Most Rewatched Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 10

With so many new shows to watch, it’s hard to justify rewatching a lot of anime. However, there are some that I just can’t help but revisit. For day 10 of the 30 Days of Anime, I’m going to reveal what those shows are and why!
Most Rewatched Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 10
Seriously, my to-watch list keeps growing and growing – faster than I can watch them, which makes it hard to make time to rewatch shows. There are some obvious exceptions that I’ll get into soon, but there have also been some accidental ones… I’ll explain in a moment! Hopefully, that’s got your attention. Now, let’s see what shows I rewatch and why!
Year 1 – Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? (Season One)
I first watched Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? when it aired, reviewing it for Ecchi Hunter. When that site died, I moved my reviews to here. Then, the uncensored version became more available so I decided to watch it again to see if the censorship changed it. It absolutely did. For shame! Surprisingly, there were times when the censorship made it seem lewder than it actually was and there were times when it blocked the entire screen, making it completely pointless. Anyhow, I’ve watched the show four times now, reviewing it once more recently. I also removed the older reviews because they weren’t adding anything. Anyhow, this is a fun series that doesn’t take itself seriously at all. It also helps that the episodes are only twelve minutes long.

Year 2 – Heaven’s Lost Property (Season One)
I think I’ve seen both seasons of Heaven’s Lost Property twice all the way through. However, there are some episodes that I have seen several more times. The episode with the exploding panties or the festival episodes are all incredibly rewatchable. I also love the wrestling episodes where Tomoki becomes the masked wrestler – Mask du Pants. The series has a fascinating story that pulls you through the series, but it also knows how to make the most out of each episode. I love this series and still haven’t quite come to terms with the second movie which left things in an awful place. In fact, I was so frustrated that I purchased the full manga series – all twenty volumes in Japanese- and plan on attempting to read them.

Year 3 – Hundred (Season One)
I don’t think that I’ll ever understand the criticism aimed at Hundred and I don’t think I really want to. As soon as I finished the first season for the first time, I jumped online and searched for a second season. I was really disappointed to discover that there wasn’t one, and even more so when I couldn’t find the manga or light novels. Sadly, that was several years ago and there is still no English translation of the light novels. Maybe one day. However, until then, I will have to continue to enjoy the anime as often as I can fit it in.

Year 4 – Sankarea: Undying Love (Season One)
The first time I watched Sankarea: Undying Love was for a series of collaborative reviews with Yomu from Umai Yomu Anime Blog. It seemed like it would be a great fit for both of us with zombies, romance, comedy, and ecchi. I’ll admit that I was a little less enthused by the time we finished the first season. We finished the posts having enjoyed it, but not overly. Then, I found the manga at my local library and began reading. Surprisingly, I loved it. That was in 2022. Maybe, I had changed in the three years since first watching it? I decided to rewatch it and found that I was enjoying the anime a lot more too. So, I decided to review both the manga and anime simultaneously while bringing back the old discussion-based reviews from my last site. Yomu also rereleased the posts that were on the Umai Yomu Anime Blog. So, it just goes to show that there can be a benefit to rewatching shows!

Year 5 – Highschool Of The Dead (Season One)
I first watched Highschool of the Dead in 2013 when I found the episodes on YouTube. After instantly falling in love with it, I ordered the Blu-ray and began what would become a regular event. Needless to say, I’ve rewatched Highschool of the Dead more than probably any other anime. Well, at least any of the recent anime. I didn’t track when I watched stuff back in the days of VHS so I can’t really compare. That said, I have probably watched it at least once every year since 2013, and will continue to do so. I’ve actually reviewed it three times on three different sites, but now that I’ve reviewed it on the Otaku Author, I can go back to binge-watching it whenever I feel like it, which is often! I can’t get enough of this series!

Final Thoughts!
We’re ten days into this challenge and there have already been a lot of repeating selections, which is understandable. I’m sure several of them will reappear at some point, but there are lots more categories to go so I’d expect to see a lot more variety, especially as I look at more and more genres. Next up, is my Favourite Anime Couples. I think this will bring more shows into the fold. I can’t believe I’m already a third of the way through my 30 Days of Anime challenge! Thanks for visiting.
Other Posts in the Series
30 Days of Anime (Years 1 to 5)

Expected a lot of fanservice scenes though I’m not surprised, with respectfulness from me, that all of these rewatched anime series of yours is in the same subgenre.
Currently I just started watching “Alya Hides Her Feelings in Russian”. The fanservice in those earlier episodes didn’t go overboard in my POV even though I’m sex-ambivalent towards fanservice scenes and I’m not the expected target audience. I think this series might become my unexpected honourable mentions though I’m bracing judgements from others. 😅
Overlord, Reincarnated as a Slime, and Shield Hero all came very close! Ecchi tends to be very rewatchable in my books, especially the good ones.
There’s a few that I’ve only done season reviews for that I’m probably going to revisit soon, plus more that I haven’t reviewed before. Alya didn’t make it onto my to-watch list but I may have to add it.
I’m right there with you about Hundred (Season One). I enjoyed it a lot. Its tropes cut down on exposition and it was well animated. My only real complaint is that Erica Candle didn’t get more screen time.
HOTD — I had a feeling I’d see it pop up several times! It’s easily in my top five most rewatched series. Might be top two, in fact. For all the reasons you’ve already brought up, and the reasons you’ll likely still to bring up!
Yeah, if they announced another season of Hundred, I would watch it in a heartbeat. I did a lot of things right and I felt a strong connection to the characters. I’ll never understand why people hate it.
HotD will be back several more times. It’s unfortunate for all the other series in 2024 that had to compete with it, but when am I supposed to do when it’s my favourite anime of all time?
Mine would be Infinite Stratos.
I have the Blu-ray but never got around to watching it. Will have to change that in 2025!
You clearly have exceptional taste!
Thanks :3