Chained Soldier (Episode 8) – Promise, Nei, Remember

Tenka has told Kyouka that she wants Yuuki. She needs someone that will make her feel good at the end of the day. If Kyouka agrees, Tenka will support her run for Supreme Commander. Kyouka refuses. She’ll make Supreme Commander on her own!
Chained Soldier (Episode 8) – Promise, Nei, Remember
What happened?
Kyouka refused to allow Tenka to take Yuuki, however, she also admitted that she has no control over his personal time. Of course, when she told Yuuki all about what happened, he struggled to work out when he had time for personal time. It was probably for the best, even Himari could tell Tenka just wanted a pet! That night, after completing all his chores, Yuuki dived into bed where his thoughts were occupied with Tenka. Just having someone as beautiful as her showing an interest in him, made him happy. Then, Tenka appeared in his room.
She had used her ability to create holes in space to check in on him and tell her side of the story. Tenka said that she wanted him as a boyfriend and not a pet. She just called him that now because of how cute he was. Then, she jumped on top of him unable to control herself. After learning that his shirt was just an old one of no importance, she used her powers to rip it into another dimension. Then, she pinned him down and gave him three options – 1. “I accept your proposal.” 2. “I need time to mull it over.” 3. “I decline.” Yuuki chose option two. However, Shushu walked in asking him if he wanted to play video games and found Tenka lying on top of him!

Kyouka told Tenka off for sneaking into their dorm and harassing her team. Then, she sent Tenka home and told Yuuki to be up early for training. The next morning, they all met in the training yard where Kyouka was planning on loaning Yuuki to Nei and Shushu to see what abilities it might unlock. Nei went first. Yuuki transformed into a different form. It was slower and not as powerful, however, his senses had improved astronomically. He even had the ability to see through things… including clothes.
Once Nei had finished her trial, it was Shushu’s turn and she was excited to find out what they could do, and hopefully have to hand out a suitable reward once they were done. This time, Yuuki’s transformed into a slower but incredibly powerful version. Sadly, it was unlikely that they would need to use that form. Shushu wanted to see if they used Paradigm Shift together, but when they tried, she merely squashed him under her giant bum! Once training was done, Yuuki walked Nei to school so that he could learn more about her. He discovered that her parents were lost in a Mato Mishap.

What did you think?
Seeing Yuuki squirm under Tenka’s advances was quite funny, but also a little concerning given that she constantly calls him little slave. I’m not sure her intentions are entirely good. Could Tenka become one of the villains in time? Who knows! It’s certainly a possibility. It was interesting to see Kyouka get jealous and then stamp her authority on Yuuki, demanding that he stop entertaining Tenka’s advances. So, yes, it was funny and may have shown us something to look forward to in the future, however, I can’t help but wonder if the story is going to progress beyond Yuuki and the girls of the Demon Defense Force.
By now, I feel like we should be in the thick of the story rather than still doing introductions and learning about their moves and abilities. Finding out about Yuuki’s other forms would have been far more interesting had it occurred in a situation where they were forced into it rather than just training. It’s still fun, but it’s taking too long to get going. There are only four more episodes and I’d like to see some real action. Something that pushes them to the extreme. I like this series and want it to succeed and to do that I think this season is going to need to end with a bang.

Episode highlights

Other posts in the series
- Manga
- Anime
- Season One
- Episode 1 – Birth, Yuuki, Awakening
- Episode 2 – Curiosity, Shushu, Undress
- Episode 3 – Encounter, Kyouka, Rampage
- Episode 4 – Whirlwind, Himari, Roar
- Episode 5 – Sisters, Yachiho, Ridicule
- Episode 6 – Blitz, Sahara, Twinkle
- Episode 7 – United Front, Tenka, Soar
- Episode 8 – Promise, Nei, Remember
- Episode 9 – Reunion, Coco, Lick
- Episode 10 – War, Naon, Recite
- Episode 11 – Death Match, Aoba, Excite
- Episode 12 – Homecoming, New, Resolve
- Season One
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