Hundred (Episode 7) – The Captured Sleeping Beauty

Hundred Title

After some busy schedules, the team from Little Garden get the chance to unwind at the beach, but their rest and relaxation are soon interrupted by Claire’s older brother who is also the President of Warslan.

Hundred (Episode 7) – The Captured Sleeping Beauty

What happened?

Everyone settled in at the beach. Well, everyone but Emilia who is still pretending to be a boy and had to keep up appearances. This didn’t stop her and Sakura from butting heads as they competed for Hayato. Everything was going well. They were playing a supercharged version of beach volleyball. Hayato ran after a lofted ball and tumbled into Claire Harvey as she was getting up from her lounger. It was quite a mess, however, once the sand had settled, it got a lot messier… for Hayato anyhow!

There was no time for anyone to get upset as a helicopter swooped in and the President of Warslan, Judal Harvey stepped out. He greeted the off duty Slayers and asked Claire to fly back to Little Garden with him. Once everyone else was back, Claire called them in for a meeting and gave them a new assignment. Afterwards, Judal cornered Hayato and took him deep into the belly of Little Garden where he revealed some shocking secrets.

Hundred Episode 7 Judal Harvey shows Liza to Hayato Kisaragi

What did you think?

While there wasn’t a great deal of action in this episode, volleyball match and bizarre duel for Emilia’s honour, there was a lot of information. We found out that Little Garden is powered by a girl. Not just any girl, though. She is Claire’s sister and appears to be in some sort of comatose state. She is also the mind behind the AI that is all present about Little Garden. On top of all that, we learnt that Claire’s older brother, Judal is a bit of a dick. There’s no conclusive proof, but the writing is on the wall.

Other than that, we also learnt that Emilia is a princess from Gudenburg and has no intention of ever going back, despite the best efforts of her supposed best friend who challenged Hayato to a duel. Obviously, she lost and they could all get back to the mission at hand. Apparently, they are about to attack a swarm of Savages but are also expecting to see the rogue Slayers from Zwei Island.

Hundred Episode 7 Claudia Lowetti

What have you learnt?

One of the things that are always troubling me when I am attempting to learn from anime and translate that to writing is that I’m working with a harder medium. I can’t give characters bright hair and appearances in the same way that an anime can. Sure, I can write that they have these bold personas, but it’s not quite the same. So, I’ve been thinking a lot about how best to achieve that sort of depth that makes a character instantly recognisable.

I think I may have found the solution. The thing that really stands out in this series is the characters. They are interesting and not just because they look good. Not even because they look really, really good… It’s because they all have their own voice. They talk in their own way, have their own mannerisms, and have their own goals and desires. If you want the story to grip the readers, your characters need to have distinctions that can flow across the page. You should be able to read a line of dialogue and know who’s talking just from what is said. That’s the goal!

Hundred Episode 7 Hayato Kisaragi falling into Claire Harvey

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