Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 3) – Third Period

Why the hell are you here, Teacher Uncensored Season 1 Title

Sato went to his bedroom to relax, so what was Kojima the Demon doing there? Then, his mother came in and gave Kojima a beer. Instantly drunk, she pulled out a photo of the boy who helped her become a teacher. If only she could thank him!

Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 3) – Third Period

What happened?

Kojima the Demon was in Sato’s bedroom. It’s his sanctuary where he goes to relax. His manga and video game collection are there, so why is his teacher there? Not only that, but she was also folding his clothes. When he finally asked her what she was doing there, Kojima told Sato that his mother dragged her in there and then vanished. Still, she couldn’t believe he would just throw his clothes on the floor like a slob. Then, Sato’s mother reappeared with a tray full of drinks. Apparently, there was a reason to celebrate. Kojima took a glass of beer and had a sip. Unfortunately, she can’t handle booze so that was more than enough.

As Sato told off his mother for getting his teacher drunk in his bedroom, Kojima pulled out her old photo album and showed it to them. There was a picture from when she was still in school standing beside Sato’s mother. They went way back. Then, she turned to a picture of her with a little boy – the one she believes changed her life and made it possible for her to become a teacher. Back when she was unsure about her chances of becoming a teacher, she was crossing the bridge when the little boy jumped off the bridge and into an icy river. She instinctively jumped after him. Even though the river wasn’t very deep, they both got cold and wet so she took him home and warmed him up with a bath. He mentioned a legend about becoming an adult if you jump off the bridge and he believed that it had worked for her too!

Obviously, that boy was Sato and his mother was all too keen to tell Kojima. He was terrified that she was going to get mad. However, Kojima was delighted to finally reacquaint herself with the one who she believed had made it possible for her to become a teacher. There had to be a way she could thank him, and it had to be something special. What could she possibly do? Luckily, Sato’s mother had an idea and whispered it into Kojima’s ear. Sato could only watch as Kojima turned a deep shade of red and then fell onto his bed. Sato’s mother quickly explained to Sato that she wanted Kojima to be her daughter-in-law so he had better not mess this up! With that word of motherly advice, she ran out of the room, leaving them alone.

Kojima being quite drunk and not nearly as experienced as Sato’s mother may think quickly came up with a plan. She would let him play with her boobs, and without a moment’s hesitation, she unbuttoned her shirt and popped open her bra. Sato froze at the prospect of feeling her boobs and then he started to worry about her career. However, she persisted, demanding that he at least kiss her. He managed to convince himself to use it as a chance to give her some water to help with the drunkenness, but again, he couldn’t do it. However, Kojima was not about to take no for an answer. She leaned forward and kissed him. The next day, back at school, he accidentally called her ‘big sis’ and was quickly reminded why they called her Kojima the Demon.

What did you think?

I don’t see how Sato can refuse since his mother gave him a direct order and had already gone to the trouble of setting everything up. She might just about be the best wingman Sato could ask for, especially since Kojima’s past helped set things up even more. She feels indebted to Sato for helping her become a teacher, she sees Sato’s mother as a friend and mentor, and she’s getting pressured by her own parents to settle down and give them grandchildren. Now, in the normal world that might not be enough to entwine two lives, but in fiction, that’s a big green light!

So, unlike the first two episodes which had followed a two-scene format, this one gave us a single extended scene that included a flashback. It’s funny that she had such fond memories of that kid but never realised that it was Sato, especially since she was friends with Sato’s mother. I can only assume that she never met the two of them together, which is possible. Anyhow, this episode was less about awkward comedy and more about solidifying their relationship. It was still fun, but not in the same way. I’m pretty sure that the next episode will more than make up for that!

Episode highlights

The Flashback!

Thank You, Big Sis!

Series Information

English TitleWhy the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?
Japanese TitleNande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
GenresComedy, Ecchi, School


SeasonSeason One
ReleasedSpring 2019
Animation StudiosTear Studio
1First Period
2Second Period
3Third Period
4Fourth Period
5Fifth Period
6Sixth Period
7Seventh Period
8Eighth Period
9Ninth Period
10Tenth Period
11Eleventh Period
12Twelfth Period
13Thirteenth Period

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    • It’s a lot of fun. Just make sure you watch the uncensored version otherwise it can get a bit ridiculous with full screen censoring.

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