Favourite Rewatched Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 29

30 Days of Anime Year 1 to 5 The Otaku Author Favourite Rewatched Anime

With so many new anime shows coming out every season, it gets harder and harder to justify rewatching an old series. So, you know that I must love the ones I do rewatch. Well, these are my favourites.

Favourite Rewatched Anime (30 Days of Anime – Years 1 to 5) – Day 29

Originally, I wasn’t planning on doing a Favourite Rewatched Anime post, but with Highschool of the Dead set to dominate year five by virtue of being my favourite anime series ever, I decided that it would be a good idea to split everything into shows that I rewatched and shows that I saw for the first time. Sometimes, I review a series and then decide to revisit it to do episode reviews. Other times, it’s a show that I watched a while back and never got around to reviewing. Basically, everything I rewatch is a series that I love and want to talk about more.

Year 1 – Cat Planet Cuties (Season One)

Cat Planet Cuties is a wonderfully bizarre mix of ecchi fun and hard science fiction. There are busty alien cat girls, cartoonish assist androids, and a surprising number of nods to classic science fiction. This series isn’t just about bouncy cat-girl boobs and tiny bikinis, it will make you think. I could watch this series over and over again, and luckily, I have the Blu-ray so that’s a distinct possibility. I also think it did an amazing job of making a harem actually work, while also dealing with the complexities that it would create. Eris, Manami, and Aoi were all fascinating characters. Kio was definitely punching above his weight category!

Year 2 – KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world! (Season One)

I was late to watch KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! but instantly fell in love with it. Surprisingly, I never got around to reviewing it, so when the movie became available, I decided to dive in and review every episode, OVA, and movie. I also have the manga which I will get to soon. On top of that, I’ve read several of the light novels too. I just can’t get enough of this bunch. My absolute favourite thing about KonoSuba, other than Darkness, is the way that everything that happens to them is a result of something they did previously. There are no accidents in KonoSuba and that brilliantly connects everything together. I think this series is far cleverer than it lets on.

Year 3 – Hundred (Season One)

When the web server that hosted the Otaku Author went down and stayed offline for more than two weeks, I turned to some comfort anime. When I was done trawling the internet trying to recover my work, I turned on Hundred and relaxed. This series gets a lot of hate, but I love it. The characters are fun, the relationships are interesting, and the world grabs you and holds on. This is one of my favourites and is a show that I know I can turn on when things are getting tough.

Year 4 – Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! (Season One)

Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! was released in the Summer of 2020. I decided to review Gibiate and Deca-Dence but had highlighted seven shows that I wanted to watch. After the season ended, and I’d been left disappointed by both shows I chose, I binged four of the remaining five shows and loved all of them. Uzaki-chan was one of those shows. So, when they released the second season, I decided to go back and rewatch and review each episode in preparation. Spoiler, I loved it again. Surprisingly, though, I actually didn’t have time to get to season two and still haven’t watched it. I need to correct that.

Year 5 – Highschool Of The Dead (Season One)

Literally no one saw this coming! Of course, Highschool of the Dead was my favourite rewatched show in Year Five. The real surprise is that it took me until the fifth year of the Otaku Author to get around to reviewing it. Admittedly, I had reviewed it on my old site and Ecchi Hunter before it went offline. I do still have all my old posts which include a number of character analysis posts and my reviews of the manga, which I will redo at some point soon. Basically, I love this series and watch it annually. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the fact that there will never be any more, but at least, I will always have this season.

Final Thoughts!

These are all shows that I’ve watched multiple times and will likely watch again at some point. As much as I love watching new shows, it’s nice to have a number of shows that you know will leave you in a good mood. There are several shows that I have only reviewed seasonally so I know that I’ll be back to visit a couple of them this year. I’m excited to rewatch them as some I haven’t seen in years.

So now there is just one post left in my 30 Days of Anime challenge. These posts ended up being a lot more work than I was planning, but I think it’s been a great way to reflect on the past five years. When I do this again next year, I’ll only need to do Year Six so that will be easier… unless, I get any other crazy ideas. Tomorrow, I’ll be revealing my favourite shows that I watched for the first time each year. See you then and thanks for visiting.

Other Posts in the Series

30 Days of Anime (Years 1 to 5)

1My First Anime
2Most Nostalgic Anime
3Most Emotional Anime
4Favourite Hot Springs Episode
5Favourite Action Anime
6Favourite Anime Villain
7Favourite Fantasy Anime
8Favourite Horror Anime
9Favourite Sports Anime
10Most Rewatched Anime
11Favourite Anime Couple
12Favourite Anime Protagonist
13Favourite Supernatural Anime
14Favourite Romance Anime
15Most Episodes of an Anime
16Favourite Science Fiction Anime
17Favourite Isekai Anime
18Favourite Drama Anime
19Most Shocking Anime Ending
20Favourite Ecchi Anime
21Favourite Mystery Anime
22Weirdest Anime
23Most Chilled Anime
24Favourite Comedy Anime
25Favourite Harem Anime
26Favourite Anime Fight
27Favourite Male Anime Character
28Favourite Female Anime Character
29Favourite Rewatched Anime
30Favourite New Anime

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    • It’s good to have a comfort show that you can always turn to when you need to reset your mood. There are a few I always turn to when in need.

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