Mother of the Goddess’ Dormitory (Episode 8) – Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas
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Every year, Kiriya’s parents put on a Christmas party at the dojo for the kids. This year, however, they are going away, leaving Kiriya to do it on her own. Atena and Koushi volunteer to help.
Mother of the Goddess’ Dormitory (Episode 8) – Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas
Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas
Atena is keen to use her children’s studies and home economics classes to good use and Koushi is prepared to put in the same time and effort that he does as the dorm mother. Kiriya is eternally grateful and makes plans to go shopping with them both on their next day off. When that day comes, Koushi accidentally walked in on Atena in the bath. There was a bit of panic! Atena tried to run but ended up on Koushi. This time she couldn’t stop the nosebleed and was forced to stay home.
While shopping for presents and decorations, Kiriya struggled with how she felt about Koushi and how she wants him to see her. Maybe it was the season or the location, but everything was feeling a little magical. Kiriya suggested that she might put on a Santa beard and dress up, but Koushi recommended something more feminine and he knew just who to ask for help.

Frey had a lot of fun tormenting Kiriya and Koushi as she took their measurements and came up with a plan for the costumes. Then, on the day of the party, Koushi walked in on Atena in the bath again and she was once more forced to sit this one out. Luckily, Kiriya found Serene who was willing to help in exchange for some moon cookies. Once at the dojo, Koushi and Serene were convinced to join in by the kids. Kiriya showed them what to do, getting flustered and flooring Koushi, while Serene had a wardrobe malfunction.
With the class out of the way, it was time for the party. Koushi helped the kids decorate the room and offered some advice to one of the girls who was feeling left out. Then, just as everyone was starting to get excited Kiriya and Serene came in. The costumes caught Koushi by surprise and Kiriya’s little brother who quickly regretted his actions. Then, as Koushi was dressed as a reindeer, Serene wanted to ride on his back. However, she wasn’t wearing anything under her costume and things got pretty awkward. Later, Kiriya thanked Koushi for his help.

What did you think?
I’m pretty sure that Kiriya is my favourite of the girls so this was a special treat for me. I love her attitude and the way she flip-flops between extreme confidence and bashfulness. There’s something undeniably cute about her and it may be that she is also strong and dangerous. Anyhow, it was nice to see her get this much time and we got to explore her inner thoughts on Koushi. We also saw some of her insecurities and how she feels like she should dress in a certain way.
Koushi was his usual charming and helpful self. It’s almost impossible to believe that he’s supposed to be a twelve-year-old. I know I wasn’t this responsible at that age and I’ve always been fairly logical and levelheaded. Anyhow, you can always rely on Serene and Frey to keep things entertaining. Poor Atena got completely sidelined, but oddly had most of the fan service moments. There were some distinctly cute moments in this episode, which might surprise someone that hasn’t been watching the show.
Episode highlights
Costume Design!
Party Time!
Thanks, Koushi!
Other posts in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – Koushi Becomes a Dorm Mother / The Problem with Mineru and Frey
- Episode 2 – The Problem With Kiriya And Serene / Atena Awakens
- Episode 3 – Koushi, At A Loss / Koushi Goes Back To School
- Episode 4 – A Childhood Friend Visits the Dorm / Koushi Goes Undercover at a Women’s College
- Episode 5 – Serene The Shut-In / The Goddess Dormitory Goes On Vacation
- Episode 6 – Sutea Ponders About the Sea / Koushi Makes his Cosplay Debut
- Episode 7 – The School Festival at Seikan Women’s University
- Episode 8 – Kiriya Wishes Upon A Christmas
- Episode 9 – Sutea Reflects On The Kotatsu / Koushi Tackles Spring Cleaning
- Episode 10 – The Goddesses Of The Goddess Dormitory