Seven Mortal Sins (Episode 3) – Beach of Lust
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Lucifer, Leviathan, and Maria arrive in Miami where people are acting strange. As expected, it’s Asmodeus and she’s collecting followers to give her power through lust. Looks like they’ll have to beat her at her own game!
Seven Mortal Sins (Episode 3) – Beach of Lust
What happened?
So, Lucifer transferred some of her angel blood to Maria when they met on her way to Hell. That means she has pure angel blood running through her veins and that she also has psychic boobs. Well, why the hell not! With her powers, they are able to find the Sins and the first one they’ve tracked down is Asmodeus who is increasing her power and followers by encouraging lust.
They attempt to defeat her with their own bikinis, but Asmodeus is a master at this. Lucifer retreats and waits for another chance. Luckily, they don’t have to wait long as Asmodeus is working a strip joint that night and the souls are flowing her way. Leviathan is determined to prove her worth to Lucifer and attempts to defeat Asmodeus at pole dancing. It’s embarrassing for Leviathan who ends up bewitched by Asmodeus. They retreat again and this time, Lucifer sets a trap using Maria as bait. Once, Asmodeus springs the trap, Lucifer swoops in to take Maria back, but it won’t be that easy!

What did you think?
As soon as I saw the title of this episode, I knew we were going to be in for a good one. It’s a beach episode so that means bikinis and water. Also, there’s a lot of lust. The strangest thing was the way that Lucifer kept retreating. The second time, she just walked out of the strip club with Maria carrying Leviathan, and Asmodeus just watched them go.
Once more, Lucifer stole the show, which is technically hers anyhow, but whatever. This time, she out lusted the Demon Lord of lust and delivered a pretty incredible message at the same time. The best thing about this is that Lucifer is a fallen angel so she’s seen everything from both sides. When she told Asmodeus that she didn’t believe that lust was even a sin, I almost applauded. It really took the wind out of Asmodeus and forced her to submit as soon as she’d stopped lusting over Lucifer. That’s one down. Bring on the other Sins!

Episode highlights
Psychic Boobs!

Beach of Lust!

Lucifer has a Plan!

Pole Dancing!

The Trap!

Caught in her own Trap!

Leviathan wants to Play!

Other posts in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – The Proud Fallen Angel
- Episode 2 – Driven Wild by Envy
- Episode 3 – Beach of Lust
- Episode 4 – The Town of Fog Where Greed Brews
- Episode 5 – The Languid Diva
- Episode 6 – Sloth Online
- Episode 7 – Guiltless Gluttony
- Episode 8 – Unleashed Wrath
- Episode 9 – Ye Abandon All Hope
- Episode 10 – Love Your Enemies and Pray for Those Who Persecute You
- Episode 11 – Ask, and It Shall Be Given to You
- Episode 12 – God’s In His Heaven, All’s Right With the World