Author Journey (November 8, 2021)

That’s the first week of November done and I have managed a grand total of zero words towards my NaNoWriMo project. It’s not the best start, but it’s not over until the large-chested lady in the corset starts singing…
November 8, 2021
So, my NaNoWriMo attempt took a hit last week, but my blogging certainly didn’t. I put together twelve posts. Three were the seasonal episodes, one was this post, and the others were secret projects for the future. Basically, one of these projects was getting quite good and as much as I wanted to step away and do some work on the fiction writing, I just had to see the series to the end. With that project out of the way, I have almost twenty-six weeks worth of future posts. All I need to do is write the seasonal episode reviews and then the rest of my time is all about fiction.
Seasonal Anime
- Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
- Takt Op. Destiny
- The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat
I reached a sad point for my seasonal anime choices this week. One series has got to the point that I would drop it if I wasn’t reviewing it. That series is Takt Op. Destiny. It’s not necessarily bad, but it really isn’t good either. Even the flashy animation can’t save these series from becoming a complete bore. Obviously, it’s fairly frustrating as I’ve got another seven weeks to cover. There is a chance that it will turn around which is one of the reasons I don’t usually drop much. Plus, if I’m going to review it fairly, I need to see all of it.
At least Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation and The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat are keeping my enthusiasm alive. Both of these series are fairly similar in some ways and vastly different in others, but I’m loving both of them. I’d say two out of three is still a pretty good result. Plus I have the historic shows that I’m covering to keep my mood up too.
Historic Anime
Haha! Of course, I’m looking at a two out of three situation here too with How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ω bringing this section down. Luckily, it was the final episode last week which means I just have the season review to do and then I can jump into something else! Jujutsu Kaisen continues its steady climb to the heights of wonder. The series has been brilliant so far, but it has had its ups and downs. However, from here, it’s all up! Up and up and Up!!!
I’ve struggled to get into the right mindset for writing and that’s been in large part down to the amount of enjoyment I was getting from a series I was covering for the future. There was no hurry to finish it other than I absolutely had to finish it. It’s great when you start something and cannot put it down, no matter what. Anyhow, that’s one excuse.
Sadly, I have several more. Things at home have been pretty busy. I have two kids under six, a puppy, a wife with a crazy demanding job, and not to mention a day job of my own that has just entered the busy reporting period… yeah! As much as these things impacted my time, it really was my decision to allow the series I was watching to take over. Also, I have no regrets.
So, it’s not been a perfect week, but I have had a lot of fun and hopefully, that will allow me to come into this week with a clear mind. I’ve also been listening to a few podcasts about independent publishing again and that’s sparked lots of ideas. The bottom line is I know what I need to do, I just need to do it, which is easier said than done…
Well, that didn’t quite go to plan… I finished the week with zero of my eleven-thousand six-hundred and sixty-nine-word target. Admittedly, I’m working on the paranormal rom-com that I started last year and I think I only need about thirty-thousand words to complete the book, so that’s really my goal for the month. Will I still try to hit fifty thousand for the month? Of course!
Last November, I fell behind and had it all to do in the final week. Even on the last day, I needed to have my best day of the month. I know that I can hit two-thousand words a day pretty consistently and now that I have very little in the way of pressure from my blogging schedule, I’m all set to hit it hard.
One year, I finished the full fifty-thousand-word target in twenty-one days. Including today, there are twenty-three days left. It’s all still to play for. This time, once I get the momentum going I’m not going to stop. In the end, every month can be another NaNoWriMo in one way or another.
Anyhow, I hope to have better news next Monday and will go out of my way to catch up. I might not claw back all those words straight away, but I’ve got time. As long as I can keep beating the daily target, I’ll be happy.
How is your NaNoWriMo project going? Hope you’re doing better than me. All right, I’ve got words to write. Gotta go. Thanks for reading and stay safe.