Most Episodes of an Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 15

This seemed like it would be a nice easy category, especially since I track everything I watch. But then, when I started to work it out, there was more to consider than I first thought. Anyhow, here are the results!
Most Episodes of an Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 15
My main problem with this category is the way that I’m simultaneously doing the challenge for each of the five years that the Otaku Author has been online. Since I’ve been a big proponent of scheduling posts, I often watch episodes long before I publish my reviews. So, I had to decide if I was going to highlight the most episodes of an anime that I’d watched during that year or during the year they were published. Ultimately, because I am splitting things by the year that the season review was published I think that’s going to be the most consistent way to resolve things. Let’s dive in!
Year 1 – Fruits Basket (50 Episodes)
With fifty episode reviews and two season reviews in Year 1, Fruits Basket takes this one easily. Basically, I spent more than a year covering a series that I picked up based on a single comment on social media. And, to clarify, I’m extremely glad that I did. This series is fantastic and the fact that they approached it as a whole shows. It basically got the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood treatment even if it was split into three seasons. Watching it weekly was also an absolute pleasure because each episode pulled you in and left you desperate to see more. Of course, I did also review the third and final season the following year.

Year 2 – Record of Grancrest War (24 Episodes)
I didn’t watch Record of Grancrest War when it was originally released and was in the mood for some epic fantasy. With twenty-four episodes, Record of Grancrest War delivered and amazingly, managed to tell a complete story too. Sure, it could have been more epic with another couple of seasons, but that was not to be and I enjoyed the fact that they didn’t drag things out any further than they needed to. I know this series wasn’t popular with everyone, but I really enjoyed it and was glad that I dedicated the time to review it episodically.

Year 3 – That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (48 Episodes and 5 OVAs)
I started watching the second season of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and by the midpoint, I had decided to rewatch the first season and try something new with regards to my review posts. I bundled the episodes into groups of four and spent over half of the post exploring a theme that I had noticed during those episodes. I carried that on for the first season OVAs and the second season. I loved writing those posts and they continue to be some of my favourite posts. Last year, I started reviewing the third season episodically. Unfortunately, I had to take a break from it but I will return sometime this year to finish it off.

Year 4 – Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 Episodes)
So, it would appear that I was one of the last people to finally get around to watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Obviously, it’s hard to commit to longer shows when reviewing them episodically as it’s a very long commitment. However, it’s a show that I had been planning on catching on for a while so it made perfect sense. Spoiler, I absolutely loved it and see it as a guide for how I’d like to see all anime made. Commit to an entire story and just do it. No seasons, no breaks because the animation studio is trying to do too much with too little time. Do it right and then release it.

Year 5 – Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (28 Episodes)
Similar to the selection process that led me to Fruits Basket, I picked up Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End on a whim. They released the first four episodes on the same day and I was intrigued enough by this to give it a go. By the end of the fourth episode, I had rearranged my schedule and had committed to follow this series to the end of time itself. This is possibly the best anime that I’ve ever seen. It did everything right and delivered on so many levels that each episode left you feeling uplifted and also somewhat apprehensive about the future. Everyone should watch Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. I can’t wait for the second season which is why I have already bought the manga and will be diving into that soon!

Final Thoughts!
Hooray for longer anime! So often shows get cut short or are abandoned after one season that it’s delightful when we do come across a show that is given the time it needs to develop. That said, I also enjoy being able to watch a season in a couple of days and then move on to the next one. It’s all about variety at the end of the day!
Since today is the first day of 2025, what better way to follow up this post than with my Favourite Science Fiction Anime of the last five years? Onwards to the future… Anyhow, thanks for visiting.
Other Posts in the Series
30 Days of Anime (Years 1 to 5)

Glad to see you enjoyed Grancrest Senki! Sure, it was compressed, but there was enough there to really enjoy. I mean, it has Siluca, Aishela, and Margaret. Poor Margaret…
Not to mention Queen Edokia… I would have liked it to have taken longer but it was nice to get a conclusion, especially as it actually showed a real relationship for most of the season which is quite rare in anime.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood blew me away when I first watched it. I’m glad you enjoyed watching it! It’s so different from the 2003 adaptation.
Thanks. It definitely lived up to its reputation. I’d love to see more series given that sort of treatment.
This reminds me that I should re-watch both FMA series! I’ve been busting to do a comparison for many years now – but it’d be a fair bit of work based on those episode counts 😀
It would be cool to see a real side by side of both series, but yeah, lots of work.
I get the same thought when I think about comparing the two ‘Blade of the Immortal’ releases – but at least they’re shorter 😀
I miss the days when anime seasons used to be long, and I mean like 50+ episode endeavours. For example, Yu-Gi-Oh shows would have 200 episodes by the time everything finished over the span of some 4 years or so. Or Digimon Adventure, 02, and Tamers with their 50-episode adventures. Now THAT’S consistency!! Feels tiring up to a tee having now 10 episodes per season and waiting 2-3 years just for the next batch…
For sure, although I also miss the days of the OVA/movie-style releases when they were able to put more budget into creating something that blew you away. More variety would be good. Give us some long ones, some regular ones, and some short ones.
It’s been a long while since I watched an anime series that long. When it came to my reviews, the only ones that topped the usual 26 episode range were the original Kimba the White Lion TV series at 52 episodes during my first year of reviewing and eventually Hikaru no Go at 76 episodes when I re-watched it during early lockdown in Covid times. It takes a lot of time and effort to review something with so many episodes.
It really does. Anything longer than twelve or thirteen episodes takes a lot more effort and time. It’s great when it’s worth it though and you end up with something large that you can look back on.
Of course. I feel the same when I review 12-13 episode series. When you watch a longer series that’s actually good, then it really feels worth it.
I’ve spent more than a year reviewing Fruits Basket and Fullmetal Alchemist. Feels like finishing a race when you get to the end. I remember with FMAB, I took a break every twelve episodes to watch something else before diving back in. Would have been too much to go non-stop, even as good as it was.