Tower of God (Episode 12) – Underwater Hunt (Part Two)

Anaak and Endorsi are left in a precarious position with Lo Po Bia, while Bam and Rachel wait to see if the others have been successful in stopping the Barnacle Goblins. Either way, it’s going to be intense!
What happened?
Lo Po Bia gave Endorsi the chance to finish Anaak herself, but instead, she chose to fight alongside her. This infuriated Lo Po Bia and gave him no choice but to take care of things himself. It looked like he was about to do it too until Yuri entered the scene. She quickly put Lo Po Bia in his place, but that just seemed to excite him. So much so that he unleashed a massive attack on her. Yuri pretty much shrugged it off and put him on the ground. Meanwhile, her assistants met with the Director and gave the news to Yuri of his involvement. She stepped back and allowed her men to take care of Lo Po Bia. As he lay on the ground dying, he revealed that he had sent the Bull after Bam.
Khun had pretty much taken care of the Barnacle Goblins by this point having used the underground tunnels to lead the pigs to the Wetworms and let them all fight among each other. He stepped out for a moment as he had something else to deal with. Another member of the Khun family offered to take him to the Princess, claiming that he was just looking to cause trouble as he was an outcast too.
Bam and Rachel approached the mouth of the Net Dolphin Queen when they were attacked by the Bull. It closed in as Bam prepared a Shinso attack and swallowed him whole. Of course, Bam had used this tactic before against the Steel Eel and destroyed the Bull from within. He made his way back to the Shinso bubble and prepared to win the challenge. Rachel, however, climbed out of her wheel chair and pushed Bam out of the bubble…

What did you think?
What is Rachel’s deal? She is just completely untrustworthy and I’m hoping this is the last time Bam needs to see it before walking away from her. That said, it was one hell of an episode. I was so happy to see Yuri finally catch up with everyone. She is incredible and it was insane seeing her showing off her powers. I’m loving this series so much, however, I do have one small criticism of this episode and that was the Rachel betrayal. I’m completely fine with her doing it and it makes sense given what we’ve seen of her already. The problem I have here is that there could have been a clue as to her faking the injury. It doesn’t have to be massively obvious, but there was no hint that she was faking to this point, with her demeanour being the only possible clue.

What have you learnt?
So, I mentioned that I was fine with Rachel betraying Bam and that’s because it all makes sense with her character. I hate it when characters that have shown they can’t be trusted suddenly become the most reliable and honest people. You see it a lot in shounen stories where the villain often ends up becoming an ally. It’s fine to do that from time to time, but it gets a bit boring if everyone just keeps switching sides. That’s what made this so refreshing. Rachel has constantly left Bam behind and it wouldn’t have taken that much to get her to do it again. In my opinion, it’s best if characters remain true to who they are.

Other reviews in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – Ball
- Episode 2 – Three Four-Hundredths
- Episode 3 – The Correct Door
- Episode 4 – The Green April
- Episode 5 – The Crown’s Fate
- Episode 6 – Position Selection
- Episode 7 – Lunch and Tag
- Episode 8 – Khun’s Strategy
- Episode 9 – The One-Horned Ogre
- Episode 10 – Beyond the Sadness
- Episode 11 – Underwater Hunt (Part One)
- Episode 12 – Underwater Hunt (Part Two)
- Episode 13 – Tower of God
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“The problem I have here is that there could have been a clue as to her faking the injury. It doesn’t have to be massively obvious, but there was no hint that she was faking to this point, with her demeanour being the only possible clue.”
If I had to come up with a criticism of this episode, this would be it.
The foreshadowing was there that _something_ was up. I agree with you — that was fine!
But standing up, out of nowhere? When the doctors seem to think she was paralyzed? If that was a lie, I would have preferred a hint.
Still. Yuri. Everything else kind of faded into the background!
I’ve been patiently waiting for Yuri’s return and was not disappointed. Hopefully, she’ll be more involved in the next season.