Tsugumomo (OVA) – Chotto H-na

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Tsugumomo Title

Kazuya explains what it’s like living with Kiriha, and Kukiru, and Kokuyou. Sure it’s not always easy, but sometimes it’s actually pretty good. Poor Kazuya!

Tsugumomo (OVA) – Chotto H-na

What happened?

Kazuya wakes to find Kiriha asleep naked and that’s a pretty common occurrence. She doesn’t wake well, so he has to dress her and get her ready for school, although that could easily be a ploy to make him do all the work. She did call him her servant back in episode one. At school, she’s a little more put together, but everything changes when it’s time for Kiriha’s bath. She does not like to bathe alone so Kazuya is required to wash and dry her. Of course, she can get a bit handsy from time to time.

Then, Kazuya reminds us that Kukuri and Kokuyou also live there. Must be hard living with a goddess and her priestess, especially when they all decide to go to the bathhouse. It’s probably the only time Kazuya gets to be alone. That doesn’t stop any of the shenanigans though. Luckily, Chisato was there too and whipped Kukuri and Kiriha into line. There’s never a dull moment in Kazuya’s life.

Tsugumomo OVA Kazuya and Kiriha

What did you think?

Given that this series has had more bath scenes than any series I’ve seen, it makes sense that the OVA included a few of its own. Of course, it’s also worth noting that the OVA is completely uncensored. That’s right, we finally get to see Kokuyou in all her glory. Are we sure that Kukuri is the goddess? Anyhow, this OVA is a lot of fun. It’s split into a number of scenes that work independently from one another so there’s something for everyone.

The first bath scene was probably the most intense whereas the others were more for laughs. If you enjoy the series and want to see “more” of the main characters then you will love this. It’s funny, lewd, and entertaining. If you’ve seen the second season, there will be moments that will hit you pretty hard. If nothing else, you’ll be channelling love and energy into inanimated objects in the hopes of creating a Tsukumogami of your own… I know I am!

Episode highlights

My Dear Tsukumogami!


At the Bathhouse!


My Dear Master!


Kokuyou’s Gratitude!


Ring my Bell!

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