Gigant (Volume 2) – I Wanted to Be Ultra-Man!

When Chiho’s boyfriend doesn’t come back, Rei steps up and asks if he could be her boyfriend. Chiho isn’t sure about it. However, with all the strange things going on, she relents and they decide to date!
Gigant (Volume 2) – I Wanted to Be Ultra-Man!
What happened?
The Enjoy The End website has been noticed by the media, however, that doesn’t seem to be stopping the polls or the outcomes from mysteriously coming true. In one of the latest polls, a celebrity died. Rumour had it that he murdered someone, but should an online poll decide the outcome of someone’s life? Rei and Chiho have been spending more and more time together since Ryuji ran off. He decided that it was time for him to ask her out, which he did in the most awkward and backward way possible. She needs time to think about it. After all, she’s a porn star and he’s in high school.
They meet up the next day and Chiho tells him she wants to be friends. If they date, she’ll end up losing him and she doesn’t want that. However, Rei is distraught. He breaks down in the restaurant, blubbing like a baby until Chiho changes her mind and agrees to date him. The next day, he goes to her house in the evening where they shower together and then have sex. Things are moving pretty quickly, but it seems to work for both of them. Chiho is relieved to have someone who truly loves her and doesn’t treat her like a cash machine. She’s had enough of those sorts of people in her life already. Rei has been infatuated with her since her debut, so he’s over the moon.
As their relationship grows, things in the world get stranger and stranger. Then, Rei’s parents find out that he’s been lying about where he’s been going in the evenings. He reluctantly tells them that he has a girlfriend, but won’t reveal anything else. His father is surprisingly chill with it and does his best to stop Re’s mother from pushing too hard. Then, the next poll ends and it’s bad. The God of Destruction is going to attack Tokyo and reduce the population to under one million. Meanwhile, something similar is happening in New York. Rei and his family are caught in the danger zone and when Chiho finds out, she runs to help, growing her body until she’s able to stand toe to toe with the God of Destruction, all be it completely naked.

What did you think?
I’m absolutely loving this series so far. It’s completely nuts and the relationship between a porn star and a high school kid obviously has some problems. However, I think it’s oddly sweet given that they both seem to offer the other exactly what they need. That said, I lost a lot of respect for Rei when he wailed and cried in the restaurant until Chiho agreed to date him. I lost a little for her too because she relented. Anyhow, that aside, I did laugh at the scene where they were cuddling in bed and Chiho was larger than normal. It really is a dysfunctional relationship. Is she mothering him in this scene or is he living out some giantess fantasy? It could be both and it probably is.
I can’t say that I’m overly familiar with Hiroya Oku’s previous works, but I can’t help but see some similarities between this and Chainsaw Man. Obviously, Tatsuki Fujimoto came around after Hiroya, so it seems more likely that Tatsuki may have taken some inspiration from Hiroya’s work. The similarity for me is in the way the action is laid out within the panels, especially in the scenes heavy with dialogue. I’m enjoying both so it’s not a complaint, more of a recognition that these are two top-level mangakas. Anyhow, I pretty much died laughing at the end of this volume when Chiho tackled the God of Destruction. The commentary from the television broadcast was perfect.

Volume highlights

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Series Information
English Title | Gigant |
Japanese Title | Gigant |
Genres | Action, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Science Fiction |
Demographic | Seinen |