Seven Mortal Sins (Episode 8) – Unleashed Wrath

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Seven Mortal Sins Title

Satan is furious that Lucifer has captured Beelzebub and goes to finish it once and for all. However, Leviathan isn’t going to let that happen. Who will win the ultimate Demon Lord showdown?

Seven Mortal Sins (Episode 8) – Unleashed Wrath

What happened?

Belial is obviously getting worried about Lucifer and decides to send Satan, the Demon Lord of wrath to take care of her by telling her that Lucifer subjugated Beelzebub. Satan is furious and rushes to face Lucifer. However, Leviathan steps in and challenges Satan, unwilling to let her go after Lucifer. Satan frees Beelzebub who flies back to Lucifer. She doesn’t understand but feels a little jealous. Leviathan takes the fight to the middle of the ocean, but she’s still not strong enough to defeat Satan.

Lucifer heads into battle against Satan and finds herself up against a fleet of battleships and aircraft carriers. Satan has called on all of her followers. Leviathan manages to briefly return to the fight and it’s enough to give Lucifer the edge for a moment, which she uses to take Satan to the Moon where they can fight in peace. Who will win this epic showdown?

Seven Mortal Sins Episode 8 Satan arrives

What did you think?

This was more like what I was expecting when I started this series. We got to see Satan and Belial in Hell dealing with souls before Satan lost control and went to attack Lucifer. The battles were great and continually got bigger and better. By the end, they were fighting on the Moon which was insane. It looked spectacular as well as being a lot of fun.

There’s not a great deal else to say about this one. Epic fight, epic location. It flew by and now we’ve got to see what Belial is hoping she can do with Maria. I still think there’s something else going on that we haven’t yet touched on. For example, we still don’t know why Lucifer was cast out of heaven and how that will impact everything. She seems to think it will based on her comment to Beelzebub in the last episode about not needing her throne. Just what is going on?

Seven Mortal Sins Episode 8 Lucifer and Beelzebub watch Leviathan lose

Episode highlights

Belial riles up Satan!

Satan Attacks!

Lucifer steps in!

Leviathan Returns!

Belail tempts Maria!

Lucifer versus Satan!

Lucifer versus Satan on the Moon!

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