Kandagawa Jet Girls (Episode 13) – Tokyo Girls Promotion

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Kandagawa Jet Girls Title 2

Kaguya Shishuuin has called the other teams together to put together a promotional video for jet racing. After a couple of misses, Yuzu and Manatsu take the reigns. This should be interesting!

Kandagawa Jet Girls (Episode 13) – Tokyo Girls Promotion

What happened?

Kaguya’s promotional video for jet racing was basically her and Manpuku training to the extreme. Only Misa thought that it was any good… The board had also rejected it and asked for another submission. That’s why Kaguya had called them all together. Hell’s Kitchen are the first to offer to make a new video and while it starts out promising, it quickly devolves into Dina and Ziyu trying on outfits and lounging around.

After that Yuzu and Manatsu offer to take over the project and are determined to involve everyone. They start with a bit of racing and then have Jennifer and Emily wash their jet ski. Misa and Rin are also convinced to do the same, but they lack the freedom of Jennifer and Emily.

They try some traditional Japanese things with Fuuka and Inori, but that descends into a lot of tickling and Fuuka loses herself to her rage. Then, Jennifer and Emily put together an action sequence where Kaguya is the evil empress and they all run around in “ninja” costumes! Finally, Yuzu and Manatsu get the girls together in white shirts and blast them with water guns.

It’s all done, except for the editing when Yuzu discovers that the submission must be done by noon the next day and hand-delivered. They work all night and then take their jet ski to get there in time. After all that, the promotional video is rejected and a child-friendly version is put together.

Kandagawa Jet Girls Episode 13 Yuzu Midorikawa and Manatsu Shiraishi take over

What did you think?

So, it was nice to be back with the girls, however, this OVA didn’t feel much like an OVA. The main series had more ecchi moments and better fan service. This episode also lacked anything remotely exciting. It would have been far more interesting to have them hang out at the beach for the day or actually have some sort of crazy race.

After how much I enjoyed the series, I came into the OVA expecting big things and this has failed to live up to any of my expectations. There was literally nothing in the OVA that wasn’t done better in the series. This is only for those that feel like they need to watch it to complete the series. If that’s not you, give it a miss.

Episode highlights


Hell’s Kitchen Promo Video!

Washing the Jet Ski!



Wet Shirts!

What did you think?