Ao-chan Can’t Study! (Episode 11) – Ao-chan Can’t Wear Silky Panties

Ao Chan Can't Study Title

There’s a big exam coming up and Kijima is not prepared, so he asked Ao to help him study. They can do it at his house as his parents are away…

Ao-chan Can’t Study! (Episode 11) – Ao-chan Can’t Wear Silky Panties

What happened?

Kijima asks Ao to help him study for an upcoming exam. She initially refuses, knowing that the study date will obviously turn into sex… Then, Kijima tells her that his parents are out of town and they can study at his house. Ao’s mind starts to wander and before she knows it she’s agreed to help him study…

If she’s going to help him ‘study’, Ao will need to buy some nicer panties. She jumps online and orders a pair of silk panties. The next day, the delivery arrives and Ao throws her father aside to get there first. He instantly realized that there must be something sexy in the package and started to quiz her, offering to use his expertise to help her.

At the study date, Ao becomes increasingly frustrated that Kijima hasn’t made a move. Despite her best efforts to give him the signal, he still doesn’t pick up on her intentions. Then, out of nowhere, they decide to make a contest of it. Whoever gets the higher score in the test can make the other do whatever they want… Ao prepares to study, but then a crippling stomach ache interrupts her studies. She should have listened to her father after all…

Ao Chan Cant Study Episode 11 Ao Ordering Silk Panties

What did you think?

It was another fun episode that was helped by Ao’s dirty mind wandering and picturing all sorts of naughty behaviour. Unfortunately for her, she did such a good job of knocking back Kijima’s advances that he has now become a fine upstanding gentleman who will wait until the lady makes the first move. It’s always safer that way, but it’s frustrating the crap out of Ao and it’s hilarious to watch. This series has been a lot of fun and I’m a little sad that there’s only one more to go!

Episode highlights

The Proposal!

Silk Panties!

The Study Date!

The Dangers of Silk Panties!

Other posts in the series

What did you think?