Dirty Pair (Episode 25) – Eek! The Boy in the Manor is a Terminator

Yuri is on a date so Kei takes a mission without her. She’s partnered up with Calico who has zero field experience, but they’re just going to arrest an elderly couple wanted for making counterfeit money. Should be easy, right?
Dirty Pair (Episode 25) – Eek! The Boy in the Manor is a Terminator
What happened?
Counterfeit money has flooded the economy and already brought down one bank. The 3WA has assigned the Lovely Angels to arrest the man responsible. He’s a retired engineer who lives on a remote island. However, Yuri is on a date so Kei decides to go alone. Gooley isn’t going to let her do that so he sends Calico to assist. He got good grades out of training school but has been confined to an office job since then.
They arrive on the island and announce their intentions once they were greeted by a mechanical dragon that told them to go away. Calico blew it up with a bazooka! After a bit of fighting with the various mecha that had been deployed to keep people away, they were both knocked out by a small mecha that delivered a powerful stun. Kei woke up strapped to a table and was told by the couple what had happened. If they had just gone it would have all been over and they could have disappeared into the night. After all, they were only trying to get the bank back that was responsible for their son’s death.
Luckily, Yuri finished her date and came to assist. She entered the house and was startled by a person that looked like their deceased son. She accidentally shot him, but he didn’t go down. He kept moving toward her no matter how many times she shot at him. He was a machine built to look like their son and his programming had gone berserk. The noise set off the laser aimed at the table Kei was strapped to. Yuri made it there just in time to stop it from cutting Kei in two. They defeated the mecha and then allowed the old couple to remain free, much to Calico’s annoyance.

What did you think?
So this episode never aired as the series was cancelled with two episodes to go. Seems like an odd decision, but they then released the two extra episodes along with the DVD… or was it VHS? Who knows, it was a while back. Anyhow, that was a crime because this episode was actually really good. It was fun to see Kei partner with someone else, especially as it showed how perfect Kei and Yuri are together. I must admit the tension peaked when Kei was strapped to the table and the laser was getting rather close to her short shorts.
I had to laugh when Yuri pointed out that she would have been dead had she been a man. I laughed and then a shiver ran down my spine just thinking about it. Two dick jokes in two episodes… Are we sure that’s not why it got cancelled? I feel like this one would have got some attention for the Terminator-like mecha that attacked them.

What have you learnt?
While this was a good episode, I actually think the previous one was a good one to end the season. Of course, there’s one more so that could be even better. I guess that’s the nature of a show like this. Very few episodes would have suffered had they been aired in a different order. I think other than the first episode being first and the two-parter needing to follow each other it really wouldn’t have mattered.
On one hand, that feels like a problem as it meant that there isn’t a thread that pulls you through the episodes. On the other hand, it means that you could watch an episode all on its own and not feel like you are missing something bigger. With a book series, this is a very appealing prospect. If you need to read book one and then work through it in order, it can put people off, especially if it’s a long series. However, if you could pick up any book in the series then that gives you the opportunity to advertise all of them. Otherwise, it’s all about book one and then you’re reliant on the reader moving on to the next book.

Other posts in the series
- Season One
- Episode 1 – How to Kill a Computer
- Episode 2 – Do Lovely Angels Prefer Chest Hair?
- Episode 3 – Go Ahead, Fall in Love! Love Is Russian Roulette
- Episode 4 – The Case Smells Like Cheesecake and Death
- Episode 5 – Criados’ Heartbeat!
- Episode 6 – Lots of Danger, Lots of Decoys
- Episode 7 – Love is Everything. Risk Your Life to Elope!!
- Episode 8 – Gotta Do It! Love Is What Makes a Woman Explode
- Episode 9 – Hire Us! Beautiful Bodyguards are a Better Deal
- Episode 10 – What? We’re Heinous Kidnappers!
- Episode 11 – Hah Hah Hah, Dresses and Men Should Always Be Brand New
- Episode 12 – The Little Dictator! Let Sleeping Top Secrets Lie
- Episode 13 – What’s This?! My Supple Skin is a Mess
- Episode 14 – The Vault or the Vote? A Murderous Day for a Speech
- Episode 15 – Dig Here, Meow Meow. Happiness Comes at the End
- Episode 16 – Leave It To Us! The WWWA is a Wonderful Job
- Episode 17 – Come Out, Come Out, Assassin
- Episode 18 – Pardon Us. Trouble’s On the Run, So We’re Coming Through!
- Episode 19 – An Unjustified Lover’s Grudge. Let Me Love You Without Revenge
- Episode 20 – Nostalgic Blues Make a Killer Soundtrack
- Episode 21 – No Way! 463 People Disappeared?!
- Episode 22 – We Did It! 463 People Found!
- Episode 23 – Something’s Amiss…?! Our Elegant Revenge
- Episode 24 – Are You Serious?! A Condo is a Dangerous Place to Live
- Episode 25 – Eek! The Boy in the Manor is a Terminator
- Episode 26 – R-Really?! For Beautiful Women, “Cannon” is the Keyword to Escape
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