Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious (Saturday Spin-off) – Valkyrie

Cautious Hero Saturday Spin-off Valkyrie Title

We’ve seen how Seiya and Ristarte would save a world from a Demon Lord, but how would Valkyrie do it and what kind of hero would she summon?

What’s going on?

I’m back to pitch another fictional spin-off series. This is where I revisit an anime series that I’ve reviewed to find some story inspiration. I take something that I enjoyed from it and use that to make something new. It’s kind of like recycling… It’s also one of the ways I like to generate new story ideas and also show how you can turn anything into a story. This week, I’ll be looking at Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious and seeing what I can come up with. It was one of my favourite shows in 2019… Hopefully, I can live up to that.

Cautious Hero Saturday Spin-off Valkyrie Surprised

What’s the pitch?

Ristarte is off saving Ixphoria with Seiya, but another Demon Lord has appeared and is trying to take over a SSS Danger Class planet. The gods all gather around to see who has been selected to save it, each nervously awaiting their fate. Finally, Valkyrie is selected. She shrugs and walks off ready to go to war without much thought. Ariadora races after her, managing to stop her from going off without summoning a hero. Valkyrie doesn’t need a hero!

Nonetheless, rules are rules, so Valkyrie picks the first piece of paper off the pile and summons the hero. When the smoke clears, a small figure steps forward and nervously blinks through a set of thick-rimmed glasses. He takes one look at Valkyrie and his nose erupts with a torrent of blood. Valkyrie shakes her head and pulls the unconscious “hero” off the ground, slinging him over her shoulder as she opens a portal to the world. She blows a kiss to Ariadora and then vanishes.

Cautious Hero Saturday Spin-off Valkyrie Smirk

Where did the inspiration come from?

Basically, this is all Valkyrie. The moment she appeared in the series, I knew that we needed more Valkyrie. Sure, we got to see a little more of her when she defeated the Reaper and agreed to train Seiya, but that just wasn’t enough. Then, if we throw in a hopeless otaku who can barely look at her without getting a nosebleed, we should have more than enough to keep this series going, especially on a SSS Danger Class world where everything is trying to kill them. Finally, we’ll get to see Valkyrie let lose and it will be glorious.

Cautious Hero Saturday Spin-off Valkyrie Fight

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    • I’ve already sent the studio a check along with the outline. Think this would be a fun one to write as a fanfiction one day. I also had the idea to give the hero a gender nuetral name so that Valkyrie was trying to summon herself a pretty young girl and got stuck with an otaku who can barely talk to girls.

    • I’ve already sent the studio a cheque along with the outline. Think this would be a fun one to write as a fanfiction one day. I also had the idea to give the hero a gender nuetral name so that Valkyrie was trying to summon herself a pretty young girl and got stuck with an otaku who can barely talk to girls.

What did you think?