Favourite Supernatural Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 13

For the thirteenth day in my 30 Days of Anime challenge, I’ll be looking at my favourite supernatural anime from the last five years of the Otaku Author. My skin is crawling, just thinking about them!
Favourite Supernatural Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 13
I’m sure that I’ve mentioned before that I love horror stories. I can’t get enough zombies and monsters in my life. Another thing that I love when it comes to horror is creepy supernatural stuff. In fact, I love it when the creepy stuff finds its way into other genres too. I think that’s why it’s important to have a category for supernatural anime that exists outside of horror anime. Let’s see what I mean!
Year 1 – Tsugumomo (Season One)
Tsugumomo is a perfect example of this. It’s an ecchi comedy with harem elements, but it also leans very heavily into the supernatural. Sometimes, it’s more lighthearted and goofy but other times it can be absolutely chilling. I love this mix of genres because they seem to compliment one another so well. This is a massively underrated series that doesn’t get enough focus and is severely in need of a third season.

Year 2 – Otherside Picnic (Season One)
Otherside Picnic focuses much more on the creepy supernatural side of things, and it does it very, very well. I loved the way it weaved together urban legends and parallel worlds. The main duo of Sorawo and Toriko are great together and there’s some strong Yuri subtext, which if you read the light novels you’ll learn is not subtext at all. Anyhow, I loved this series and would love to see more.

Year 3 – Jujutsu Kaisen (Season One)
And with Jujutsu Kaisen, we have an action shounen mixed with the supernatural. When this series wants to get creepy it does it so well that you’ll think you’re watching a horror. There were so many dark moments that leave you staring at the screen, breathless. I loved that Jujutsu Kaisen embraced that side of things and didn’t soften it for the anime.

Year 4 – Mieruko-chan (Season One)
When it comes to horrifically creepy and creepily horrific you can’t go wrong with Mieruko-chan. There was some noise about the ecchi elements, which were so few and far between that they were barely noticeable, that seemed to upset some viewers. I can’t say it bothered me in the slightest. In fact, it’s a staple of the horror genre to make characters vulnerable. It adds to the tension. I’m starting to worry that some people just get horny at the slightest thing and assume that everyone acts the same way…. Anyhow, I loved this series and was left stunned on several occasions.

Year 5 – The Witch and the Beast (Season One)
I’ve gone with The Witch and the Beast for year 5 but I also want to drop a quick shout out to Mysterious Disappearances which was also excellent. Anyhow, I loved the world of The Witch and the Beast and got swept up by the characters and the mysteries surrounding them. There was some good action and even when it switched main characters for an arc, it didn’t lose my attention for even a second. This was a stunning series and one I’ll be looking to find more of, whether that’s another season of the anime or the manga. I will continue one way or another.

Final Thoughts!
I love that the supernatural genre embraces such a wide variety of stories that can be creepy, heartwarming, or both. There’s just so much potential that it’s definitely a genre that speaks to me as an author.
Well, I’ve almost reached the halfway point of the 30 Days of Anime. Next, I’ll be looking at my Favourite Romance Anime. I didn’t think that I would have enough shows for this category but apparently I was wrong! Find out more tomorrow. Thanks for visiting.
Other Posts in the Series
30 Days of Anime (Years 1 to 5)