Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 11) – Eleventh Period

To thank Koh for helping her carry home her groceries, Tachibana said that she’d let him have whatever she won from the raffle. Koh insisted that they split it. However, he wasn’t expecting her to win a weekend break for two!
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? Uncensored (Episode 11) – Eleventh Period
What happened?
Koh was stunned. He was expecting it to be something small and insignificant, however, Tachibana won the top prize which was a weekend break for two. Somehow, Koh had gone from helping her with her groceries to going on a romantic weekend getaway! Even after they arrived at their destination, Koh was still struggling to come to terms with what was going on. Regardless, Tachibana was keen to make sure he had fun and had researched lots of places to visit. Their first stop was the beach and she even had her bikini on under her clothes. However, there was a no swimming sign. Koh suggested that they have fun on the shore and showed her a hermit crab.
While they watched the crab, the tide picked up Tachibana’s suitcase and carried it away. In a panic, Tachibana slipped trying to get it back and fell into the water. Koh jumped in to help her out, unaware that her bikini bottoms had come off in the fall. He swam behind her and lifted her up to the rocks, which was when he discovered that her bikini bottoms had fallen off. He tried not to look, but then, as Tachibana climbed over the edge a hermit crab pinched one of her nipples. She was frozen and had to ask Koh to remove the crab. This was easier said than done considering she was on his shoulders and he was standing in the water. He reached up and grabbed her other nipple, which ended up working as she became aroused…

The next day, things went a little better, although Koh was now certain that he was falling for Tachibana. He just couldn’t stop thinking about her and everything that they had done together. The final event planned was an evening hike up a mountain to watch the stars. Unfortunately, it started to rain so they took shelter in a cave. Koh complained about being cold, so Tachibana huddled up close to Koh to share her warmth. Unfortunately, the rock behind Koh gave way and they both fell into another chasm.
When Koh managed to turn on his flashlight, he was surprised to see Tachibana upside down with her panties on display. He was about to move when she stopped him, pointing out that they were surrounded by stalagmites. Since they take so long to form, Tachibana was determined not to break any. Slowly, inch by inch, they moved away from the stalagmites. However, with each movement, things got a little more awkward. At one point, Tachibana’s nipple was next to Koh’s face. He tried to ignore it, but then she became aroused and it grew, pressing against his lips… Eventually, they managed to correct themselves just as the rain stopped. Sadly, it was still cloudy so there would be no star gazing. Luckily, however, the moonlight bounced around the cave creating a spectacular sight from the minerals in the rock formations. Tachibana was still disappointed as she had hoped to see a shooting star so that she could make a wish. She didn’t need to, though as Koh accidentally confessed his love for her!

What did you think?
One of the reasons that I like Koh and Tachibana as a couple is that Koh seems the least like a student of any of the other students. In fact, we’ve only really seen him at work or in regular clothes. If we weren’t told that he was a student, it wouldn’t have been an issue. Anyhow, I love the way Tachibana celebrated winning the raffle and when Koh confessed his feelings for her. There has been a fair amount of repetition in this series with nipples suddenly making their way into people’s mouths or nipples being tweaked accidentally as the guy tries to help the girl out of a situation. We’ve also seen the accidental confessions said out loud when they thought it was in their head more than once. Surprisingly, however, it hasn’t bothered me other than that I noticed it.
I think the reason that this series is able to reuse these tropes over and over again without feeling stale is because of how different the characters are and how that makes each of the relationships a little more interesting. I often go on about characters and how important it is to get them right by making them varied and interesting. I’m sure the number of people who have dated a teacher is a significant minority, but there’s more than enough going on that the audience can find something relatable about each of the characters and the situations. This series is funny and raunchy, but I also think the romantic side of things is done quite well, especially considering how little time we have with each of the pairings.
Episode highlights
Romantic Getaway!

Cave of Wonders!

Series Information
English Title | Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? |
Japanese Title | Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? |
Genres | Comedy, Ecchi, School |
Demographic | Seinen |
Season | Season One |
Released | Spring 2019 |
Animation Studios | Tear Studio |
Episodes | 13 |
1 | First Period |
2 | Second Period |
3 | Third Period |
4 | Fourth Period |
5 | Fifth Period |
6 | Sixth Period |
7 | Seventh Period |
8 | Eighth Period |
9 | Ninth Period |
10 | Tenth Period |
11 | Eleventh Period |
12 | Twelfth Period |
13 | Thirteenth Period |