved him and then ran away, leaving him to come to terms with what just happened.

What did you think?
So, Hazakura’s tan lines were even more impressive in this episode. That said, I still can’t seem to enjoy her relationship with Taka. She continues to be my favourite of the teachers so it’s frustrating that she’s with my least favourite of the students. Oh well, at least those tan lines will keep things interesting. I liked how these two pairings overlapped and even interacted with one another. Hazakura interfering with Suzuki and Matsukaze was hilarious and made the utter absurdity of the key undoing Matsukaze’s bra and then ending up in her panties that much funnier. I’m starting to worry that Matsukaze is just walking around with random things undressing her. So far, she almost lost her panties to a water jet, she ended up topless on a busy train, a toy fish landed in her bra, an umbrella handle pressed against her butt, and now a falling key was able to beat all of those things combined.
At least, Hazakura is undressing of her own free will… well, other than in Taka’s bed when her front-fastening bra popped open when she used him as a body pillow. Seriously, it’s a wonder that anyone has any clothes on at all! Still, that’s what makes these shows so enjoyable. They are completely and utterly absurd, and I love them for it!
Episode highlights
Survival Instincts!

The Key!

Series Information
English Title | Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? |
Japanese Title | Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? |
Genres | Comedy, Ecchi, School |
Demographic | Seinen |
Season | Season One |
Released | Spring 2019 |
Animation Studios | Tear Studio |
Episodes | 13 |
1 | First Period |
2 | Second Period |
3 | Third Period |
4 | Fourth Period |
5 | Fifth Period |
6 | Sixth Period |
7 | Seventh Period |
8 | Eighth Period |
9 | Ninth Period |
10 | Tenth Period |
11 | Eleventh Period |
12 | Twelfth Period |
13 | Thirteenth Period |