Favourite Female Anime Character (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 28

How the hell am I going to pick just one female anime character per year from all the shows that I have seen over the last five years? I could probably pick one per season… probably, but that would feel limiting too!
Favourite Female Anime Character (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 28
Just for the record, this is not my favourite waifu post. I actually didn’t put one in my 30 Days of Anime challenge. That doesn’t mean that these characters aren’t waifu… They probably are, but that’s not what we’re doing today. I think I had better just get on with it before I get lost in thought!
Year 1 – Clair Aoki – Gleipnir (Season One)
Where do I begin with Clair from Gleipnir? To start with, Clair is the most determined character in this series. She will do whatever it takes to survive, often making choices that others struggle to live with. Clair is not afraid to be the bad guy if it saves the ones important to her. I love her confidence and how she doesn’t get hung up on things that so often seem to derail some of the apparently strongest female anime characters. Clair was the driving force behind the story, ironically making Shuichi, the actual protagonist take on a more supportive role.

Year 2 – Darkness – KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world! (Season One)
I’ve noticed that the KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world! fandom’s preferences seem to be heavily skewed towards Megumin. That came as quite a shock since Darkness is without a doubt one of my favourite characters of all time. I love the way she has become a perfect tank character since she can barely swing her sword but has near-endless strength. Of course, she has something else that helps. Not only is she perfectly adept at taking damage but she actually enjoys it… I’m sure her masochistic tendencies have helped to shape her into Darkness. Since Megumin got her own spin-off series, how about Darkness gets one too? I’d watch it…

Year 3 – Marin Kitagawa – My Dress-Up Darling (Season One)
Marin from My Dress-Up Darling is beautiful inside and out. I don’t think I’ve seen a character that so wonderfully personified acceptance as her. Marin literally champions whatever anyone is into. All she cares about is that they are passionate about it. She understands that feeling and is excited to share her own feelings with others. She had a presence that made the screen glow whenever she was on it. I loved how down to Earth she was and how her influence helped to show Wakana that it was all right to be who he was. He didn’t need to pretend to be interested in the same things as her. Marin is one of those rare characters who effortlessly lifts everyone around her up. If you put her on a pedestal, she would find a way to put others even higher.

Year 4 – Hizuru Minakata – Summer Time Rendering (Season One)
Summer Time Rendering had a lot of wonderful characters, but no one shone the way Hizuru did. While everything was happening to Shinpei, she was the one solving the problems without the help of being able to jump back in time. She was sharp and resourceful. She was also strong and determined, willing to die to ensure that they would get a chance to defeat the Shadows. I loved how pragmatic she was too. No matter how ridiculous the situation seemed, she would accept the facts and wasn’t afraid to believe in an unbelievable outcome if it made the most sense. I still can’t believe that this show isn’t more widely regarded. Please watch Summer Time Rendering if you have a chance, and definitely check out the manga too.

Year 5 – Saeko Busujiima – Highschool Of The Dead (Season One)
There was literally no way that anyone other than Saeko from Highschool of the Dead could have been selected here. She is my absolute favourite character in anything, she’s my number one waifu, and she is the personification of a strong woman with a sword. She is also calm and considered, assessing a situation quickly and acting just as fast. I love that we see several sides to Saeko in the series. She can be formal and proper, but if she needs to stand on a Humvee in an apron and a thong to save her friends, she will do it in a heartbeat. There are definitely similarities between Saeko and Clair from Gleipnir in that they get the job done first and worry about anything else later if at all. I just wish there was a conclusion to her story…

Final Thoughts!
Seriously, that was tough. Admittedly, several of the girls were almost guaranteed to take their spots there were loads more waiting in the winds. I will have to look at doing a much longer list where I can champion all of my favourite female anime characters. I’ll have to find a suitable time for that as it could be a lot of work.
And then there were just two posts left in my 30 Days of Anime challenge. Both will look at my favourite anime series from the last five years of the Otaku Author, however, so that it’s not just Highschool of the Dead, I’m doing my Favourite Rewatched Anime first. Well, we all know who’s going to take Year Five, but the other years could surprise you! Anyhow, thanks for visiting.
Other Posts in the Series
30 Days of Anime (Years 1 to 5)

I recommend Noragami series that has almost every major female character being well-written in terms of determination and relatability. But my number one spot would still be Menou from Executioner & Her Way of Life. To me, she’s a great example of how a morally gray heroine can still do critical thinking and still behave/look feminine in her own way though I ain’t sure if I should see her as a tomboy character, and yes, they don’t need to have short hair to be one.
I do love Menou and Akari, too. I think you’re right about Menou being like a tomboy. The same could be said for Ashuna. And, yeah, I’ve seen lots of tomboy characters with long hair. I think people just recognise them better with short hair.
I will have to check out Noragami when I get a chance. Thanks
My favorites during the 2007’s were Kotomi and Tomyo from Clannad. Kotomi since she deserved better, and Tomoyo since she can deliver a good kick. Seriously, not because of the kicks, but because she works diligently and has a goal in life.
Yeah, I really need to watch Clannad. My watch list has grown a lot during this challenge…
I’d watch a Darkness spinoff. She’s easily my favorite character in that series. Except maybe Eris, but that’s only because I feel so sorry for her.
Marin — I really can’t add much to what you said about her! She’s just a wonderful character. It’s nearly impossible being depressed watching her. I know. I’ve tried!
On the strength of your testimony, I’ve added Summer Time Rendering to my backlist. Thanks for the recommendation!
I am shocked — shocked, I tell you! — that Saeko Busujiima is on that list. Okay, I’m not that shocked. She’s a great pick.
I’m impressed you were able to keep it to five! Impressive self control!
Yeah, Darkness is easily my favourite of the bunch too. I love them all, but she’s head and shoulders above the rest.
Marin is simply perfect!
You won’t regret it. Summer Time Rendering is currently a hidden gem thanks to Disney+ streaming it.
And yeah, who would have thought the I would pick Saeko?
I’ve tried to stick to the one a year format and this was probably the hardest one yet. That said, I am already dreaming up something fairly ridiculous that will give many more anime girls the chance to shine!