Free Life Fantasy Online: Immortal Princess (Volume 6) – Food Brings Smiles!

Free Life Fantasy Online Immortal Princess Volume 6 Cover

The tournament will feature two categories – solo combat and party combat. Rina has entered both and has high hopes of winning. However, she’s surprised to discover that Anastasia isn’t entering and is instead setting up a stall!

Free Life Fantasy Online: Immortal Princess (Volume 6) – Food Brings Smiles!

What happened?

The players were greeted at the tournament location by two developers who posed as angels. They explained how it would work and then left as the structures emerged from the ground. Anastasia set up her stall and began to prepare her food. She had plenty of things to offer and was quick to build up a good amount of stock. As soon as word of her status buffing hot dogs got out, a huge lineup appeared at her stall and didn’t go down until she had completely sold out. Anastasia was having a lot of fun and didn’t get to see any of the fighting, which was a shame as she knew all of the players to reach the final eight. She even missed the final in which Rina lost to Cecil.

Rina was gutted, but even more so that Anastasia missed the entire thing because she was making food. Luckily, Rina’s party had reached the final of the party tournament. Anastasia promised to watch it but then got caught up making a new dish for them to have to celebrate. Rina’s party ended up winding the tournament thanks to some fancy moves from Rina. Afterwards, they celebrated with Anastasia’s cooking. Then, there was an announcement from the angels. They thanked everyone for coming and then it was revealed that the server was handling everything well so they would be adding another ten thousand players. There would be plenty of updates in the lead-up to that moment, so everyone should prepare. Also, the next tournament would be designed for producers and not combatants.

Anastasia decided that she would do some research and prepare her skills for that moment. So, she found the library and paid it a visit along with her trusty AI. There, she found several books and began to read, learning about the history of the world. Each book increased several of her skills. Armed with this new knowledge, Anastasia decided to buy an alchemist kit. She tried it out and very quickly got the hang of things, even creating the ingredients she would need to make glass. Still, it was time to call it a day.

After logging out, she discussed the game with Rina over dinner and revealed that she learned new skills from reading books. Rina wanted to learn more but didn’t want to read, so Anastasia offered to read them to her to see if she could learn that way. Since she was doing that, she invited several more of her friends and read to them all. They all learned new skills, except Rina who fell asleep and then made Anastasia read to her again.

What did you think?

So, I was a little disappointed that Anastasia didn’t somehow end up taking part in the tournament and winning it, as she probably would have, but this was still a very enjoyable volume. I love the way Anastasia’s curiosity keeps giving her more and more chances to improve her skills and grow as a player. She has got to be one of the strongest players in the game at the moment and it’s clear that everyone knows about her. I also love how open and giving she is with her knowledge. Even putting on an event where she read to others so that they could all increase their skills showed just how caring she is as she asked for nothing in return. I’m sure, she’ll benefit from this one way or another, but it just shows you what sort of a person she is.

I’d also forgotten how cute she is outside of the game. We’ve spent so much time with Anastasia that you almost forget that she is Kotone, a university student. I loved that they were watching an interview with the operations director for Free Life Fantasy Online on the TV and saw footage from the tournament that included Rina and Anastasia. The prospect of more players joining and the likelihood of the world expanding to fit them in makes for some exciting developments in the near future. The more volumes I read, the more I enjoy this series. It’s crazy to think that I picked up the first two volumes impulsively at the bookstore because I liked the covers. This series is pure fun and I’ve loved every second of it.

Free Life Fantasy Online Immortal Princess Volume 6 Kotone in the real world

Volume highlights

Series Information

English TitleFree Life Fantasy Online: Immortal Princess
Japanese TitleImmortal Princess, Hajimemashita: Free Life Fantasy Online
GenresAction, Adventure, EcchiFantasy, Game


AuthorAkisuzu Nenohi
ArtistAo Sonohara
1Second Life After Death1-4.5
2Let Me Be Your Ruler5-8
3An Army Marches on Its Stomach!9-12
4The Other Day I Met a Bear!13-16
5The Magic of Punching!17-20
6Food Brings Smiles!21-24
7New Skeleton Friends!25-28
8Off to the Mining Town!29-32

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